Awesome game! I love the art and music. I'm not sure if I played it entirely correct but I kept bouncing on the bosses to defeat them - it reminds me of shovel knight when you can bounce on the bosses to win. Its well polished and fun. Great job!
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Spin Overload's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Player can transform into a spinning ball to quickly move and deal lots of damage.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, execpt the font
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
This game has a very old school feeling to it, the art and the controls really give off that vibe. I found it to be very button-mashy, which isn't a bad thing cause I really had fun! Didn't really used the jump button, maybe I missed something, cause dashing upwards seems to outperform jumping. Great game, really fun entry!
I really liked the game, It's really good. Sandly I found a bug on the camera in the third boss, so I couldn't pass over that level. But the design, art, vfx... It's really good.
Thank you so much for the response. I tried playing the game on another computer, and the same thing happened to me. In the third level, where the stage is bigger and I had to climb a lot, the camera didn’t follow me when I tried to reach the ground again (I couldn’t see what was going on down there).
What I did was take the browser out of fullscreen, and it worked. (I've attached some photos below to show my experience.) but at least it worked for me! Anyway, I’ll ask my friend who knows about programming, maybe they’ll have a better solution.
When you finish the game something special happend in the end :D so if you want to try again in future, you are welcome! :D:D:D!
My photos:
1) Problem = with browser full size( i cant see below):
2) How do I solve : browser minimize size ( i can see below)
The art is beautiful and the bosses are well designed, well done!
Alright, I tried my best not to give 5 stars on everything, but I couldn’t resist!
The game is great, the main menu, the testing dummy, the movement is soooo fluid and the gameplay in general is pretty satisfying! The boss designs are all innovative and make you thing of new ways to defeat them.
And I love that the use of the theme “Spinning” has so much of influence on the gameplay!
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