First, the menu is amazing! You've got audio options and controls! We didn't have the time to include our controls into the game. But the audio options don't seem to work, though.
The graphics are cool and the music is alright. It makes for a nice little puzzle game.
So the controls are very fast, which makes it hard to control your character in these tiny levels. Maybe bigger levels could help as well?
You definitely need to work on a tutorial. When I got to the first level where I had to rewind, it was quite overwhelming. I also only realized later, that you can hold to throw faster. Well, and I never figured out how to jump higher, as some levels look like I need a double jump. I also quit the game on the level with the things that hold your ball, because I didn't figure out how to make the jump. And then I couldn't try again because you don't have a save system.
The levels are also too difficult, but maybe you just need to balance out the difficulty curve. But on the first level where you need to rewind, you've got so little time. It took me 5 minutes to finish it with 0.01 time remaining. Playtesting is quintessential for getting the difficulty of puzzles right.
A good puzzle is all about figuring out the solution. That's when it's interesting. Of course only if you eventually figure out the solution. But when you have the solution, it should be effortlessly to execute it, or at least as effortless as possible. But too often it took me more time trying to execute the solution instead of figuring it out.
And here's something that I REALLY appreciate. A quick retry feature. If you have to repeat the same 10 steps every time to try again a game can get very frustrating, but with the quick reload it's effortlessly to try again. I probably would have finished your game wasn't it for the puzzle that I got stuck on and the non-existent save system.
But once I got past the steep learning curve, it was really fun! Your mechanic is great. It's really fun to play around with it, and that is really good for a game. I can see a lot of potential here.
Overall, I think you have a pretty cool idea and game. It definitely has potential!
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