ummm iduno what a handheld windmill is and i don't know what "references" ppl are talkin about so maybe this game is 2 smart 4 me and flies over my head but its still literally liek a 10/10 vn, mostly cuz i got to rescue my princess frankie into an elevator
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Ferarum's pageComments
I love it! The schizo part is the best part because I understood it! (obviously, since Author-kun wrote "Madness of Madison Delaroux" after all) It really does feel like /x/ made this, glowies and all included.
The Good
Jojo's poses and characterization - The poses are really unique because you don't see vastly different poses in a visual novel that often. It also makes her characterization (mind on seggs) stand out more. Also, I understood that Armstrong reference into /his/ rant.
The mystery - Dream/death scenes are cliche but it did keep me wondering the first time I played through! The surprise voiceovers are also great, especially when it came to the long block of text and I went "ohhhhh!".
The surprise - This game was good enough that I went through it a second time (with skip) and I quickly realized that certain parts and small bits of dialogue were different, it really made me wonder! I really shouldn't have spee D. read the second time, but I must have tripped a flag and the voiced glowie segment really hit me!
The references - There are lots of small references (SCP, MSG, a certain sci book) that you get if you hang around /x/ and /v/ often. Yes, I got the Patrick one too. It's not so much schizo when you see it.
Areas to Improve
Run-Off Lines - My own experience releasing a visual novel on Steam is that run-off lines detract from the experience. There are certain lines that read awkwardly because the main point is cut in half on-screen. It's better to seperate this into a new message or reword the line to fit a single line.
Story-wise - Also from my own experience writing a schizo game; the main character should appear for majority of the game. It's tempting to curve into other interesting characters (RIP) but too long a disappearance and I'm left wondering if she'll ever come back or I have to travel to an alternate dimension created by an emotionless literature club girl to get her back. Not a problem for a story of this length, could be a problem if she disappears for a whole chapter or two.
Overall Jono has done a good job with dialogue, especially with the little breaks and pauses, just a small nitpick on the dialogue and wording side. Jojo a cute, jazz is great, mystery is good, horror is ehly-mild. Overall, a strong visual novel since I read it all the way to the end!
I don't really like this genre as a whole, so I won't give much feedback cause I'm just not into it and that's not your games fault.
The writing is mostly decent, I think some references are a bit too on the nose but also the target audience will probably like this. Jojo is ok, but I think you should change her design to be less like you know who because it feels less like a homage and more like a ripoff.
The art is nice and the sound is good. I think your audience will like it.
I was expecting either a bad dating sim or a bad porn game, but Jojo is really fun and I hate to say this. The schizo/esoteric stuff isn't very convincing, if its your thing good for you but maybe try no to lean on that as its not the selling point of this game in my opinion.
How going through the same options can lead to the different results is definitely one of this game's biggest strength. I love it alot, gives it a lot of replayability and JoJo is always fun to be with. Although since they can be pretty unexpected I would appreciate it if any of the "scares" or schizo scenes (idk what to call them) wouldn't immediately go back to the title screen / crash. I'm the type of player who skips past any scenes I've already seen/read and I fly past those scenes and it can be difficult to get back to them especially when the conditions for activating them aren't obvious (Maybe a gallery feature with any changed lines also present). Love the new car scene in Act 1, and all the rendered cutscenes in both acts. Adding those images to help visualize some things (like the 7070 tattoo) is a very nice addition. The interactivity in Act 2 is short but quite fun, and I can't express how much I appreciate that there is NO jumpscares. I hate them since I'm pretty jumpy and I can just enjoy the game without worry. Can't wait to see how much more is done for next DD.
Hey thanks for playing it again! Your QoL tips from last DD really helped improve a certain scene so thank you for that! I can't take too much credit on the "no jumpscares" thing though, there's a slight one when Jojo wants a hug and there's a new one as part of an Act 2 scene (but the build up is so long and obvious you'll know when it happens), but going forward I'll try not to make anymore. I really hate jumpscares too and I hate having to rely on it for a cheap scare. As for a dialogue/loop guide/gallery of sorts, it's do-able but really tricky as there's little to no documentation on anything. Just been keeping track of everything in my head and there's even a couple that trigger for totally unknown reasons (like the aforementioned Jojo hug scene, no idea why it triggers when it shouldn't and I'm 99% sure it's cursed). I agree the constant back-to-title or force quits NEED to stop, it's just not 'that' fun or engaging beyond the first few times and all it does is cause me addition work to the intro so players see something new each time and not get bored. I'll work on that going forward so thank you, it's nice to hear someone else having the same concern.
Thanks again for playing and also for the review! Hope to see you again next time ;)
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