This is odd since on any other client it works fine.
And for 2009L it pops up with this and then that's followed by the "Failed to create empty document" message.
Anybody know what I should do?
A multi-version ROBLOX client launcher built to allow the user to run LAN and Internet servers. · By
For first error you mentioned, it could mean the map file is unreadable. If you are running with a Sandbox Tool, PLEASE turn it off and avoid running it through one, as it can frick with how it finds it's files. For your 2009L Error, It might mean it doesn't like the graphics card driver version you have. Try checking for updates. Of course, this is for windows. I have no idea about running through wine (Applies to built in emulators, or third party emulators like wine. sorry linux/mac fanboys, i dont know this one either, I'm mostly windows.). If you continue to recieve the Failed to Create Document File, and You tried everything, check the map to see if it runs in studio by manually opening it (opening the studio/server exe should work, then click open and go to the map and click open again), or If it's a built in map that does it, reinstall entirely. If you ever get this error with any external files, make sure to double check if all the files are there, compare file sizes to your download, and Reinstall if that doesn't work either.
1. A Sandbox Tool, like Sandboxie or Avast's Sandbox/CyberCapture, could screw with the path directories and what it can access, leading into the client being unable to access the file, spitting out the 'Unable to Create Empty Document File.' When it doesn't, or it manages to reach the file and do it's work, a Sandboxing tool is basically a program that runs other programs under it's own, making it appear as if the program you ran was on a seperate device, simular to how a Virtual machine would, saving the files it leaves on a seperate folder on your computer.
2. Character Appearance URL is useless on the default clients as it does nothing, but basically you put your charapp link there and for clients that require charapps such as Novetus+ Clients (in #game-servers on the discord) will load that as it does. I cannot teach you how to make a charapp or how they work, because apparently a few admins think it's a funny idea to not find a temporary solution and just keep charapp guides and stuff a secret, but try and find a tutorial, and PLEASE for the love of god if you do find one, do NOT add any gears if you're planning to join other's servers.
I am also getting this same error. It's never done this before, and even after going back to ver 1.1 it still puts out the same error message. I never did anything to my installation and yet this happens. :p
Another thing is that some clients work, while others don't. The only one I'm able to get working is 2009E, while every other one just errors on both the graphics and the map. I can however go into each one's Tools > Settings, close out, and then restart the client to make them work again, however starting them after that will just result in the same error message.