Physical game Devlogs
Hi! I added a small, but important update. Someone brought to my attention that if you chose any suit but a diamond on the first card this meant you had a livin...
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I’ve added the Warden’s Screen to the list of files...
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Nothing major to report but I did flesh out a bit more on sites and habitations . I hope to add some examples in soon. Next up is probably features ...
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As the awakening rituals begin, The Dream Eater seizes the opportunity to launch its attack on the dream world. However, destroying a Wildseed in the waking wor...
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Hi All! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on this project every day, putting in a couple of hours here and there. This update is packed with new info...
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I haven't seen this in play yet, so I'm considering this v0.1 to do: One more additional move for variety. Some art. (anyone interested) get this play tested...
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The expansion versions are now available! In addition to the jam version, you can now choose between: A digital PDF only version of the expanded supplement A pr...
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🔹 Big update! Endless Puzzle now features five unique puzzles , each with only one true solution! 📄 What’s New? ✅ 5 different puzzles , each with two...
I finally got the physical copies of the business card games! They are actually just business cards sized (which is great fun) and while I think the colours cou...
🃏 L'Impasse Mexicaine : Désormais disponible en version physique ! Salut à tous ! 👋 Je suis ravi de vous annoncer une grande nouvelle pour L'Impasse Mex...
very minor, but added the "Open your mind to the Maelstrom" from PBTA as Jedi "Open your mind to the force". to keep it from overlapping or being used oddly, we...
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I was debating between waiting until I have the formatting brought up to date with the corebook and releasing the new version of Fleet Action today. I decided...
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Similarly a couple of additional polishes along the way. Turns out using fonts with different heights is “fun”...
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I clarified the new baseline system and updated the chapters related to game setup...
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After a few more playtests, I'm realizing that allowing the goal scorer or saver to take the Ball into their hand creates a snowball effect. So now after a goal...
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I have been publishing smaller projects at a more or less consistent rate, and am likely to continue doing so! However , I think for what I envision from Journa...
A new kit, the Exploration Kit, is now available! It is a 3 booklet download that helps facilitate the creation and exploration of dungeons, settlements, and wi...
Hello! Quick update: I've added our character booklet to the downloadable files, and made the form-fillable pdf character sheet a free download. The character b...
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fixed scale in title: 24-mile hexes minor changes to terrain and river colors, to make them more readable when printing grayscale...
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I've been plugging away at editing and fleshing everything out, formatting stat blocks and general layout, all the things. We ran a short playtest of the first...
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Après des mois de travail, la première édition du JDR Pathfarer vient tout juste de sortir en ce 5 mars 2025 dans sa version 1.0. Je remercie d'avance toute...
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New Update! With a bit more playtesting, these are the following changes and additions made to the rules: Added: New Swap mechanic Players can now swap out a li...
2 files new website is go! Reviewing the download metrics for the LANDWAR Official App, the market has spoken or rather, been silent. I unde...
Updated the Hit & Split and Strength check...
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Fast and Easy D6 system
I didn't start my entry into the One Box Wargame challenge until two day before the deadline. For this video I captured the whole process of making a miniatures...
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Rilascio una nuova versione di Armonia che ho rinominato come Alpha 1. Il gioco come vi ho detto anche in precedenza ha avuto svariati test, nonostante non abbi...
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epub version of the Spanish & Polish translations For extra accessibility I’ve also added epub versions of the Polish and Spanish translations of A Visit to S...
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Un tout nouveau WIKI a été mis en ligne pour Étoiles Ce dernier va comprendre l'ensemble des règles à jour pour le jeu et sera mis à jour régulièrement...
just went through and massively overhauled the aesthetics of the game! new font, new cover totally different layout and format for both the rulebook and the loc...
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Three years ago I offered up my first OSR styled game in beta format. While it was acceptable, I knew that I could provide a better experience for players. Sinc...
It's easy comparing Professional Wrestling to Soap Operas for fair and obvious reasons. But I'm not here to talk melodrama, performance, or characterization wit...
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¡Saludos, aventureros y exploradores de Ker Nethalas! Quiero agradecer enormemente a todos los que han apoyado la bóveda de la hoja de personaje en Obsidian...
The full Eldermist Shores setting is now fully available to all! You can get it here: Also available on the Ten Acr...
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Post-Mortem: Caught up in the Dreams of Giants Alright, let’s talk about this game. What worked, what could be better, and where it might go next. What Worked...
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Fall in line, bloodpunks! Bloodlock is a feudal low-tech napoleonics with the following core tenants: ▶ QUICK but engaging gameplay. ▶ Miniature & scale agn...
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Today I added the first draft of the Keeper's Guide. This guide currently details my envisioned session structure and provides an initial threat! Session Struct...
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Greetings, players! I've been hard at work at my HERO TIME RPG, an entirely new RPG built on this Snake Eyes System! With all the great new stuff I've been writ...
Hey Everyone! Probably the final update after this one so you can stop redownloading. I did a few changes that I am very happy with: Dungeon Exploration Re-desi...
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Mi è stato segnalato che Armonia presenta delle somiglianze con Everspark , che ho subito acquistato per verificarlo (pdf 20 dollari...). Dopo averlo esaminato...
A huge re-release of my most popular game, Horse Girl Mystery! Not only is the basic editing & design hugely improved, the cover and style includes current upda...
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My alchemy system tried at first to imitate the Dragon's Breath's one which is awesome: you pick ingredients, you mix them in different ways (grinded, cut, mixe...
Now by popular demand there is a Print on Demand version of the Walls of Chester! This is done at cost price, so you just pay Lulu's printing costs and postage...
CONT/EXT started out as a Halloween one-shot for my players. Of course, I had to make it a thing and, two years later, it’s finally out. Not only can you buy...
Hello there Doomsong fans and supporters! We've updated the Lord Have Mercy Upon Us page to include two new (large!) PDFs that will make running this campaign e...
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I finally uploaded a french translation for the supplement, and i used the opportunity to correct a few spelling mistakes, as well as a few balancing issues. Th...
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La guía de inicio incluye ahora cuatro nuevas ilustraciones de Daniel Jimbert para los cuatro personajes pregenerados de Corazones y Máscaras. Esperamos que e...
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I've finally started work on a new Alien Assessments collection. I'll get it out as soon as I can, but, you know, life. After, I plan to expand the base module...
patch notes are here! major changes title change to Monstery Dungeon! 2-column format for most of the rules! the four Effectiveness tiers have been reduced down...
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