Interesting combat system, sick vibe, but dang did it feel like fights dragged on. Not in a boss fight-y long and strategic way either, just kinda irritating because they just required the same sequence of actions over and over with no variance. Block the spider, aoe the oilmancer, etc. over and over. Would've benefitted from some more attack variety on the fights to break the constant cycle. I like the premise a lot, but it just dragged on a little long for my tastes. Since it seems y'all do have plans post jam, might I recommend having more than one party member? Game would really benefit from some team-based strategy and synergy so there's more to do beyond the basic "Here's my one guy, it's turn three, so I block now." Do quite like using the wheel to negate some enemy damage, that's a cool mechanic. Little odd it doesn't apply to summons, but not too crazy or anything. Really solid game. Story was funny, like the (legally distinct) doctor, art was fitting and an enjoyable aesthetic.
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An interesting premise, adorable and amazing art, but it just kinda feels like it didn't receive enough time in the oven. I understand life happens, our team is huge and even we ran into 'staffing issues' so to speak, so I completely get a two-person team not quite getting there in a month. Now, if y'all were to keep going post-jam, add some more mechanical variety and simple animation work (really, two-frame animations would fit perfectly fine given the paper-Mario vibes hit hard), then you guys have a really cool game on your hands. Weapon timing and enemy attack dodging utilizing wheels is a really cool gimmick that isn't really explored since there's no mechanical difference between a given boss' attacks or a weapon. Say, for instance, if a weapon had more than one green zone, or required you to get several in succession, or a boss required something more dynamic than just timing to block its attack. The nicest thing about such a barebones system is the opportunity to scale it up if you so choose. I'd love to see where you could take this if you so desired! Good luck!
Ohoho I'm trying not to spend too much time on one game during the rating period so I can try as much as possible, but I am absolutely going to be finding my way back here once all is said and done to squeeze every last delicious ounce of content from this one. Gorgeous art, funny dialogue, and a really interesting combat system that definitely makes me feel called out by the Drill commenting on the fact I'd prefer to learn by doing because I did not pay enough attention to the explanations. XD Sheesh, good job, round of applause, utterly amazed at how this still absolutely 100% reads as a boss rush despite the formatting and nature of the whole thing. Amazing entry, absolutely amazing.
That was really enjoyable! Wish there were more than two bosses, and maybe that art could've been cleaned up a little bit, but it's a really solid entry and I like the bit of thought that has to go into dashing and shielding at the right moment to avoid taking damage from your own charge. It's a cool and logical double-edged sword mechanic. Charging felt a little weird, a lot of it was timing and trying to figure out dodging with charge and basic movement. Maybe if you weren't slowed as much while charging? I dunno. Solid entry, good job!
Pretty game, not so pretty balancing, this world is just screaming metroidvania ngl. Fine enough experience, had some fun, loved the aesthetics. Melee was really busted and didn't really feel like there was much spinning going on, but otherwise pretty solid entry. Good job everyone, and great job artists. lol
Our artists and musicians coordinated really well to make sure we had a cohesive experience. All the long meetings we had to make sure everybody was on the same page in terms of what needed done and what everybody thought about the in-dev builds definitely helped make sure it all made sense in the end.
I'll forward your application to the relevant departments, expect a confirmation email in roughly 3-5 business days. Lol
Weapons have some wind-up to them, so it's not quite as simple as 'mouse is spinning, weapon is spinning', especially once you lose momentum, though weapons do also need a *little* more fine-tuning later on if we do anything post-jam. As for Hexagon, valid hatred. I personally constantly got my butt kicked by Triangle, Polygoner is a bit of a tough fight for sure. Thanks for checking it out and giving us such a specific rating!
Thanks for checking our game out, even if it wasn't quite your cup of tea. Weapon rotation spent a lot of time receiving fixes and adjustments, and it could definitely benefit from a little more time to cook, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get a build roughly finished and up for the jam's end.
Balatro 2 Pog.
Was it fun? Yes.
Did I spin? No.
Does it have promise if it weren't just Balatro 2? Yes.
Do I know how to leave feedback on any other form than a list for this particular entry? No.
I mean, you pretty faithfully turned Balatro into a turn based card battler, that's for certain. This really was a Balatro 2. Good job?
Reject humanity, become beyblade. Cute artstyle, cute music, got to live my beyblade fantasy. Great entry. Slash felt a little slow, and it's probably not a good thing to just be completely okay to idle as a beyblade even if it was extremely hard not to giggle at the boss dying while I bounce all over the place not strategizing at all.
This exactly what it says on the tin and by all accounts that is great. It's not trying to be anything crazy or revolutionary, it's an arcade-style bullet hell with a loose upgrade system and a boss gauntlet that varies slightly between runs. Music fits the vibe, though it is a little repetitive, and combat doesn't feel punishing. Some bosses (Wrath and Envy) were harder than others (Greed and Lust), but all in all pretty solid, if a little bare in terms of attack variety for a given boss. Gonna be honest, plot twist did get me. I had already been asking "Wait, aren't there seven?" on the fifth boss, and the reveal was done tastefully without unnecessary flourish, the absence and quick transition spoke louder than a screaming in your face "BWAHAHA I'M GONNA PRIDE ALL OVER THE PLACE" lmao
A shame I never got a gold capsule. Great job and great game!
Boss attacks kinda come out of nowhere. It's clear there's patterns to the primary, but when stuff is randomly coming from the top of the stage with no choreography or warning as to where, getting hit feels unfair. Simple, good for what it is, but would benefit from some polish. Like the art style, cool vibes.
Pretty fun time, have a hard time saying it fits the theme (both boss rush and spin), because the wheel is sorta just a more awkward rng take on a drafting system and the bosses summon a load of minions to do their work. Wish there was hover text giving stats and info on characters so there was more strategy than just "This guy looks like the knight but cooler so he must be better," or, "I randomly got the shadow wizard money gang guy last fight, and he seemed pog so I'll take him now." Beyond that though, I had a good time and it's solid as an autobattler with a good presentation. I liked the way the HUD was set up and I will confess I was a little more impressed when the boss wheel zoomed out to become the normal wheel than I probably should have been. Good job!
I refuse to call him Tiki-boros so terraria worm looking one is as good as any name but that.
But yes, it is unapologetically a terraria worm. lmao Probably most of the team's favorite, but that's just cuz we all suck at the shape boss. Hammer is probably my favorite weapon art-wise, though I'm split between it and scythe as my gameplay favorites.
While I wish we were that efficient, the game did take full advantage of the given month. My slow butt took nearly a week to have functional art for the worm, and that wasn't even the final art we went with. lol
Appreciate scythe love, of all the weapons they definitely went through the most discussion and tweaks and, from what I've read of our comments, scythe gang is the minority. lmao
Neat game, but keyboard controls felt a little iffy. Felt like it needed three hands, what with attacks on the opposite side of the keyboard compared to movement. Perhaps the intention was using thumb for jump and attack? That's all that makes sense to me. Lowey said left click would make more sense for attack and I'm inclined to agree. Like the aesthetics a lot and having HP wind down over time is also cool, though healing seemed quite strong. Solid entry!
Solid visuals, interesting bosses, neat gimmick. All around quite a nice entry and quite fun to play. Music was pretty nice, if a bit repetitive, and the game would've benefitted from more sfx. Boss design was neat, though they kinda felt like they dragged on a little. Appreciate the recommended cards section for each fight. Ngl, would not have realized how The Lovers worked if not for questioning why I was told to bring a jump. lol