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Escape the DarknessView game page

Your stuck in a loop in the darkness and have to escape
Submitted by King Dratonix — 5 days, 12 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Black and White#904.6094.609

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Overall an alright game from what I played. Can be a little difficult as well.


Always enjoy  platformer where you gotta jump on some enemies. Would be cool if every loop you gain new abilities or some slight changes happen, otherwise good base start for a game!


A cute little game that I think has a lot of potential. If the controls can be tightened up a bit I think it could be really great!


I love how these dudes are walkin here, lots a charm overall. It felt good to jump off heads as one-time springboards. I think the music didn't work for me as much, but that's just a personal taste thing. Nice work overall!


This game has a nice difficulty curve, all it needs is polish: more frames of animation, more precise controls, a slightly faster pace, plus some additional obstacles and objects to interact with (trampolines/elevators/buttons/keys, etc.).


I like the concept. The jump has a nice acceleration and weight.

Having a jump pose for the character would have been nice so they weren't t-posing and walking mid-air.

It feels a little unfair when you need an enemy in order to make a jump but accidentally kill them beforehand. Especially when you see the enemy before the jump you need them for.


I love the main character animations it's adorable,  fun game 

 great work :)


Pretty fun game! I managed to escape the loop! I think you balanced the difficulty of the levels very well. It was a challenge but never felt too hard either.

My one suggestion would be to make it so that enemies don't disappear when you jump on them. That way if you jump on an enemy but then miss the platform, you can try again rather than having to restart from the beginning of the level. It might also be cool to add a few more hazards like spikes, or maybe make some of the enemies shoot projectiles just to add some variety.


Hey I saw your post in the community tab. I rated your game. I think it's got a really solid base, the music was pretty strong, overall solidly built game.

Please check out my entry if you get a chance:



sry I couldn't check it out before I was sleeping


That was not bad actually ! Seems like you know how to keep players interested in their experience and this is great !

The controls are okay yet still a little challenging to understand, but this is not a big deal.

Maybe try to add different animations to your characters next time, like for the jump or for the death, i swear this would make a huge difference :)

Overall it's a good work, keep it up !


I liked it:) once you got used to the controls the game becomes addictive and with a good challenge, more levels would be awesome


I'm an idiot, this game is gles3, not gles2, that's why it's slower to load


I love platformers and this reminded me a bit of Commander Keen, not sure why though :D If you want to juice up your platformers a bit, you could potentially add these: Acceleration instead of starting at full speed and lerping down instead of stopping right a way, and a bit of coyote time, especially on the enemies.


I played it at first it was a bit hard for me but after some time I developed a rhythm of jumping on enemies, you should update your player animation in the post-jam version it will make a big difference, overall good job man :D


how should I improve the animations, not being defensive, but just asking so I can make my game better


You can make a better player sprite sheet for that


the controls hard for me to play but i like the game !


thanks for the feedback


Nice. I think desponding enemies after you jump on them made the game longer and not necessarily harder.  However, I did enjoy the boost you did get off the enemy.


thanks for the review do u have any suggestions on how to make my game better,


probably another enemy or two, and also adding puzzles where you bounce on multiple different types of enemies in a row without touching the ground or something like that


Controls feel slow and sloppy, the music bashes my ears...


thanks for your feedback, and my controls were designed to be slow, also could you please use constructive criticism instead of destructive criticism


sorry, I didnt mean to say it that way... I was really stressed and upset yesterday... But after replaying the game, I noticed somethings my pessimist self was not able to see... The game starts off really quickly and you provide an intuitive experience with no need for a tutorial. I finished the game and found it to be really short... But otherwise my experience was very good and would love to see the gravity to be more intense and more levels to be added!


thanks for being positive, but I can feel you, sometimes when you are upset, who cloud your judgement, but thanks for being positive again