do you think i forgot abt u? :), well sorry but yeah kinda.... i said yeh i will rate his game later but then i got school and things yk... anyway your game is really good idk how its still 8 ratings only... btw u must get more than 10 ratings so ur rating isnt lowered, rn u r 9 ratings so u will get 95% only of the rates and u will lose abt 5% anyway i really loved ur game and the voice over is really cool good job!! and im very sorry for being late :D
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Clockwork Cataclysm's pageGame's Take on the Theme
The Boss Rush is themed around Spinning and Twisted Clocks, Cogs and Platforms
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, I made everything except for the music
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
The first boss arena does not seem to have any colliders on the walls. Anytime the boss hits me and knocks me into a wall, I get sucked into the void :( Doesn't seem to be a way to skip the intro cutscene either. But the boss looked cool and I liked his animations. I like the environmental story telling you've got going on as well.
The atmosphere and feel in this game is great, I really like the 3D work you have done here, the mechanics are awesome, I rate graphics and fun on top, but all is good really, also if you have time please rate my game, thanks!!
Really enjoyed this game! :O The boss designs were awesome, and the variety in their attacks kept things interesting. I came so close to defeating the 3rd boss several times—just needed a couple more hits! XD One thing I did struggle with was the camera, especially when switching between aiming and melee. I just realized I could’ve locked it, so I’ll definitely give that a go next time! Overall, super fun experience, and props to you for making this on your own—impressive! ^_^ If you get a chance, I’d love for you to check out my game too! :)
Was quite fun! Couldn’t defeat the 3rd boss though, had him close to 1-2 hits several times. Really liked the boss designs, felt that there was a good variation in the attacks!
However, I felt that I was constantly fighting with the camera, especially when I’m switching between aiming and melee attacks. (As I’m writing this I just realised I could’ve locked the camera.. maybe I’ll try it again when I’m free)
Still, it was fun and impressive that you made the game yourself!
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