Physical game Devlogs About Game Design Page 5
Howdy folks! As promised, today is the official release of my first ever game Flame In The Abyss. As part of the game's release, I wanted to provide a developme...
As I prepared Rage for Hell for print and for full release, I realize that I was unsatisfied with the gameplay. It could be so much more, as such, I am currentl...
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When Cueinn first drew his version of a Beholder bot, we knew we had to put it into the game, and so we did! I made a promise that, if the game achieved 50% of...
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Tl;dr: this was easier to fix than I expected. Check out the new tables. This table. These two tables. Let me talk about them. They're "spark tables," most of u...
First I simply want to acknowledge how awesome the charity bundle is doing. From starting with a humble goal of $5,000 to fast approaching $420k, it’s been in...
Hi there! Wanted to think out loud about how attributes work. It’s been awhile since I thought out loud about design stuff. Attributes: A history So Attribute...
Iron Core Version 1.2 is here! The sequence of the sessions in the text was reviewed to make the reading experience more fluid. Minor grammar corrections were m...
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We have uploaded the draft SRD for Down We Go and other Together We Go games! If you want to create your own content for your table of for sale this helpful gui...
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I think it's safe to say that this is my first time truly trying to make a completely new system. I have had experience with homebrewing, running games, and hav...
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Hey everyone, Quick update with the game: - edited the text - fixed a few visual stuff :) Also, the game is going to be completely free for the next few weeks...
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Saudações, pessoal! Em virtude de estar prestes a lançar o SPACE HUNTER, próximo jogo da trilogia (SIM!), percebi que a explicação do Combate no SPACE WIZ...
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Hi, I figured I would write this to explain why I decided to spend a year writing, playtesting and editing World of Chrome. I have always had a deep appreciatio...
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A quick announcement: The Royal Cartographer will launch on kickstarter on February the 8th, with 8 professional cartographers working on the campaign to provid...
Thálassa did not come out of the blue! After my initial concept I was address and advised by many kind and smart people. The core of this process was developed...
The best follow up to “Hello World” has got to be talking about the system this game will be built on. LUMEN is an RPG system that was created and shared by...
ES Ahí va otro secreto de diseño, espero que os resulte interesante. Las imágenes adjuntas son algunas de las que se crearon originalmente para el juego, per...
After the latest round of play-testing, it became apparent that the economic model that I had cobbled together in the initial release is broken. So I've begun t...
ES Ahí va un secreto de diseño, espero que os resulte interesante. Las imágenes adjuntas se parecen mucho a la mostrada en el segundo párrafo (II) del ítem...
This designer diary was originally written for the Tiny Library kickstarter. The concept for Itsy Bitsy Spider came to me in a flurry of inspiration. I'm very p...
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And lo there shall come ... a Second Edition! What's so Powerful About Responsibility went through a lot of changes when I finally hit on what I really wanted t...
Hey everyone, thanks for checking out the game so far. We are excited by the response and have been having a blast playtesting SOAP. In our latest run-through...
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On our main company blog, I wrote a post about how we use stock art by Jeshields to bring the Cosmic Legends of the Universe to life...
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On our main company blog, we wrote a post about how chose and commissioned artwork for PIONEERS...
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Hi there! I’m going to highlight something that I think turned out pretty well with BURNOUT: the Fade check mechanic, which is the “primary” mechanical sy...
[ cws for this thread (same cws as the game book): school anxieties; unreality; themes of manipulation, death and dying; mentions of self harm] So! You've decid...
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So funnily I'm approaching a point where I feel pretty confident with the state of version B03, which was previously the beta version. So much so that I'm now d...
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@hamildong here! I've been brushing up on my compositional skills lately, so I expect to revisit most (if not all) of these cards before finalizing for print. T...
I somehow deleted it out in the edits, but I just added it back: the Background Generator Table. a screenshot of the Background generation table. It can be foun...
But what about mechanics? Once I had settled on the message of the game - that maps can be imprecise by design- and that I wanted to map human-created features...
For the first time I kept detailed notes of my thoughts and ideas during the creation of a game. These are some of those thoughts on A Royal Cartographer ; mayb...
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Imagine a world in which King Arthur, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, Vainamoinen, the Golem under the Old New Synagogue, and anyone else who got hit with the Jesus Imagery...
Clickbait Title: Top 5 Things That I Hate About Other TTRPGs! When I set out to write Little World of Fates about a year ago, I wanted to make a TTRPG that was...
The intended experience of this game is for players to feel like giant disgusting trolls reveling in their horrific cuisine, like the trolls in “The Hobbit...
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The new version of CORE Micro answers more of your GMing questions and addresses hacking the system in a way that is both flexible and simple. The table of cont...
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Some minor edition were made. Any feedbacks are welcome!...
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A mini hack
Hello all! Thought I'd give you a little preview of what's coming next for Nightcrawlers! During development of the game, some rules came and went because I fel...
Notes on how The Five Techniques interacts with Cthulhu Dark If you're familiar with Cthulhu Dark, the structure and flow of this scenario is probably pretty fa...
The game is mostly finished. I've put basically everything I want in, maybe just the "connected" tag thingie is missing, and more examples in the second part of...
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Hi there! This time, I’m talking about Druid and Necromancer! Two weird 13 True Ways classes that I did weird things to. Both are (in my opinion) way more int...
Hi there! So as you’ve noticed, it’s been awhile since expansion chat. Mostly I just hadn’t been touching it since the v0.3 update - it was content-comple...
Mostly a lay-out and graphic design update, to make it look like an actual game. More updates to follow in the coming weeks. Please leave a comment! Luigi...
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Hi there! Last time, I wrapped up the original 13th Age core classes. Now I’ll be talking about my Commander and Monk refreshes. Both of them had seeds of the...
Given the short synopsis of how combat works in the Hydra System, I figured it would be a good idea to add in a more well rounded ruleset for how combat works i...
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By recommendation of the good ol' Pau Blackonion , I have added a table of random locations, in case the player doesn't want to leave home nor use MapCrunch . J...
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