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Physical game Devlogs

Korean translation + TTRPGs for Palestine
Hi there! Just a quick update to tell you that Souvenirs is now available in korean, thanks to Banjo 's amazing translating efforts! They reached out to me afte...
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M.O.S.T is now available!
Hello! I've got a new game activity available! M.O.S.T. was originally created for Games for a Rainy Day , a book with 54 micro-games, puzzles, and more by inde...
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Dev Postmortem
Hope wrote up a lil postmortem talking about their experience working on the game. Give it a read!
Quick Ref + Road Map
Hi Heroes! Summer is here and it is time to don your capes and prepare for the future! This update is to mention that I uploaded the quick reference guide (a co...
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Solo-Play Game Order of Operation
Howdy Wayfarers, I hope you're enjoying your adventures soaring beyond the stars! This post aims to clear up any questions you might have about the order of ope...
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OpenDark v1.1
Major Update
OpenDark has been updated from v1.0 to V1.1. It's now avaible for print : (soon also on Am...
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Gear Entry Correction
Corrected the Gear Entry for the Repulsor Platform to actually say Platform instead of Pad in the description area...
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Updates 6/6/2024
Major Update
Added the following: Updated the spec for combat drone and camomesh in starting equipment Cleared up some exploring rules and expanded on the special rooms cont...
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Fixed Various Typos and Spacing Issues
Fixed typos and spacing issues and realigned a few images and entries. Corrected the Encounters entry in the "Base of Operations" to add back in the Bar entry s...
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Sneak Peak: The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow (it's almost fully funded)!
We're so close to fully funding our new module! If you h...
In the Hall of the Elderkin
Major Update
Hi Everyone, Thanks for following my projects so far. Today I'm happy to announce a demo of my new project: Dungeons of Galora. Different from everything else I...
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Duettists System 1.2
Rectifications dans les explications des pages suivantes: p11 dans "traits" ajout d'une limite de cumul des traits. p14, dans "cumuler les séquelles" ajout de...
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Updated Version 1.6
Just a few minor tweaks and corrections added!...
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A One-Shot adventure for the CAIRN TTRPG
New Print-Ready File Added
Hey All - Thanks to my pal Chaoclypse, Tarvannion is now color corrected and laid out ready to print and staple. The file is much much smaller as well. I’ll a...
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Big Art announcement!
Hello all! I know I know it's been a while since I last spoke, but do not worry, I have not been sitting idly until moss gathers around me! I have been in searc...
update to the book
Major Update
so we had found that a few pages were missing from the book for reasons we are not fully sure so we have updated our book and fix the issues to any who have alr...
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Código Rojo ya disponible
Major Update
Código Rojo, la segunda parte de la serie de aventuras que componen ARCHIVO 38 ya está disponible. Aún quedan por incluir elementos como el Índice, Apéndic...
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Like Salvager's Isle? Try TRUCK!
Major Update
Hi all! Just a quick message letting you know that if you were a fan of Salvager's Isle , you might enjoy my brand new supplement for Liminal Horror , TRUCK: In...
Like Liminal Colossus? Try TRUCK!
Major Update
Hi all! Just a quick message letting you know that if you were a fan of Liminal Colossus , you might enjoy my brand new Liminal Horror supplement, TRUCK: In the...
Announcing TRUCK: A Mystery for Liminal Horror
Major Update
In the smallest county in the US, a truck with no driver is killing the last six residents, one by one. You don't know how or why. You don't know who's behind i...
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Full, unedited text is up!
The full, unedited text for Graveyard Dirt is ready to download as an alpha version! Even if I still have plenty of illustrations to make, the adventure itself...
Murk Mire Released!!
Major Update
Today the first adventure setting is released!! Enter the Murk Mire a swamp north that Kobolds may need to venture to. The swamp holds a treetop town called Bra...
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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions "But what about [insert your favorite billionaire here]? They're a good person!" No they're not. "Yeah they are! They donate to -...
Sobre o Manual Básico - De novo, de novo.
Eu sei, eu sei, você não aguenta mais, eu também não. Novamente estou atualizando o Serpes & Valetes. Corrigi algumas coisas, adicionei novas explicações...
version 1.01
corrected image attributions...
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a fantasy TTRPG based on Megadeth's "Five Magics"
Major Update
Game Design
It's not normally genre-appropriate to have armor in a western, but this will become more relevant eventually. I'm pretty happy with how this would seem to work...
Game Design
You might call 'em terms of phases or whatever, but "term" comes with a bit more military baggage than I'd like, so I'm calling 'em stages, to be a bit more wes...
New Introductory Adventure
Major Update
This started out as a test of this fun tri-fold template I found and ended up turning into a one page adventure for Rough Destiny. The party stumbles on a wareh...
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Game Design
I like the simplicity and speed of just about every bullet doing 1d6 damage (and occasional +/- 1 modifiers), with any roll of 6 or more being a mortal wound, a...
The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow is live on BackerKit
Major Update
The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow is now live! Click here to pledge now! I’m excited to announce that our new Liminal Horror mo...
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13 Days' system + other adventures!
Once again, I am in awe how many downloads this little solo TTRPG is still getting. It's downloaded practically daily, and although the increments are small, it...
Have Some Music
Making playlists is meditative for me. Get some! on Tidal or Spotify https://open.spotify...
Game Design
No, it's not the first time someone's adapted the original science-fiction roleplaying game to handle a western - but I'm, y'know, doing it my way. I'm actually...
Dethship Solo RPG
Major Update
A solo sci-fi ttrpg inspired by Dark Fort by Pelle Nilsson & Johan Nohr. Your name is unknown, you are just a serial number and have not earned a name yet. Firs...
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Added a Guide to create three levels of NPCs (non playing characters.) Easy, Average, and Hard. Easy will have 25 to 50 points to distribute. Average will have...
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Added rules to use a Starship as a Base of Operations
Added rules to use a Starship as a Base of Operations Corrected a few Capitalization mistakes Corrected a few $ symbols to the Star Wars Credit Symbol...
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Gratitude and Character Sheets
Hey Wastelanders, Just wanted to update you that a character sheet was requested for this, and while I haven't harassed Matthew to make one specifically for thi...
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Minor update
I made some minor layout tweaks and updated the language for a less archaic feel. Enjoy 🤩...
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Skill Point Update
I mistakenly uploaded Skill Point in the wrong format. It has now been replaced with the PDF version. Thanks to manyhattedman for catching this...
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Version 1.01 is out!
The adventure was updated! Thanks to the kind people of the Ironsworn subreddit, I found some errors that are now fixed. In particular: Corrected some general m...
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UPDATE: Toll of Battle Optional Rule
Hail and well met! While watching - and greatly enjoying - Hessan's County's latest video covering the Passkey SRD , I suddenly realised I had forgotten to incl...
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Pricing update!
Rise to Heist - and with it Spelunking through Time - will be priced differently once we reached our funding goals! Many crowdfunding projects include Community...
the garden path to Cairn 2e
Hullo all, 145 words about tulgey: In chronological order: All of the current Tulgey holdings (Brillig and Wabe) will be updated to Cairn 2e. A Player-facing Tu...
1.3.1 - Some Minor Clarifications
Hello everyone! Bit of a smaller update this time, mostly some clarifications or minor QoL changes. Here they are as follows: Siegel's Grand Entrance wording ch...
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Version 1.8
-New amazing classes art by @yuri.perkowski. -Two new random tables...
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Revised Edition Now Live on Backerkit!
Major Update
Hello fellow Last Piners, I meant to hit send on this earlier but uhhhh it's been a bit of a hectic day (in the best possible way). Anyway, I wanted to let you...
Minor update to 0.4
Modifications: Some clarifications where added to the text. Simplified Skills. Streamlined and clarified Exploration. In character creation only d10 are rolled...
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Minor update to 0.3
Some Martial talens were removed to be added later on "Worlds of Dragon & Strife", they were replaced by: Rush Whirl attack Flanking Feint...
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Next Update
Next update will have the Venture Generators and the Abhorrent Generators. We're playtesting both this week, plus I'm back from vacation, so I have to work my o...
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