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A member registered Jan 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you!!

I like the implementation of the theme, it was pretty good and innovative, and directly effected the gameplay! Overall, a pretty good game. Good job!

That you for your time, I’m going to check your game out right now!

Good game! Felt like the nokia snake game but you could touch your tail! Super polished as well! I like the fact that if you take damage, you get smaller therefore more chance to avoid bullets, that has an extra point!

even restarting through the in game pause menu is supposed to put you right before the boss battle

That’s not good to hear, there are colliders but sometimes framerate issues will break it, and when you trigger the boss, you should be respawned just before the fight.

Thank you for the time and feedback!

Great job with the game, I’m honestly surprised at how similar your first boss is to my second boss! I just wish that the bosses had less health/you could heal in between the fights. Instead you could combine the bosses’ attacks to make an attack chain and make the fights more intense

I just wanted to go on ahead and say, there are waaaay too many good games on this jam, sooooo many different takes on the theme, there’s nothing in the world that can decide which one’s the best, in any way!

Thank you for the time you spent on the game, I will try your game out!

Thank you for the time you spent on the game, I’ll play your game when I’m available

Thank you, I appreciate your time, I’ll play your game when I’m available

Thanks for your time and feedback! The camera really seems like a big issue and the fact that the two people who played the game didn’t notice that you could lock the camera is something I should keep in mind

Great game! Every boss kept me on my toes and while giving me a hell of a challenge, it was still pretty fair. Probably the most balanced boss battle experience I’ve had in this gamejam! Although the use of theme could’ve been better.

Also the second boss with the blue clothes and katana and his attacks reminded me of Vergil from devil may cry and his judgement cuts, I don’t know if it was inspired by him or not but he was still my favorite.

amazing use of the theme! incredible graphics and boss design! and the game was fun, but at some point the bosses would not spawn any balls at me though, is that my problem? did i do something wrong? if yes let me know and i’ll replay the game. the game has a settings menu where you can set the volume and music but i wasn’t hearing anything, and it wasn’t muted either. also the camera could get pretty funky on the first boss but all and all, great game with great potential!

(1 edit)

I appreciate that you put your time on the game! And thank you a alot for the feedback!

So F*cking Smooth!!!

Alright, I tried my best not to give 5 stars on everything, but I couldn’t resist!

The game is great, the main menu, the testing dummy, the movement is soooo fluid and the gameplay in general is pretty satisfying! The boss designs are all innovative and make you thing of new ways to defeat them.

And I love that the use of the theme “Spinning” has so much of influence on the gameplay!

Hey! Let me make this clear that it would probably take me 10 days just to finish the art! so good work on the art and visuals. Although here are a bunch of my recommendations:

The boss really only has two attacks (far as i played) and in no way are those too hard to dodge, but I hate the fact that i died with one hit, and i had to refresh the page to replay.

The boss really just comes down and becomes available to attack randomly, which is not bad but i would love to earn it! Like if the boss thrown me some cogs and i could attack and destroy them to stagger the boss. Also the boss’s health is way too much in this case

I also didn’t know i could double jump but i figured pretty fast

All and all, good job and I wish you the best on the next projects!

(1 edit)

Good Game! And this time you kept my word in mind and actually made the player rotate when he was attacking! That means alot to me!

I love the fact that the first boss is literally called Artorias and he has the spinning attack as well xD Great use of the theme too! Like i really felt the urge to spin the wheel and get something good!

Few things i will recommend though: I think the healing buff was better if it was instant. in games like sekiro with a fast pace combat the healing process has to be faster aswell.

I understood the game and it’s mechanics but for someone who hasn’t played sekiro, i don’t know whether they’ll have a good time or not, so maybe a better tutorial would help.

the hitboxes and attack frames on some bosses were kinda confusing, like i hold down the parry button right before the attack and parry, but then when i let go in order to parry the next attack in the chain, i take damage. and i don’t know if it’s the first attack that damages me or the next one or if there’s something in between

Amazing game in general

That’s actually good news XD Someone complained the game was too hard, guess they had to just git gud Or maybe you’re just a god Nonetheless thank you, I’ll be sure t9 make harder game later on

Thank you a lot for the time!

And thank you even more for the great feedback

(2 edits)

I appreciate that you took a different approach, and I gotta say... Great Game! In such a short amount of time as well! This is one of the best games I've played in the jam!

I can see where you'll be going with the game, and I love that! definitely keep going!

As a fellow developer who's working on another combat driven/soulslike game, I noticed a few bugs and issues that you gotta fix when turning this game into a full release:

1) When there is an fps drop, or in low fps in general, the player moves too much when using root motion

2) When you attack for the first time or perform a combo, you gotta be able to rotate your character for the first few frames of the animation. When I attempted to attack the boss, if he dodged the first attack, it was over. I wouldn't be able to rotate my character when performing the combo, and I would miss.

A few thing that would make the game better when releasing:

Make an attack animation right after dodging.

Give the story more depth and make the people's death impactful.

Make a whole journey/questline on learning how to time travel. like the first act of the game is where you connect to the people and the goblin boss, in the second act you learn how to time travel, and in the final one you get revenge from the goblin boss 

Optimize the game a bit more.

Great Job and Good Lock on your Journey!

Cool use of the concept! pretty similar to mine as well. Everything was great about the game, the sounds, the enemy AIs, the meditation mechanical choice, everything. Except for one, the tutorial in the menu. It took me a bunch of tries until i figured out that i had to hold the LMB to attack properly instead of spanning it. And i never got to dash... I didn't figure it out but overall Great Game!

Also it would be a bit better if you got an extra meditation before the final boss if you were out of meditations but you only had 7 days.

yeah I didn't have much time to Playlist the game so I uploaded it right away, but when I did play through the game, I felt the same.

Thank you for the feed back

thanks a lot for the feedback, that's so generous of you to say that, the feedback is really really helpful

This game has a lot of potential, that's for sure! If you decide to make a full release on this great concept, here's some feedback i can give you as a gamer:

add an invert option for the mouse, also lock the mouse

get the camera a little further away from the player

but overall, great game!

Great Game!! It gave me some dark souls vibes as well.

The story, the narrative, the events were all perfect! Very different and fun choices! Loved the game! Easily one of the best games I've played in the jam!

Dude are you KIDDING?! Last place I expected to get rickrolled was xD

Good Job!

Overall, great game! i really loved the design and the concept of having a torch, it added to the wonderous and mysterious feeling of the game

The introduction of the levels and camera movement in the beginning could've been better though

An overall great game! But i was surprised the most when i found out that there's built in blackjack! Really loved it!

thanks alot!

that's good news

Cool Game! i can see you uploaded your game a bit late... i was testing my game and noticed a big ass collider is in the way in one of the levels, so i had to rebuild the game and upload it. the internet speed was so bad it took me half an hour to upload the game. my game was uploaded late as well and i don't know if it even counts :/ 

overall, your game was pretty cool! i loved the way you managed to render the graphics!

it would be better if the game had some more feedback when you shot the enemies

a very chill and satisfying game! i love the fact that you put the solutions as well, i was stuck on 9th level for the longest time XD.  the game was great but it was lacking the "Storm" part a bit, but i guess i would understand the game better if i was a barista or cafe owner myself

thank you!

Amazing game! the concept was cool and pretty straight forward, got me hooked for god knows how long and i really enjoyed it! i wish there was a more effective and strategic way of placing the bushes but what can we say, for a 7 day project, this was Great! Good Job!

Really enjoyable game! I specially liked the dialogues and voice line! didn't expect such quality tbh

Great Game, I loved the graphics, the game design, the atmosphere everything!  but i just wish it was a bit more optimized, or maybe my pc is too old XD

at first, i thought i couldn't play this game but once i got used to it, it was so enjoyable!

although i wish there was for feedback when you couldn't dodge correctly or obtained a coin