Hi everybody! I decided to create a devlog so that I commit myself to updating the game as often as possible. A previous game jam that I was in encouraged devlogs and although I did not have time participate in that jam, I enjoyed reading the thought processes that went into other people's devlogs. I am pretty new to game development, so I am learning all of this as I go. Afterwards it will be cool to see the progress I've made! And hopefully, other people may find my journey useful (to at least avoid the pitfalls that I am bound to fall into, haha).
The Yellow Moon Inn is (hopefully going to be) a top-down RPG where you (the player) run a tavern in a fantasy setting. Unfortunately, you shortsightedly chose a not-so-safe location for your tavern. Consequently, the people that visit you range from parties of adventurers that may trade with you and assist you, to hordes of enemies seeking to raid your spoils in turn-based combat. It is up to you to defend your tavern and improve its reputation!
About Me:
I'm Aaron - you can call me Aaron/Agggron/whatever you'd like! I'm 22 (graduated two years ago), and I am currently a biochemist looking to get into computer science. I always thought game development was really cool but never got around to trying it until recently!
My favorite games are RPGs - I grew up on (of course) Pokémon and MMOs such as Runescape/Guild Wars. Some of my personal favorite RPGs are by indie development company Spiderweb Software, especially their Exile series (now being remastered as Avernum!). I love their retro-style enormous open-world exploration and immersion into the game universe. I am also (now) a big fan of board games, and the idea for this game jam comes from one of my favorite board games - The Red Dragon Inn - where you play as a party of D&D adventurers who visit the tavern (and drink each other under the table/gamble people's gold away). I wanted a similar atmosphere for this game, but here I'm flipping the script and presenting it from the viewpoint of the innkeeper/tavern owner! And of course adding my own RPG elements for game progression. I'm excited for it!
Here on itch.io, I have done a few small-scale game jams but this would be my first time tackling a (hopefully) larger-scale project. The main thing that I would like to accomplish is a working (polished if possible) turn-based combat system integrated with the "open world" (of course, for this game jam the world is just the one room, which is actually perfect for limiting me in scope). For this game jam I was going to start with Pokémon/FF-style combat. Maybe in the future (but probably not for this game jam) I would move onto tile-based combat similar to Fire Emblem/Spiderweb games. Also, the games that I've made so far have been more action-like so I've never had experience working with UI screens for inventory, skills, etc. All of this I hope to implement in this game! I'll track as much of my thoughts as I can for this development - they might be basic, but hey, it could help me/others out in the future!
I will be using Unity for this game jam. It's what I first started looking into, and all of my previous games have been using Unity. Actually, there have been recent updates in their 2D tilemapping capabilities - I've never used them before but will try them out for this! I am very much not an artist, so right now I plan to use free RPG maker tiles/sprites (and import them into Unity), and if I have time I will try to polish/create them myself. But most important to me right now is to get the gameplay up and running! :)
I think that about covers my background, and of course if there are any questions/feedback I'd love to hear them! I (hopefully) am on the Discord channel frequently enough when I'm not at work.
Day 1:
I wanted to start by being able to create character movement on a 2D map. To this end, I wanted to restrict character movement to unit intervals. I basically have a placeholder player that follows keyboard input to move left, right, up, and down. Instead of just setting the transform of the object to the new position, I had it move towards that position (and made it so that during the movement, you are unable to move anywhere else!).
Next step is to create the map of the room!