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Uploading large games (FAQ) Sticky

A topic by Amos created Nov 06, 2016 Views: 12,578 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 9
(3 edits) (+7)

Attempting to use butler? Please check out the guide here:

Q: Why is web upload limited to 500MB (or 2GB on demand) whereas butler will let you upload a 32GB game?

There's a technical side to it: our web uploader will only accept files as large as 2GB (which is what we can lift your upload limit to) — whereas butler is a more advanced uploader and has no such technical limits.

The other reason is simply that downloading large games from a browser isn't the best user experience — especially updating them. When you upload with butler, there's a bunch of things happening on our servers:

  • First of all, it compresses while uploading, which means you have less to upload
  • Second, it computes the difference since the last build, and uploads only that — which again, means you have less to upload
  • The differences you uploaded (the patch) is then processed so it gets even smaller for folks using to update
  • It's also used to make a new .zip archive of the latest version, to support players who still want to use only the website
  • And finally it's also chopped up into blocks, which in a future version of the app will allow players to repair their game installation if it was corrupted, and make the install process for large games smoother & faster

how do i install butler and use it


I know I'm late...but this guy can tell you everything you need


Please check out our guide here:

nvm how do i upload using butler?

Pretty late, but check the documentation.

Fixed it thx

what to do if a game download is split in to two because of the limit  

(2 edits)
  cmd/cli update html 5 Unity3d project webgl

Todo: add unity addressable
load a bundle form diff folder

unity3d webgl loads form html/
bundle unity3d adressable project

In theory use Unity3D Addressables, i have used butler that creates a zip of the project Html 5 WebGL Unity3d game in win10+ and the documentation how to do it as info inside butler 5,  but not loading level bundle assets from other itch project folder - that could do someone a working sample?


Thank you for your work, Amos! As I'm not comfortable with command lines, I'm really looking forward to the new butler drag&drop interface. Hope it comes soon. Stay safe!


If only I knew about this sooner, it'd save me 15 minutes of my life
