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Trabul Twins GameDev

A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I'm pretty sure I saw this in the threads, its not the Kenshin game but another one!

The  concept is quite interesting, it definitely has potential! I saw the influences from a mile away, the Warband selection screen, the Elden Ring cruxes, and then the entire dragon wall from Skyrim.

I played as the spear warrior, poking felt really weak because you are always outnumbered and I always defaulted to using the wide swing instead. Perhaps the LMB attack could pierce and hit multiple opponents as well.

There's a bug where the smiling jesus cutscene replays if you reenter the camp. The map to other places also seems to only work on one side, was boggled by how that worked out. I also suggest moving the (second) grey map away someplace else to avoid confusion as well.

I think that summon skill could respawn minions close to you instead of having to wait for all of them to die first. They are very apt to run off and hit random enemies too. Maybe they need an attack range leash.

Story is very Zanzibarty, I think that is intentional. The Nohumie wear no clothes, therefore they must die! Something something, failed me. The names are also really foreign to me so I have no idea what's going on.

Skills could also have more impact, currently it feels very ragdolly . I wonder if impact flashes or light blood/shake effect on screen could help. Technically it isn't a musou game since people aren't flying everywhere in epic fashion, its closer to a Soulslike in that it is more grounded.

Wish you good luck dev, and get capsule art more fitting for your game! Like a nordic warrior slashing through mobs or something!

Ah yes! I remembered one more point while playing onstream, which was that trying to operate the lever accidentally hits the arcade boxes alot, I got redirect to pokealltoads more than once. (laugh) Not an issue since I know you can turn it off, just something I should put out there~

I cook. Eggs get made. Very simple game I liked playing onstream. My main feedback is that tilting the pan forwards does not align with how much you move the mouse, so the difference is quite jarring. Tilting the pan backwards is fine, but there's some sort of parallax error going on when trying to push forwards.

There's not much else to say!

(1 edit)

This game is really badly optimized and lags a lot?  I also concur with the point that its just tossing coins in while the lever pushes really laggily? Maybe I don't understand this game or am missing something. It shouldn't be running at a low framerate for what is essentially a casual game.

Is it possible to have the coins be tossed at an angle or choose toss strength so it bounces off the back? Currently no matter how you use the mouse it doesn't change the angle at all. (edited for spelling)

I actually tried to play it on stream but antivirus killed it because it tried to modify "loadorder.txt" in the data files? It also doesn't record for OBS, sowwies!

Its a super short game, has that olden CS feel, so much that I wondered if I could bunny hop my way through the levels (I did lol).

It becomes really easy to clear once you know the enemy positions since shooters are static and crabmen ambush you. You can b-hop past the crabs and shoot the glowies before they "HUH" you.

There's a problem where if you run out of bullets while fighting the mecha boss you are soft-locked since I don't think you can win with a knife. But since I am a genius, I just pressed the big red button to end battle and was a bit disappointed you can't destroy the mech. Maybe it needs a little less health, like maybe a mag or two of health because a normal person would not have much bullets without b-hopping.

There's an angle on the highway where you can trick the mech into firing but all shots go into the highway. I just sniped it from there.

Despite appealmaxxing, the girl doesn't exist in the game. Dangit, I was scammed! (laugh)

Here, have your (You) and Inner Circle invite!

This was the first game I played on stream, my main feedback is to make item/menu interaction more intuitive!

Currently interaction is directional, so when you flail your arms in a certain direction you ínteract with an object, but that is not always the case, you have to press E apparently or sometimes you pick things up. I kept trying to take the axe off the shelf but could not do so. Skill issue probably?

I could understand the farm vegetables with water get ammo loop, but was unable to use it because I couldn't pick up the gun in the first place.

My suggestion is to have a hover tooltip, say you are near the  upgrade bench, so long as you are in the radius of the upgrade bench the "E" button pops up and you can interact with it. Visually it is more accessible and does away with the directional dancing movements hoping for a menu to open but never does.

Sort of like how Palworld does it, I've pick up the grass patches by accident too many times to count.

Also how do I get past the log in the first night? I reckon it has something to do with the axe but I kept picking up the entire stand instead of using it, and then I sudokued in the fire. Music turned off after that too.

Anyways, this isn't my genre so I probably don't understand something something Stardew Baronne thingy, hope this small feedback helps!

That is weird as hell because nothing has changed in the files since that last update...

I just now extracted the files myself and it worked, could be a problem with winrar or something from what I see on google.

This is an amazingly made game, I expected Ren'Py and was pleasantly surprised by a highly customized RPGMaker game. I really like the unique look, the surrealist aspect of the game definitely is the  most unique part. Even though its very rooted in American culture, hanging around the chans helped me understand most of the story, it was very clear to me even though I am not too intimate with rural American life!

Time flew and I cleared two acts in two hours, gameplay-wise its very basic and doesn't deviate from the base RPGMaker defaults (statuses are even unchanged etc), I did enjoy the unique naming takes on everything, it contributed greatly to the atmosphere. I could see how some stuff worked under the hood because I mess with RPGMaker a bit, I quite enjoy the ingenuity!

Part 2 is more polished and I like the straightforward simplicity compared to part 1. I enjoyed the little twist for the last rung of the fetch quest.There are some difficulties with the bosses, but nothing not overcomeable with time and a revive.

Some notes on part 1

Bugged out space? - There's a bug where returning from the mines and going past the campfire leads you to a space you are not suppossed to go. You are hardstuck there with no exit. This is before the rope segment. I have attatched a picture to show where it is. Pretty sure the deer is for decoration.

No idea how this is replicated, but you might want to check the coordinates where the door leads if the campfire map moves you to different maps on different switches.

Fish and Randomness - This segment left me with a seething hatred for fish because I backtracked for a long time before I realized I had to kill stuff to get to the next area (level up lock) since I mostly avoided the random mobs. The fish are randomly inflicting confusion and have a pretty much 1hko move unless you use the gimmick. This means you can be locked into attacking and die randomly at every fish. I would suggest lowering the speed stat of the fishmen so this happens less frequently/ when you recover you get to heal instead of taking a fish blast.

Similarly, there's a forced segment on the house roof later in Act 2, I can see the potential for a soft lock here as well. Possibily adding a pickup/revive item inside the house would help the underprepared. (I never go anywhere without revives after Act 1 though)

One final note that I think is good is that there are a lot of custom animations/ shorts that a fitted between scenes, it really helps bring the story to life. The hunt scenes in act 2 are quite the kick in the feels.

P.S: I think I got most of the conspiratorial references, my time browsing /x/ was well-spent!

(1 edit)

I have some experience in playing this sort of game in the ero variety, I can see the rudimentals of that sort of game here already so I'll comment on my experience playing through it.

Witchgirl goes a little schizo if you try to strafe and fire at the same time, looking left and right rapidly. Its cute, probably unintentional.

Witchgirl is super basic to the point that I am much happier having a secondary skill than her fireball, because I have to aim and hit and then collect the gem. That's a lot of processes. There could be more interesting upgrades like splitting her fireball into three and shooting in a cone rather than a bigger fireball upgrade to cover for this.

Bombergirl is intersting, I don't see this very often and she feels the exact reverse of Witchgirl, its quite fun to play because the answer to upgrades is always MORE BOMBS and pickup range. I was unsure if +fire added more damage to the bombs until I started stacking it. I get the feeling you can kick bombs, but I never got to pulling it off since I was always laying bombs anyway.

Summoner boss basically asks: Do you have enough AOE? If so, you can strafe him in circles until his summons > your pickup range. Its a good idea that his summons drop gems, though perhaps he could do with a cooldown of sorts as a first boss, like he gets tired after X summons and gives you a window to attack. There's also quite a bit of lag time before summoner finds you, perhaps spawn him a little nearer to the player?

You always get 10k gold when going in and out of the menu, so I tried unlocking the undeveloped characters (laugh). I should also note that it doesn't save your gold progress, which is understandable.

Good luck DungeonWatcherdev!

I like this game, it is simple for what it is, and I understood the concept and gameplay loops quite easily. Essentially I got back home by running, dodging and removing restraints when nobody is around.

There are some bugs where the window does not update/ match the restraint on the movement screen, this is especially true with the chain and ball. I also notice that sometimes I think I removed the collar, but it pops right back again when I change rooms.

In general going sonic speed when people are closing in helps beat the game, only Bolas is a real threat because of his bolas covers a large portion of the screen. It also helps that enemies stop trying to restrain you when you are completely bound, I think that's smart design.

Sometimes projectiles follow you into the next map, unsure if intentional.

When there is an entrance with only one tile of entry the game can go into an unwinnable state, there's a map where there are two Latex guys and a 'trap' room with a jewel. If you go take the jewel two guys will come and block off the exit, you can kill one but the other will just tell you 'Pool's Closed' and stop you from going out. There's not way to get around him unless you restart the game.

I didn't like boulders much, feels like you get punished for even coming close to them, which leads to a death spiral if there are multiple enemies in the room.

This isn't my preferred artstyle since I enjoy anime more, gameplay-wise I definitely can appreciate what ElizaDev is going for!

I quite like the gameplay now, I played a previous version before when it was in a very early stage, I feel that I understand the game much better and playing it feels more fun!

I tried to do a 'seiso' run where I try to keep lust a minimum and fight appropriately. I focused on getting more adventurers and the tavern upgrades to reduce lust.

General Gameplay

General Difficulty Has Been Reduced Appropriately - I remember in a previous version it was difficult to even go past the second dungeon because adventurers would go down and the guild would go into a loop of dying, not getting rewards and so on. Beating ratkins feels a little easier since I have a seemingly unlimited amount of adventurers to rotate around now. Dungeons are also quite varied now and I don't think I've seen even 25% of the enemies now, will probably have to try out more.

Good Notifications on Skills - There was a point where my mage leveled up and I picked some new skills but didn't equip them. There's a gigantic exclamation that reminded me to put the skills in the slot. Maybe a tutorial popup for the first time saying "You have new skills to equip!" would help.

Challenging Adept Dungeons - This is probably more specific to the 'spam adventurers' style of gameplay, but if everyone is weak, it is difficult to challenge adept dungeons/ there is a fear of losing out if I go into them. My first one had a mecharat that kept spamming lust machines and hiding in the back, and the team couldn't break through. So there's a little waiting game where I am rotating adventurers and waiting for Tomo to become stronger from the training grounds.

Unsure of how to break this reluctance to do stronger dungeons, but I do want to get to that sus castle in the north. That's also another improvement, there are landmarks to make it feel like doing dungeons lets you advance somewhere. It just feels like it will take a long time to get to a level where clearing those dungeons is comfortable and I don't have to rotate my strongest characters before I try another adept dungeon.

My initial thought was to bring back (?) reccomended average party levels on the tooltip, because adept doesn't really describe much. If I am just grinding for gold for upgrades, I'll happily take less risk  if my team is all new adventurers.

General Misunderstandings

Milk? - I got the milk farm running but the option to take milk while adventuring is oranged out. I understood that provision restocks and I should buy health potions, I keep trying to buy the wooden horse hoping to see it work, but alas I saw a single ponygirl and I forgot to buy it that run. Maybe harder encounters will feature more humans. I figured out later that the 'job' of slave is just a passive upgrade to provisions.

Musketeer only reloads? - I rolled an alchemist class and she had a gun, so I assumed in combat she had to reload and shoot, but no matter how much I reloaded, the skill would not activate. I am unsure if I needed some sort of provision to have it work or if its a distance thing. The other classes I could understand quite fine, only the alchemist was unintuitive?

What job does what? - Missions and how to accomplish them could be better worded/described. For example, my first one was to turn Aura into a maid, which I assume had to do with the tab with a maid icon. But only found out later I had to buy the job slot first, and I had other priorities for my gold, which is another step to go into? Same with another mission where I had to turn a new recruit into a slave, I am unsure about the time length/ requirements for the job.

Maybe when you hover over the word 'maid' in the mission, a small hovering tooltip that says which facility/ how much time they should spend in it can help.


I like that when an effect comes up for the first time it explains the effect. I took the time to read them and it helps to know what's going on, because the game can be quite complex! Most were quite self-explanatory except for the willpower one, which I didn't know how to check how much willpower a character had in combat, so when looking at the orange shield I just assumed it was a 20% chance to dodge debuffs.

Sounds and Music

The Narrator is a very nice touch - It really breaks up the monotony of going through the dungeons. A small suggestion is also to add voice for inside the base, especially when upgrading buildings/ you don't have enough materials or favor. Something short like "Needs more favor." would help.

The First Dungeon - The very first dungeon where you come in and the chorus suddenly starts blaring feels a little jarring, maybe a fadein should be used (laugh). I realized after playing a bit that the BGM sounds a little like battle music for Madoka, but more electronic.


When There is Insufficient Materials - There is a point where you try to upgrade buildings and don't have enough materials. The coloring when favor/mana is greyed out and insufficient looks different from the one on the bottom left. Maybe a highlight at the bottom left hand corner on the missing materials when you try to upgrade something and there isn't enough mana/favor will help because I squinted my eyes and wondered where to get favor (as I cancelled the first mission I got because I didn't understand the requirements and didn't come back to quests after that).

Seisoness - I played the desktop version, I don't think I got far enough to check for nudity, but in general it seems sfw enough, bondage aside. It might not be very youtube friendly because of the underwear and funny clothing, but that is the nature of this game, you can't really go full seiso without becoming a literally Kagura game with its soul ripped out. The game now is fun enough to me though. Gaben has far more risque games in stock claiming to be seiso, the adult-only tag should be enough.

Would I play another round of Ero Dungeons? Absolutely! I just need to make time when I am not doing art... And get over my fear of mecha ratkins with spinny aphrodisiac bots. 

I am a minor questing page sent here by a princess.

This story is good! I can't believe I got sucked into it so much looking for the answer, going 32 loops for it.

The first few runs made me go "protecc Suzette" because she was my first waifu, which led to predictable consequences. I kept at it for what seemed like ages, but never could find an answer in the 1x runs.  Part of it also made me suffer Bernkastel-disease where I became numb to Suzette's plight after failing again and again.

When I started talking to other people, worlds opened up, but I was still missing the key piece to save the world. Bernkastel-disease got a lot more stronger in the 2x runs as I started dating even the guys, everyone, just to try and find the answer to saving Suzette, eventually bumping into the FRIENDSHIP route without the keyword. Then everything fell into place.

You know what? Even though I didn't end up on an ending with Suzette (I'm pretty sure the story allows you to fix her), the ending still warms my heart. It's an ending that I chose and worked hard for. Thank you for writing an awesome story!

Yes! Go ahead, you can tell me about it so I can fix it!

Super late reply but thank you~ I've been working on the script the last few days; along with doing some hard thinking on how this game should go. It's kind of at a bit of a bottleneck where I want to simplify the game systems so it is less work to develop (since there's no way I can come up with something as complex as Pokemon's battle system) and still keep it fun.

The big thing I thought of is to leverage AI's strength; which is to produce a lot of characters/sprites in a short amount of time rather than taking a lot of time to craft one character and use AI to reproduce the character. This way I can set up more unique encounters and let named characters be more special things that only happen at the end of questlines.

Play Design Feedback

  • Flying enemies are annoying, difficult to hit them and very evasive without tracking. I think it has to do with a lack of "enemy chaser" options and their evasiveness.

    I suggest differentiating fliers that are easy to hit (because they stay in front of you for a while), and harder fliers (because they evade the way they currently do and do ranged attacks).

  • There's a small underwater pool part of the map where it is difficult to get out of because the ledge is lower than normal and flying is difficult when there are so many enemies around.

    Normally I thought that you would die if you went off the ledge, or drown like Sonic over time, but apparently cunny pink doesn't do that and keeps getting chased by fliers.

  • Tracking seems to go on forever, jumping off a high ledge in stage 1 into the underwater pool it seems like half the stage's bats have come after me, unsure if intentional part of level.
  • Heroine is fast, so you tend to lose health quite easily when enemies bunch up around you.
  • Visuals are great, very UWOOOOH, cute and funny.


  • Game crashes on PC when you die
  • Game crashes on PC after you defeat the elf in tutorial and go through the door
  • (?) Minotaur in stage 1 tracks you forever, even reaching the left red door, funny thing: you can lock him inside the small room because he has no red keys lol

Thank you for your kind feedback!

In general I agonized NPCs disappearing led to Morrowind-like "the thread of prophecy has been severed" scenarios or Genshin Impact's "this character is involved in another quest" problems; so I made it that non-uniques don't disappear. One big problem that used to pop up  was the town healer disappearing and your team was half dead with no revives.

Then Author-kun runs into the problem of immersion, therefore the solution is to hang the non-unique NPCs from a tree. From next update onwards I'll put events in the main town area where NPCs are automatically sent to when captured and can be released. Sort of like a mini-brig event with a single CG. 

This was already planned for wild captures to make capturing random encounters worthwhile; the game already tracks how many wretches you have captured in the background.

Your post also made me think about the "how close to pokemon" problem, the more I tweak systems closer to pokemon, the more I find it to be the most efficient solution to solving the capture problem, as with many other systems. It's just Author-kun's laziness in not wanting to make Ultra Balls and beyond, but on the back end it is a simple setting of the [Capture Net] event to 50%, and making the [Great Capture Net] event to trigger for 60%.

The "resist capture" thing was also something that myself noted during testing because if you follow the main quest without leveling you run into problems not being able to capture event NPCs, or have the "fear of losing out" on a unique npc. Since that is a feelsbad, I'll have to solve that problem (possibly moving it closer to the pokemon solution). It's also why Rien is a level 6 event instead of 9 now. Thinking...

Flying Onaholes are just the developer's way of saying: this area is in development.

Good stuff, make me think.

P.S: Kino is a scammer in lore, but potions/HP regen code has to be fixed.

"I recognize that hip shake..."

I played this as someone who has no contact with "Darkest X" games; saw this on the first day, played it, have no idea what I am doing, but it's fun!

My main feedback is that there is no intuitive way to get lewds; the game is difficult to win at, but equally difficult to purposely lose at.

Comments from First Run

- I have no idea what I am doing and got stuck trying to deploy adventurers because I didn't know you needed at least 4 people in a team. (because first stage only had 2)

-- I figured it out in the second try.Which shows the game is good because I came back for a second round.

- Being able to customize your adventurer is a big plus. Maybe something to change hairstyles/cosmetics in the future?

Second Run

- Building upgrades are quite non-intuitive because you need to pull it down to get it shown. Why not move Mami to the other side and let the pulldown be shown by default? This way you don't block the image and players intuitively know there are upgrades to buildings.

- Game became really hard after winning a run, I am not sure how to remove gags/ rest adventurers etc, am I suppossed to fire people and keep getting new ones in the guild?

- Unless you poke around, you would never know that you can add more skills to your adventurer. It took me a while to figure it out.

Third Run

- GAMEPLAY: I started trying out the consumables at the start of the dungeon, aside from the morale-boosting bread none of them seem very attractive; I am mostly afraid that I buy them but they never see use in the dungeon.

-- It doesn't help that the inventory is cleared at the end of each run so even if you invested coin into buying a key, you might not even see a chest/ fail at opening a chest. It deters from buying consumables.

- GAMEPLAY: I started looking at morale/ other stats, seems very overwhelming! Even looking at the lock and gags glossary I think it will be better served with some sort of flowchart visual of what overwrites what.

- I tried my hardest to do a MAXXlewd run by stripping Tomo and her friends. It turns out the MAXXlewd run is EASIER than a normal run because Ratkin have the brains of Skaven and start putting locks on you, effectively lowering their DPS and skipping their turn.

On some turns there are so many locks and gags on Tomo and gang that a "null" status pops up because they can't equip anymore.

I still won the MAXXlewd run, which I don't think is intentional. 

Main feedback: The most efficient way to get lewds is very non-intuitive (i.e strip yourself three fingers style) and does not mesh into the gameplay, I suggest having more non-combat/non-debhiliating debuffs so that lewd visibility is higher (i.e as-fan is higher as the card game players say).

This way even if (Minor Ballgag) doesn't affect your stats much, players still know this thing exists. I never got a single parasite because I never got that far to see it. The fun of the game should mesh with the natural way people play the game, which is that they try their best to clear the dungeon and not lose on purpose.

Overall, it's pretty fun!

I have no idea how to generate monster girls, sorry! ;_; 

VIRIDIAN will focus on bikini armor -> black lace -> skimpy outfits. I quite like tomboys considering that I tried to generate Sakura Igawa when starting out doing AI art, please look forward to it!

Looks good! Spine based models look really interesting!

(1 edit)

I actually played an early version of this, I still have the save files on computer when I loaded this one up! I remember playing up to the stage after fashion before I gave up, so I'll try to compare my experience for the first two stages on this version.

Most people have commented on the great graphics and sound, so I'll comment on the gameplay.

Improvements From Before

  • Having the bridge open to the first stage's boss was a nice touch, reduces the "I have to do this AGAIN?!" feeling that I had before. As a consequence the small bridge leading to 1-2 was removed, but it feels much better now.
  • I had quite the surprise at the middle bridge drop that was passable before.
  • The "more lewd = beat boss" is more pronounced now, the first time I reached the boss and lost, I wondered how I was going to get past it since everyone was close to max level. Then I realized that everyone on the team had an extra skill or two after being lewded, it was a really big "aha!" moment for me. I feel like "this boss is beatable" rather than the previous "this boss is unbeatable"! P.S: I never figured this out until this version

Fashion Stage Specific

  • It is possible to blitz the middle and reach the 2-1 boss underleveled/stanceless by jumping into the black pitch in 2-2. Because if you only have one person left, you can evade the fashionistas quite easily. Unsure if intentional.
  • This stage really played with my mind because there are only max 2 corset cutters and heel cutters. But there are four characters. So initially I thought the way to beat the boss was to have 2 on offense and 2 wobblies. After losing a few times and having to heal at Kyubey's I found out that the items recharged and just spammed Kyubey.
  • This is something that you don't really realize naturally, that Kyubey recharges items, so it could be more prominently made known.
  • Because the witches are already wearing corsets and heels in their default outfit, it's difficult to tell at a glance visually how much of a problem the stage's mechanics are.

On Finished Product

  • Monster info overlap overlaps with attack skills, it makes looking things up feel a little cluttered. Maybe turn off skills UI when monster info is selected?
  • There's some grindiness to it, but far less than in previous versions. Reaching stage 2 there was quite the gap in time between me beating the boss and having to go through the fashionistas in 2-1 again. Perhaps there could be an exp boost after reaching a certain point or the boss room? Unsure how to balance this.
  • Finished product reminds me of a very fleshed out Execution Dungeon from Demons Roots. Combat is harder than normal and feels like Homura is punishing them for something. If so, Kyubey should mention something like "don't expect a purity run" or something like that to set expectations, otherwise a new player is going to get frustrated trying to beat this like a normal RPGMaker game without interacting with lewd mechanics.

Overall, I quite like it, this version makes me want to come back to play again when I have time rather then having a strong feeling of "being stuck", which is a good sign!

(1 edit)

Since I am also making a somewhat-pokemon game, some comments on your take of Pallet Town~

Funny Stuff

Always Reject Unsolicited Calls - If you keep rejecting the call from Seed the game goes into an endless loop of you rejecting calls


If you go into the Kusomon panel immediately after Seed's call, you are stuck because you have no shitmons. Make a switch here to have Seed say "This isn't time." and turn it off after you get your first mon. You also get stuck on the tutorial battle if you click mons because of the same reason.


Should the types really be displayed? - It's kinda intimidating to think about pokemon types as your first mon, it might be better display the main type and let player discover the surprise. (perhaps that's why they don't display types at all in the mainline games)


For smoother gameplay: Menu screen should close after clicking save


If you pick grass you are severely weak to bug type, the old man immediately after tutorial just NTRs you. I couldn't get past this part, sorry! Monk also crashes game infrequently, unsure how to reproduce.

I love it! The schizo part is the best part because I understood it! (obviously, since Author-kun wrote "Madness of Madison Delaroux" after all) It really does feel like /x/ made this, glowies and all included.

The Good

Jojo's poses and characterization - The poses are really unique because you don't see vastly different poses in a visual novel that often. It also makes her characterization (mind on seggs) stand out more. Also, I understood that Armstrong reference into /his/ rant.

The mystery - Dream/death scenes are cliche but it did keep me wondering the first time I played through! The surprise voiceovers are also great, especially when it came to the long block of text and I went "ohhhhh!".

The surprise - This game was good enough that I went through it a second time (with skip) and I quickly realized that certain parts and small bits of dialogue were different, it really made me wonder! I really shouldn't have spee D. read the second time, but I must have tripped a flag and the voiced glowie segment really hit me!

The references - There are lots of small references (SCP, MSG, a certain sci book) that you get if you hang around /x/ and /v/ often. Yes, I got the Patrick one too. It's not so much schizo when you see it.

Areas to Improve

Run-Off Lines - My own experience releasing a visual novel on Steam is that run-off lines detract from the experience. There are certain lines that read awkwardly because the main point is cut in half on-screen. It's better to seperate this into a new message or reword the line to fit a single line.

Story-wise - Also from my own experience writing a schizo game; the main character should appear for majority of the game. It's tempting to curve into other interesting characters (RIP) but too long a disappearance and I'm left wondering if she'll ever come back or I have to travel to an alternate dimension created by an emotionless literature club girl to get her back. Not a problem for a story of this length, could be a problem if she disappears for a whole chapter or two. 

Overall Jono has done a good job with dialogue, especially with the little breaks and pauses, just a small nitpick on the dialogue and wording side. Jojo a cute, jazz is great, mystery is good, horror is ehly-mild. Overall, a strong visual novel since I read it all the way to the end!

Spooky/10. How about trying your hand at making a visual novel? VN Maker is a really easy to pick up engine for what you want to do here~

Alright you baited me in the Umineko thread a month ago and I waited to read this; then I saw it again on /agdg/. It was all the fault of Magical Chef Godha.

Mystery-wise I see my old friends the reverse order locked rooms (simplified), the impossible master keys, and the damnable Shkannon red herring. If you reached the Golden Land understanding the mysteries is the easy part, author himself seems to give up the mysteries waaaay too easily, immediately explaining them after they occur. I guess the characters all read Ryukishi at some point and died on Ep2.

Also because the killer literally allows you to name anyone, we HAVE to assume someone did the shed-killing trick without slicing half the face off. Which leads me back to exposing the mystery really early because that's the only logical assumption we can make, even though it's a really classic one...

The hard part is trying not to laugh and cry when you are hit by THE POWER TO MIND HACK at the climax of the game, because if you read Umineko and your mind is set on the Umineko track you don't really see this one coming. 

That one probably could have done with more foreshadowing; because if only 1/5 people believe in it, it kind of weakens the credibility of the solution a little. That's probably another weak point of the story; there's not much tension about John Wick and everyone seems to go about their daily lives like NPCs.

In a setting where everyone had a similar face, my initial hypothesis was clones. (because you know, cyro lab) That was probably the part I didn't like the most because I'm pretty sure that the Zero Time Dilemma solution violates SOMETHING and makes Dlanor cry, even if I don't know what it is.

I'm not the greatest mystery reader, but I enjoyed reading something made by someone who read Umineko. If this review makes no sense to a passing goat, it was because like this game it was written with love and you can't see it. (laugh)

Good man, I never tried that part out, I'll fix the quitting to title thing first since that seems rather fixable.

It's finally here! This took a bit of work, but I hope you like it!