Would be cool to know in advance what engines you're planning to use for your games! Please share ;)
I’m going through a couple of chapters in a day through Rust learning materials and I’m preparing to use Emerald Engine EDIT: Due to the speed of learning Rust, I’m changing to Castle game engine https://castle-engine.itch.io/castle-game-engine
Cool! I'll actually try to do something I have no clue with, I'll learn some basic c++ and use Ouzel - made by a Latvian developer https://github.com/elnormous/ouzel we'll see what I can make in 1 week during eventings without pactical C++ knowledge.
I will use UPBGE which is an open-source, 3D game engine forked from the old Blender Game Engine. I found out about it's existence just yesterday and it was nice to see that the old and dead BGE has been revived, kept alive and updated by someone. Will be interesting to see if I will be able to come up with something better with it than I was 12 years ago.