Game's Take on the Theme
Mechanically I can only argue that the many luck based gambling gimmicks are akin to spinning a roulette. Thematically I incorporated as many spin-related concepts as I could imagine: the main battle system and much of the plot includes drills and the golden rectangle, your damage output is based on your drill's RPM. The library part of the game with the bosses stories was meant to represent "spinning a tale." originally the story was much more confusing because I wanted to make heads spin, but i ended up putting too much logic into it and may have lost that. There are still plenty of unexplained things that I dont plan on explaining either to keep that part of my intent in it. these were my spins on spin as a literary device, rather than a gameplay mechanic.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
100% during the jam
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