Just to report that the scene view is black when using SnapshotRP in Quality -> Rendering.
Cheers ;) !
A collection of 35 image effects for Unity URP, HDRP, and Built-in · By
Hey! I briefly mentioned this in the other thread (https://itch.io/t/799579/unity-2019313f1urp-cant-manage-to-make-it-work), but I think this could be due to the quick-fix I came up with in that thread - setting the Render Pass variable on the effects to "Before Rendering Post Processing" causes these issues in Scene View. I seem to be able to keep "After Rendering Post Processing" on Unity 2019.3.15f and URP 7.3.1, and the effects work as intended in Game View with no Scene View rendering issues.
A solution I found to this issue was to enable FX at runtime, this means your scene view is not cluttered and then disable it when you stop running the game. Another solution is to enable it before you build the game as you may not need the effect on when in editor. For the slowing down it seems like the certain effects affect the performance, I am pretty sure this inevitable as certain screen FX take a lot of processing power in general unfortunately.