The music and sfx are top notch! Normally I turn off music when I play games, but this is one of the few instances where the music needs to be on for full effect.
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TOO EASY's pageComments
Took a lot of jimmying, but I was determined lol. Great visual design and music. Short but fun, nice job! Here's a link to my playthrough...
Thanks a lot Ron! Really hugely fun to watch you play the game and I'm super happy you liked the music. The PUSH BACK level is a hard one. I may go back and may some more changes to make it easier. In case you didn't figure it out, you don't need to click on this level. It depends on which side of the square you cross when you roll the mouse over it.
The screen being pushed down at the start is a weird engine/itch glitch that I'm hoping will get solved soon.
This was fun! Simple enough to omit instructions, yet the UI "quirks" add a significant challenge (moreso when first encountered). I'm not even sure what was going on with the mouse cursor on the last challenge! I did have a bit of troubles when the mouse cursor went out of bounds of the game window... I suppose playing in full screen could have mitigated that. The ending was a bit anti-climactic; the first time I won, I accidentally clicked and restarted the game before I even understood that I had won. Maybe some sort of visual/sound effect could make it a bit clearer, or perhaps if the win screen was a different color than the starting screen (like the losing screen is). Thank you for your game!
Thank you Sunny! I'm glad you liked it.
I'm hoping for an update to the game engine that can lock up the mouse completely and prevent it from butting up against the edges of the game window. As soon as that happens, I'll be rushing out a new version. Mouse issues are amplified if you play in Safari (possibly also other browsers) but seem to be not too bad in chrome and the desktop versions - of course, hardware might also make a difference.
Good observation about the win screen. I will see what I can do for that. I like your suggestions.
I excpected this twist but I didn't excpectid like that)
Good job!
fun game with a good twist! it can be quite challenging and i like that it plays with the player’s expectations. good job!
Thanks Shatzune! I thought it would be fun to try to give people a false sense of security for 10 seconds and then really try to break their brains for the next 10 seconds. You never know until people start playing though, so I'm glad to get this kind of feedback. Also very glad you liked the music!
I admire this. See, my entry is a wannabe platformer/run n gun, so nothing innovative in fact my goal with this jam was to learn how to develop a game and be able to submit something working on time. Hopefully next time I'll be more experienced and will be able to focus on nice game ideas like you did! Keep it up!
I always think the key to participating in a game jam is to pick the one thing you want to accomplish (within the rules of the jam) and just do that thing. If you feel like you learned something, then you totally succeeded in your goals when you hit that submit button. If you have the same goals next time, that's fine too! I'll be dropping in on your jam submission page soon :)
Not as easy it looks at first sight ! The game is clever and the art, sound effects and music are so cool.
Oh my! That's a pretty interesting twist you did starting at "slide back". It sure made things harder in a way I wouldn't predict. Good job with this, and the aesthetics are really good!
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