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A member registered May 03, 2015 · View creator page →

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 I have no idea why I said  days xD I obviously meant  7 days


Done! Great game :D

Actually forgot that I was supposed to judge the game for the rating. Just had a blast playing it. Super frustrating, but not unfair. I'm mostly bad at games like this, but at least it wasn't an unfair game. Hate those.

Annoyed the hell out of me when I accidently fell back to a previous stage. But yeah... very nice platformer

Done! Damn that's a big file for a 10 minute game xD Interesting concept though. Do you think you'll expand on the project or is it just for the jam?

Visual effects and voice acting was very nice. Normally I like story driven games, but usually they have a certain level of interactability. Since you couldn't interact with anything it felt more like a short movie. Also I didn't feel like the controls were very elegant.

I understand that 14 days aren't a lot of time when you aim to make a visually engaging game with voice acting. But this just didn't feel like a game to me at this stage of development. It could turn out great though. 14 days just wasn't enough. 


Amazing level of detail in this game. I kinda felt like you had to guess the timing in some levels where you couldn't see everything. Like, I tried and thought I succeeded only to find out there was yet another enemy off screen. Kinda killed the fun for me tbh. 

Other than that it was a cool that you use rewind to get the timing just right.  There were just some levels where I felt like I was guessing, because of off screen stuff.

Done, cool idea you had

So you can die and still unkill the monsters? Happen more than a few times for me. Otherwise cool idea and nice game.

Yeah a wall slide, or maybe if the is stuck on the wall for just a moment so the "window" for the wall jump is bigger

Played, rated, commented

Really enjoyed playing it. You really had to get the timing just right for some of the levels :D  Before the clones appeared, I thought that the title was the only thing "fitting" the theme (Nice pun btw). Quater BACK, hilarious

The controls were nice, but something was off about the wall jump. Can't figure out what it is. Maybe it's just me being bad at the game, since no other comments mention this.


Nice game, I enjoyed it. The song restarts at every level which gets a bit annoying. Also the 'END' keybind isn't easily accessible on all keyboards. Had to press fn+home to stop the rewinding. Maybe choose another key or make it customizable

Played and rated

The added rewind mechanic to the classic tower defence genre really boosted the difficulty when more towers were active. Great!

Done. It was great

Really great game. and well executed game


Nice game, fit the theme well. One note:

- It was hard to know where to go because since the camera only showed a small part of where you were going. This may just be part of the difficulty 

Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely use it if I decide to expand on the game


Having to use the mouse for both actions makes it almost impossible to keep flying for very long. Also the total-score doesn't reset when you replay so I thought I was getting better and better when in reality my scores just added up.

Played and rated

Done :D

Mouse sensitivity was off the charts. Made it difficult to know where I was half the time. Otherwise cool idea. The platformer secret ending was a bit weird and out-of-theme, but I liked the idea that you could just walk away

Yeah… I know the theme-part was a stretch. But I’m glad you liked the game and I’ll take note of your feedback

Thanks for the feedback. The music definitly needs work, but tried to make it myself for the first time

Also Done

Score 5520

Overall cool game. Really liked that you always needed to position yourself to the left of your enemies.  A little note, I got better scores if I didn't charge the arrow. More arrows were better than strong arrows in my case.

Done :D

Nice idea to use rewind as a penalty rather than a mechanic to be used by the player. Really liked the game until the 30 minute level... What was up with that?


I played and rated yours too

Some notes, maybe repeats of other comments:

- No music?

- The player-sprite was not anchored in center so the camera jumped whenever you turned

- The jump button failed me at times which resulted in a very frustrating death

- The theme did in no way affect the game. You could have been jumping over Australia fires? Or avoiding the coronavirus. You know... implementing the theme in an other way than white text on a basic platformer

Other than that it was a decent platformer, but sadly it lacks some important stuff in my opinion

Bold of you to make a game without a tutorial xD Other than that it's pretty fun. Maybe add a timer so you can better plan when to place the bombs

Didn't have time to advertise for my game during the jam so there're only 5 ratings thus far. I'd be happy if any of you would try my game and I will of course play yours too :D

Fine game overall.  Not very challenging though. It was also a bit boring to just wait for all the tapes to rewind at the end

I¨ll check it out.