Currently, none of my tilesheets are compatible, because they are too big...
Please add this feature
The 16 x 16 tiles limit is bind to the way TileMap are compressed and saved.
But it is possible to use the sprite function with a tile index greater than 255. This meaning you can use tilesheet that have more than 16 tile in height.
But in general, I would recommend to create another tilesheet if more than 256 tiles are needed. The tilesheet of a tileMap can be changed by dragging the image from the assets panel, to the tilesheet panel.
Tilesheets can also be switched at execution time with:
@Cedric Stoquer
So if i want to have a sprite bigger than the 16*16 ill just make it higher with still 16 in tiles in width. so far so good, but am i able to use multiple different sprite on a single stage? Or is it only possible to have 1 spritesheet as source to draw on the current stage? (Based on the idea to split map/character sprites, so i just load the current map sprite instead of a giant map sprite. This way i would need a second sprite for character/items or put those character items in each of the map sprites).
You can use as many tilesheet as you need. The only limitation is that a tilemap can only use one tilesheet at a time (but can be swapped at execution time).
API are as follow:
Texture.setTilesheet(image); // set the tilesheet for this texture only. set image to null to unlink the tilsheet and use the default one. Texture.setGlobalTilesheet(image); // set the default texture globally // Note: the main screen is a Texture accessible with the global $screen variable
TileMap.setTilesheet(image); // swap the tilesheet for this tilemap
Note2: images can be another texture. So it is possible to procedurally generate and use tilesheets.