Wassup bros
I'll rate everyone who put their games here if i havent already, if you'll rate back mine ;)
its kinda really cool i'd love it if you could check it out
Wassup bros
I'll rate everyone who put their games here if i havent already, if you'll rate back mine ;)
its kinda really cool i'd love it if you could check it out
Rating it! here i'll leave our card game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972244
Rating :- https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973823
Game :- https://avsdev.itch.io/bucket-list
This is a game about active ragdoll and open world. We have everything boxing, mike tyson, racing, making friends, Heck we even got me as a boxing fight In this game you need to complete your bucket list before the meteor comes and u sleep for the last time.
The game is funny and retro styled
I really put my heart into it pls play and give good feedback
Rating yours ^^ Here is mine if you want to give it a try : https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2970970 :)
I have just rated your game here mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2959102
Hello.. Yours rated and commented on. I'll leave this here then: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972032
Rating :- https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973823
Game :- https://avsdev.itch.io/bucket-list
This is a game about active ragdoll and open world. We have everything boxing, mike tyson, racing, making friends, Heck we even got me as a boxing fight In this game you need to complete your bucket list before the meteor comes and u sleep for the last time.
The game is funny and retro styled
I really put my heart into it pls play and give good feedback