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Daniel Ilett

A member registered Jan 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sorry, I missed this! I'll take a look at this and see if I can get shadow casting working. I'm aware some people have had problems with the grass shader so I will try and get to the bottom of them!

Hey! Still in the process of squashing a few bugs people have reported, and after that, I plan on adding some shaders that people have asked for: an N64 3-point "bilinear" filter shader, a flipbook and billboard shader, dithering, and maybe also a vertex painting tool. 

Obviously all of that is subject to change, and I'm always happy to hear feature requests (although I may not add all requests of course)!

I've updated the pack for the Forward+ and Deferred rendering paths, with support for additional point and spot lights, and stuff like vertex colors. Gonna work on adding even more features over time!

(1 edit)

For sure! Definitely looking into more lighting options, and a billboard shader is a neat idea. So is a flipbook shader. Do you know what specifically you would be looking for with an N64 shader that's different to the PSX shader? I'm preparing a new update and more of the PSX stuff (like affine textures) will be toggleable.

Should be fixed now - let me know if you're still having issues with the shaders!

I shall look into this! Does this happen with all effects or just Blur?

I suspect I know what's happening and I will try to get a fix ready asap. Thanks for letting me know there's an issue!

Hey, thanks for sharing with me!

Looks quite strange indeed - not sure what would cause lines that are all broken up like that. I assume it's because the shader is trying to sample pixels outside the bounds of the screen, although it should clamp to the edges. I'll look into this!

Which render pipeline are you using?

Thanks for letting me know - do you see anything at all or do they show up as magenta? Also, which Unity version and render pipeline are you using?

Officially, the version I created the pack with is Unity 2022.3.0f1, and typically LTS minor version releases don't massively break compatability. So although I didn't specifically test 2022.3.4, there's no reason it shouldn't work in that version. Support for the Unity 6 beta is also a bit wonky but I am actively developing that.

Yes! I'm always on the lookout for suggestions and I did plan on expanding the selection of effects in this pack - that's definitely on the list.

Hey! I just published an update for this pack that means it properly supports RTHandles and the Blitter API in URP. I've tested it and it is functional in 6.0.0 (and I believe by extension also 2023.x), however you do need to disable Render Graph to make it function.

It looks like the requirement to support Render Graph introduces another breaking change so I'll need to develop another update to support both RG and non-RG workflows. The non-RG workflow works with Snapshot Shaders Pro, though. I think Render Graph will be enabled by default in Unity 6 LTS, whenever that drops.

For now, you can disable Render Graph via Project Settings -> Graphics -> Pipeline Specific Settings -> URP. You will find a checkbox to disable Render Graph near the bottom of the window. It's not a perfect solution but I hope you can at least use these assets for now!

Oops, I missed this. Yes - I plan to add support for 2023.x/6.x for URP and I'm aware it's broken currently - there were some breaking changes on Unity's end so I need to redo a lot of the code. I don't have a time estimate for adding compatability with the newer versions but I hope this is the last breaking change in the way post effects work for a while!

Post your suggestions for new features and effects here! I can't guarantee I will add them all, but I would like to know what new effects and additions/changes to existing effects you would like to see.

Post your suggestions for new features and effects here! I can't guarantee I will add them all, but I would like to know what new effects and additions/changes to existing effects you would like to see.

Hey, apologies for the long wait but I have updated this asset pack so it should now work with Unity 2022 and you shouldn't see the same errors again - just download the URP 2022 version from the project page. You might still see some compiler warnings rather than errors but the pack will still function just fine, and I'm working on updating the pack to remove those warnings.

Hey, apologies for the late reply. I take it you must be using Unity 2022 or beyond? It's a known issue, as Unity changed the way a couple of APIs work between 2021 and 2022. I haven't yet updated this pack to work with Unity 2022 but I'm working on it. Sorry, I wish it were a one-line fix that I could just post here!

Hey! Not sure what happened there. Should be fixed now, apologies for the inconvenience!

I've had a look at this, and thankfully it's an easy fix, but it does have to be applied to each Editor script. Unity changed the return type of the GetDisplayTitle method in Unity 2021.2 - the fix I'll be implementing is wrapping the method in a conditional like this:

#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
    public override GUIContent GetDisplayTitle()
        return new GUIContent("Name of the effect goes here");
    public override string GetDisplayTitle()
        return "Name of the effect goes here";

You'll also need to import the UnityEngine namespace, which your IDE will likely tell you to do. Hope that helps - let me know if there are still issues with any of the scripts!

I suspect this is a change that Unity has made in Unity 2022 regarding the return type of a function I'm overriding in my own code, given the errors you're getting. I will look into this!

Hmm, that's an interesting point. I'll look into it and see if I can think of a solution - but currently, it's inherent in the way the shader works that it depends on the screen resolution (you'd see the same thing with the Gaussian Blur shader), so dynamically changing the kernel size probably *is* the workaround. Basically, I think it would potentially require a complete rethink of how the shader works to decouple the effect from resolution.

Hey! I haven't tested this asset pack on Unity 2020.1.7f1 (or any Unity 2020 version for that matter!) but I'll try to get to the bottom of this as soon as I can. This pack is most stable on the LTS versions of Unity (currently that's 2019.4), but if I can solve these issues for you then I'll get back to you. Thanks for your patience :) 

That looks super cool, happy you learned something from me! :D

Glad you like it! Had a couple of tries at your game and reached a score of 7650, really cool game :D

Hi! That's a cool way of using the effects :)

Changing values at runtime on URP works something like this:

1) Get a reference to the Forward Renderer Data asset. The easiest way is to assign in the Inspector (this is the asset which contains all the Render Features):

public ForwardRendererData forwardRendererData;

2) Get the list of Render Features from that. It's a List<ScriptableRenderFeature>.

var features = forwardRendererData.rendererFeatures;

3) Iterate through the list and find the specific effect you want to modify. If you've only got, say, a Radial Blur effect applied, it's as easy as picking the first list element and casting to RadialBlur, for example:

RadialBlur blur = (RadialBlur)features[0];

If you've got a bunch of effects, you'll need to cycle through them all until you find the one you want.

4) Modify the property you want. Probably a good idea to do a null-check just in case. The settings variable is a struct which contains all the properties for a given effect - it's set up in the exact same way for every effect.

if (blur != null)
    blur.settings.strength = 27;

Please note, any changes you make in Play Mode using this approach will persist when you stop playing. I hope that helps! I'll be updating the documentation included in the asset pack to outline this process in the next major update.

Hey! Glad you like the look of it :)

It's compatible with 2019.4 (LTS) for sure - the effects were mainly developed in 2019.3, so the jump to 2019.4 doesn't really break anything.

Thanks for flagging up the broken link - that's a hangover from when these shaders were split into separate assets on the Store for built-in and HDRP. I've updated the link now.

Glad you like the effects! I'm already planning a future update and would be very happy to add movement options to both those effects. 

I'd like to add my asset pack to the bundle (not a game, but still hopefully worthwhile to add!):

Hey! I briefly mentioned this in the other thread (, but I think this could be due to the quick-fix I came up with in that thread - setting the Render Pass variable on the effects to "Before Rendering Post Processing" causes these issues in Scene View. I seem to be able to keep "After Rendering Post Processing" on Unity 2019.3.15f and URP 7.3.1, and the effects work as intended in Game View with no Scene View rendering issues.

I think I've found the issue with those infinite loops. In each of the C# files for those effects, in the Create method near the bottom, you'll see I'm changing the name variable? Comment out that line and see if the infinite loop is gone. 

Unity seems to not like having parentheses in the name, so I think what's happening is: the shader gets added to the Renderer Features list, Create is triggered and the name is updated. Unity sees the invalid name and removes the parentheses. This triggers the Create method (for whatever reason, any change to the variables in-Editor seem to trigger Create), so the name gets changed, so Unity removes the parentheses, so Create is triggered, and so on. 

Note, I'm working with 2019.3.15f1 now and the latest URP. Seems that "Before Rendering Post Processing" messes with the Scene View, and "After Rendering Post Processing" works again. I'll include information regarding this in the next update's documentation.

Thanks for your patience on this!

Thanks for downloading the shaders! I believe some of these issues might be something to do with the later versions of URP - these assets were created with 7.1.8 - and I've just had a nightmare of a time trying to get the effects to work myself, but I think many of the isses can be solved by changing the Render Pass Event variable of each effect to "Before Rendering Post Processing".

That said, the Dither effect in particular is still broken and has that strange infinite loop you mention. Thanks for bringing it to my attention - I don't know what's causing it yet, but I'll investigate asap. The other effects that have that loop bug are Fancy Neon, Fancy Outline, Sobel Neon and Sobel Outline.

I hope that fixes some of the problems!

To craft a Tree, you'll need Soil + Seeds. It's a little long-winded to get Seeds: you'll need to get Life + Soil. You get Life by crafting Spark + Sea - it's like a spark of life starting in the oceans - but to get Sea you need to "mine" Salt first by using a Machine and Rock together, then add it to Water. I'm working on an update to streamline some recipes - especially the line working up to Tree - and make the hints a lot more useful!

No worries - I'm very happy you've got it working! I wonder what it was in your project that was causing issues? Glad you like it - it's one of my favourites in the pack too! I can investigate the jagged edges for sure.

I've tried downloading this package on Unity 2019.3 and HDRP 7.1.8 inside a fresh project, and I don't seem to be running into any problems so I'm unsure what is happening here. Do you have other effects on your volume which could be interacting strangely with the ones from this package?

Which settings do you have for each of those effects you've put on your volume? If you tick the little checkboxes next to each sub-setting and change the values, does anything change? The default settings with no overrides on those settings looks as if nothing is happening - try changing those, and if nothing changes then I'll look into it!

Also, I'm assuming you're using the latest version of HDRP?

Hey, thanks for using the package! Which effects are you having trouble with - is it all of them? Just to make sure - so you've added each effect you want to use to the list at Project Settings -> HDRP Default Settings -> Custom Post Process Orders and then added the effect to a volume in the scene?
Currently there's not a fade % for every effect, but I will look at adding one in a future update.