You're my virtual friend Marnix.
It seems like a lot of the clicks don't register for some reason.
So, uhh, Bonzi Buddy/Microsoft Office Assistant, but with boobs?
She didn't really respond to inputs. I managed to get her mad a couple of times, but I wasn't sure what made her that way (typical woman experience, I guess the game is pretty faithful to the source material in that regard). Unfortunately there isn't much to do. I mean, sure, you can, uhh, accidentally swipe the mouse across the boobs and they would jiggle, but the physics are kinda off. Her hand clips through the boobs when she's waving at you, and it feels like you tried to contain her animation in her window - so the waving itself is very uncanny. Bag also clips through her arm.
Again - there's really pretty much nothing here in terms of gameplay - the only thing that there is to interact with is the shop. It took around 1min 15sec to go from 102 to 104 (I spent initial cash to buy a bag). If I were to assume I get 2 points per minute - it would take 125 minutes, or 2 hours, to get one music track, more than 4 hours for a single piece of background, more than 3 hours for a jacket. Cheapest option (a hat) takes 50 minutes. It feels like there's gotta be some premium currency down the line, "use 5 diamonds to skip the wait" kinda deal that's all over mobile games nowadays, because otherwise - those wait times are atrocious.
Now I understand that that may probably be intentional, this is a "run in background doing nothing but drain resources and play a funny animation every now and then" kind of application, BUT. Unlocking all backgrounds takes 6500 points, which would translate to 54+ hours of having her run in background. Which MAY be possible if you work remotely and spend 8hrs per work day on your personal PC - but even then it would take more than a week to unlock that. And I haven't counted music and accessories.
So yeah, in-app "economy" is pretty scuffed. Easily fixable with Cheat Engine, of course, but still.
Considering this is an app that's supposed to just run in the background and provide you with visual relief - I personally would not include music, OR let it connect to spotify/apple music/youtube music/whatever. You have a decent selection of chill-like music, and it may be fine for some people - but I personally don't know many people who work while listening to lofi chillhop while working - it's either nothing, or podcasts, or some rock/rap/other kind of upbeat music. It may just be that my perception is skewed, but IMO music will be turned off by the majority of people if the app was to be used as a background pretty picture.
Character is cute, but a bit generic. She doesn't look like she should have abs, but she does. Oh well.
I dunno what you wanna do with this app. If it were to be a "desktop companion" - then I dunno. 2007 called, they want their office assistant back. Especially considering some editor apps have similar functionality built-in as plugins.
If it were to be a game - then KinitoPet immideately comes to mind. Bear in mind that KinitoPet came VERY close to being considered a virus/spyware by some due to some of the activities that it performed. Otherwise - I have no idea how this app could be made into a game, aside from becoming a clicker game.
Oh yeah, and no anime girl will ever replace my boi F1 from my childhood memories.
The drawing pin icon doesn't seem to do anything. Is it suppose to lock the window position in place?
I think I encountered a minor bug where purchasing the "lofi" song wouldn't register as bought. The song would play but the lock icon didn't disappear. Resetting the game fixed it.
Her boobs move too much like jello. It's very easy to have them clip through the girl's body if you wiggle the mouse fast enough.
I'm not really sure how progression works currently. Is it just based on idle time? Maybe a progression system based more on interactivity would be better? Seems like a good way to encourage user engagement.
She needs to be way more emotive. One of the first things I noticed is she does not even blink lol.
I don't think there's much point in having so many music options. The user will probably opt to play music from their browser or with a dedicated music player app.
Since the idea is for her to be a desktop waifu it would be cool if you could play games with her (within the app of course). I don't know if the backgrounds are 3D but it would also be cool if you could maybe enter fullscreen mode and look around /interact with the world she's in. Perhaps she could also do other basic assistant stuff like set alarms and reminders.
I agree with the other reviewers that you're better off not including much lewd stuff if you aren't going to commit to R18 content. Modders will probably add it in for you anyways.
Hopefully I don't come off as overly critical. It's very clearly an early build but I think it has potential. Especially if you add decent mod support.
Hey, this wasn't overly critical at all.
The pin icon locks the window to the foreground (so it can be on top of other applications).
I've noticed that sometimes indeed the song UI doesn't update. Just reopening the window should correctly show the UI then. This is something I'll probably fix soon.
Emotions and facial expressions is what I'm currently working on, because she's too static indeed now. This project is mainly made so I could learn 3D and Unity a bit better, so it may take some time to get this perfect.
The game's you're talking about is what I'm currently implementing, where she can play a simple version of rock paper scissors with you (and winning gives you some more friendship points). Right now it's only gained by idling, but I want to expand on this by indeed playing with her, feeding her or interacting with here in some other way. The backgrounds are 2D currently, and I had a fullscreen mode in a previous build, maybe I'll add it again at a later point, but I wasn't really happy with it.
Regardless, thank you for the detailed response! It helps a lot in figuring out where to go with this game, as I made the game in 3 days over the holidays. I'll keep pushing out updates and adding more content/progression to the game over the next months,
yeah this needs more interactivity. right now even a tamagotchi has more gameplay
also, things are way too expensive, and gaining currency is waaaaay too slow
unless you guys are planning to slap deep monetization schemes behind it, which is most definitely not my cup of tea
Seems like there's only really one interaction she has at the moment, and there's no apparent way to get more points other than just waiting. Probably needs some kind of rewards for interacting.
There's not much else to talk about for the current state of the game, but as far as the idea goes I'm not very keen on it. The kinds of apps that offer this kind of functionality that I know of are either "cosy games" like that one cat cafe game video on YouTube recently, pets that just crawl all over your screen (alternatively, chibi anime girls that walk around), or literal desktop strippers.
IMO, you either make it an R18 game (which should probably make for an interesting video later down the line) or expand on customization and interactions to make it into something like tamagotchi.
Frankly, it seems like an overcrowded genre to go for if you're not going to add significant changes to the formula because there's only so much screen space a weeb can allocate to things like this, and I've seen so many of these desktop idle games already. I've even seen NFT companies try something similar at conventions before.
It's also not going to be able to compete against gacha games like Azur Lane, Brown Dust or GFL2, and that's probably where the main audience wanting anime girl interactions lies in, because it already provides something similar to what you have here with a much higher quality, on top of having the rest of their respective games' gameplay and characters/story/etc. (Disclaimer: I don't play any of those games, but I know people who do and the clips they post sometimes are pretty insane)
However, if you still want to make a game like this, then I'd actually recommend targeting the female demographics with anime men instead, because your only major competition in that department would probably be Love and Deepspace and that has been wildly successful.
Also it would be absurdly funny if you actually turned yourself/any of the team into a hot anime guy for it, you wouldn't even need to pay another voice actor to do the work.
Thanks for giving it a go and leaving your thoughts, I'm currently not certain what I want this "game" to be so it helps a lot.
The original reason I had to make this was just to have something that plays music whilst I'm working (I know Spotify and YT exist, but then I have too many choices of what I want, and this is all streaming safe music as well).
I think you're right on with the fact that it's for neither audience currently, it's not gooner enough for an 18+ (which isn't what I'm trying to make), but it's a bit too pervy now to apply to the general cozy gamer. I'll probably tone down that aspect a lot, and like you said, my goal was more to make it a tamagotchi style as well.
As for your last 2 paragraphs, the idea I had for "uniqueness" is to have swappable characters, working together with V-tubers (this is a bit easier now since I've been talking to a bunch of them after Unicycle Pizza Time) and such as well, so male characters are on my todo list as well. And to answer that last part, that was the goal from the start, turn me and Thomas into characters as well, also to serve as a use case example for that V-tuber integration.
Once again, thanks for having given it a go and taken the time to write this. This won't be our next multi-million dollar franchise, but it's something I've been using to learn more Unity as well.
there isn't much to comment on yet, but the music was good
i don't think you're going to be able to have your cake and eat it when it comes to making a game about doing cute things but it also lets you slap boobs and strip the girl down to her underwear. it seems like two different audiences are being conflated just because they both potentially like anime girl games
if this is a game about building a relationship with a virtual character then i think there needs to be more of a scenario instead of just an avatar you leave idle to unlock customization; it should be 'My Virtual Senpai' or 'My Virtual Co-worker' or something, and it should be implicit that -she- needs a friend because her mood/room/whatever else improves as you interact with her. just a thought
Thanks for giving it a go!
The music was the main reason I made this honestly, because I just wanted an easy way to have background noise for my brain that I can just have on 24/7 (with the added bonus that all the music is royalty free so I can use it in my livestreams).
You're right about the identity crisis of being cozy vs 18+, and this will probably one of the first things I'll rework. The goal was never to make a gooner game, it was just one of the easiest things to implement and figure out my code. I actually like the suggestions of My Virtual Co-Worker as well.
I'll be putting more depth into the management part, where the character can indeed be happy, sad, bored, sleepy,... because I think that's the better move here.
Anyways, thank you for giving your thoughts, it helps me a lot, especially at this stage in development where I'm not really sure what direction to go myself.
It's me indeed :). Thanks for having given it a go.
Indeed, I want to add more interactivity, headpats, playing rock paper scissors,... The boob fondling was just an easy one to get implemented first. Rusty's Retirement (and Desktop Cat Cafe) were some inspirations, there is a basic economy system but I want to do more with currency and unlocks in future updates, because right now it is still a bit too basic.
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