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is this the right one :? i think it took me 6 hours just to get to the red level
is the rabbit that says "hahahaha!!!" supposed to teleport? he didnt show up in the brown level at first but then he was there and when i talked to him in the red or green level it panned alll the way over to where he sits in the purple level
is the red level finished? i try and do what the hologram does but i just randomly detach from the grab thingy and maybe 5% of the times the wall would give me a boost so i only made it past them a single time, just to get dumped onto a floor that apparently disappears and sent me back to the purple level, which like wtf dude? is this game trying to troll me or something? i can swing the stick as fast as i can just to get a tiny jump 50% of the time and half the time im moving the stick as slow as i can i get flung across the entire level. is the colored stick stronger than the white one or something? i do the same jump in the same exact way 100 times and get a widely different result every time, i wouldnt be surprised if it was completely based on rng. also i cant tell where at a corner that the floor ends and wall begins, its like rounded or something and feels wonky.
is there a day night cycle? everything got dark.
bionic system is bit complicated to use innit? i'm trying to decipher mystical texts and mashing different buttons to try and figure out what these strange relics do, i got filtered, couldn't get to the boss level (i assume there is a boss level).
i tried surfing a bit but couldn't manage to do much other than fling myself into the void and i forgot to set a recall. perhaps put which key activates which bionic on the hud.
i couldnt found out where to go, i got kerosense and an elevator pin after pressing enter on everything i think, but its hard to tell when i can barely see and i turn really slowly and every door and room looks them same and has a long transition between them, mayb i didnt have enough STR to open doors iduno
and i like Software Automatic Mouth as much as the next guy but id rather have silence than him slowly reading everything
ummm games pretty good tho and its liek above average in interesting-ness and ZeroCombat RPG is a kewl name
strongest hrb player, sat in the chair and saw the vault
- >"hold down Z for it to automatically swing my weapon upside down"
hold Z to melee :?
oh also you can just aim up into jellyfishes to kill them without having to be pro, i forgor to call more attention to the hologram in level2 that shows this
and the secret to shooting 15 bullets at once to open the vault is in one of the screenshots on the itch page
fixed face:
there's a few thin platforms that you're able to fall through so i was confused the whole time on what i could or couldn't fall through
howd you make the top of the window black wtf
i couldnt tell that the next set of targets in a level were faintly visible because i thought they were just stuff in the next level in the background
erm does water kill me or not
kinda easy to miss the talking animal critters
anticlimactic, the "thx for playing" didnt even have crazy flashing colors or sound or anything
9.5/10, this game threatens me
i kept trying to read the books with R but then i was like "oh yeah it's" S but then S wouldn't work because i had already pressed R
this cunt is really bad at climbing ladders
i got the password osc4r0 after beating a level but using the password put me at the level i already beat, dunno if intentional
is this supposed to be like the last gaurdian or ico
what does bonka smell like
the character controls like ASS, i'm randomly flopping around, i'd have just as much luck progressing by wiggling the joystick around with my asshole (like your mom did to me)
also it's unclear that you can control the green stick because it never tells you
i quit when i got a cookie but couldn't figure out how to use it
why is the crane empty half of the time that i click
why do i combine abunch of circles just to get a useless fucking barrel that just gets destroyed by a random meteor, but the meteor doesn't destroy the big evil radioactive circle but instead makes it bigger?
why do the bombs sometimes explode and sometimes not
my highscore is 1,260 and i'm not sure if this game is supposed to have any logic but i think i like it more than i hate it
it was a 10/10 until i got stuck infinitely in the starting cutscene of watching the thing jump off road and then stuck on the ladder, but please put some shorts or something on this girl, i don't wanna see her nasty snatch
also just stick a microphone outside when its windy and put the recording in the game for instant 10/10 atmosphere
-revolutionary system for reloading melee weapons
-the control scheme damaged my spine and gave me carpal tunnel
-i was trying to figure out why my axe wasn't strong enough to get me through the wooden barrier but then i saw the "M" on the hat and realized my bare hands are obviously stronger than the axe
rabbit man likes to clip down into platforms that are moving upwards
holy carp its so hard to tell where the frick i am during the internet level, my eyes are confucius
but by that level i was loving the game even while i was fricking hating it, which i REALLY didnt think was going to happen while i was bashing my head into the sewer walls 200 times
it wasnt even so much a normal learning curve as it just seemed misleading. in the game you're moved towards where you're looking and pulling back goes up, but going off actual pogostick logic you should move backwards in that scenario, not gain extra height. its like wtff? ? why i go that way??? i pointed opposite ?? so itd just make more sense if instead of a pogostick it was some kind of a clown unicycle rocket thing or something and you named the game "clown unicycle rocket thing 3D" but like whatever, only noobs dont master the controls by the time you get to the cyber hell lake
but i woulda frickin QUIT if it wasnt for the LUDO aesthetics of the sewer level, so im assuming thats why you shoved the hardest bullpucky into that section without easing the player into it at all
OOK i just looked at it again and i was so confused because it shows ZOE's head on the moveset of the motorcycle guy, it never says what moveset goes to what character so i just thought the face of the char was the indicator of that
also it says i need 50 METER to do a move but when i had a big 50 on the left side of my screen i couldn't do any special moves, but i think its actually talking about the tiny meter under the health bar, which is confusing because the number 50 doesn't really mean anything to me in the context of a red bar, unless it says 50% METER, it's still practically invisible next to a giant health bar and giant combo counter thing tho
i lost my health in the air and fell into a pit and had to restart to get out
on the first picture of the ending where the green horned girl is meeting all her new friends it didn't show the cow girl so i was scared she wasnt gonna come back , but then it showed her in the next picture so it was HAPPY END :D
I only ever played as the sword guy because he's the coolest (zoe is weird name for him)
its a crime to put an S rank in a game and not have it be a shiny color to seperate it from the rest, i actually beat the first boss and all i got was a lousy ass white text instead of a yellow text
ummm game is pretty good i guess though, i got stuck in the floor one time cuz i stopped sliding while i was under a small space
oh yeah also i had 0 idea how the moveset works