I’ve been working on this and it’s starting to look like something real… a resume of how it’s been until now:
DAY 1 Took me quite some time on the first day to decide… I had a few mock-ups of old projects for pico (at 128x128 resolutions) that I thought I could put into 64x64. I pick one of those… a Flipull clone and start working on a new gfx set and putting up a micro-prototype to check things out. Kind of works but the quarter tiles (4x4) are a massive pain to handle and my mind drops the idea. Back to the thinking chair for a while… then a very very old mockup on a potential Hero Quest game gets me started and I begin working on isometric art and a prototype engine.
DAY 2 Looks like I have a “working” (but terribly underperformant and hacky) isometric renderer for PICO-8 and the idea of moving into a “tactics” game crystalizes and I put up an initial prototype (fully random generated map and some units on it)
DAY 3 Getting the first heavy performance issues (mostly because the maps I test are still fully random) so it is time to get some fixes in place for that while continuing on art and implement a basic entity system for the units in the game.
DAY 4 Some work on the units but mostly still chasing performance tunning
DAY 5 Reaching the performance limit I am gonna be getting out of this “quick” engine… A clear decision to take, map size is gonna be extremely limiting, parituclarly the variance of height between tiles. New focus is putting together some map editor so I can progress with actual map and game mechanics
DAY 6 (TODAY) Editor progresses reasonably, fighting some issues with storing/retrieving the data but the goal is solve that today/tomorrow… To easy the tension I push on some style changes I started the previous night for the tiles.
I will keep you posted… I really hope to finish something playable out of this but I cannot put as much time I’d like to on completing the project. Comments appreciated!