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ReChargerView game page

Crush your opponents in this demolition deathmatch racer!
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#524.0364.036

Ranked from 28 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
In ReCharger, there's a "reverse" mechanic in order to generate forward movement. Literally rewinding backwards, just not with time.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
I used a visual scripting tool, Playmaker, so I didn't really write any code. Except for the script for quality settings.

As for the assets, graphics & models were made from scratch, while music & sfx were free to use.

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good game


Great visuals and dynamic in the gameplay! Loved how you used this genre to the theme of the jam. Need to polish a little bit in the controls and this is it! 

Good job!


Cool idea!!Great execution!!!


It was fun and at the same time challenging to come up with this concept. Thanks for checking out ReCharger! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


A pretty cool idea, I like all the different ways that people have used the theme! Took a little practice to get the hang of the handling but it was pretty fun. Good going!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you! Excalibur can be really hard to handle, it is one of its unique traits. Though the difficult handling can be mitigated by handbraking/drifting (which I added in the new version.) In the future, other cars will be playable, and they too will have different stats. Something that I'm very excited to do! ๐Ÿ˜„


Great job! The game fits the theme well and the flavour added to the destruction derby style with powerups and the red "coronas" adds a lot to the game.


Thank you! You're the second person to correlate the red orbs with coronavirus ๐Ÿ˜†
I played and rated yours, interesting and challenging! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Its a Nice Game! It feels like there was a lot of physics envolve with everything. But it was visual scripting so maybe it wasnt that hard...  over all really nice game and graphics :) are you more of an artist? hope you check out my game :D i come from your community post. 


Thank you master! ๐Ÿ˜„ Well the physics on this game is not that complicated, it's just a rigidbody sphere with forward acceleration. But yeah, visual scripting makes it much faster to implement a lot of stuff. I really โ™ฅ Playmaker! 
And yes, I'm more of an artist, I became interested in game dev when I was in college. Then I started using Game Maker, but I really wanted to make 3D games and that's why I decided to use Unity, took me like 2 years to learn some basics. Shout out to Brackeys for helping me learn!


Good graphics. Really fun to play! The most problems I had are already explain on other comments and you already fixed some of them too, cool! Like the steering added the drifting mechanic. The game Itself is unique, reminded me the old car toys. Overall fun and enjoyable game. You really did a Good Job :D


I'm glad you had fun playing! Those pullback car toys really were the inspiration for the rewind mechanic but racing with frequent recharging felt like it wasn't a fun idea. Then memories of bumper cars came to my mind and when you bump with others, you do frequently stop from time to time and that means recharging backwards wasn't as inconvenient anymore. It took me three days just to come up with this perfect idea before I could actually start developing, leaving me with like less than 4 days.

Again thanks for enjoying the game, it's going to be improved for sure and hope you check it out again! ๐Ÿ˜ŠโœŒ


Five out of five. Man I love everything about it. the Logo, the UI (So Neat!), the music, the particle effects, graphics, sound design and even that force field which is rotating around the arena... 

It still has room for improvement but thanks for the details and the time you put into it. 

I appreciate your efforts on this.

Great job, keep it up!


It's great to see a bumper car game in a game jam. Your game is nice, but I was often frustrating in game. I'm not expert in this genre, but I think the steering is a bit too slow, it's too hard to chase a car if his direction is perpendicular to yours. I think red giant balls are a bit frustrating too, because they deal damage to you AND stop your car AND steal your energy. Player could just bump red giant ball to hit others whitout lose too much speed!

I've just give an honest feedback. I enjoyed your game (nice car modeling )!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'll take note on these issues, and believe me I do get those frustrations as well ๐Ÿ˜„ I'll surely try out solutions. Thank you for playing!
Bonus, here's a sneak peek of the car at the beginning of development:


Really cool idea and well implemented, looked very nice. One idea would be to have the speed go from 100% - 20% when the charge goes from 100% - 0%, and when the charge reaches 0 the car stops. I often found myself trying to reach a power pick up right in front of me with maybe 10 - 5% charge and it moved so slowly, backing up at that point felt counter intuitive :P


Thanks for the honest review, I do find myself with the same problem and will experiment on a good fix.


Interesting idea with "reverse" mechanic. Fun to play. Maybe you should add powerups, like shields or bombs, so the game wouldn't be only about smashing into other cars. Had some issues with steering, the car turns too slowly when moving fast (that's entirely subjective though).

Overall, this is a great game and a solid submission!


Thank you for the feedback, will definitely look into your powerup suggestions. ๐Ÿ˜„
About the steering, new version already has handbrake control, enabling you to make sharp turns.
The Excalibur vehicle will retain it's difficulty handling though, it is originally part of its unique stat and metaphorical as well, if you get what I mean. ๐Ÿ˜


Good take on the theme! Congratulations!


Thank you! I played and rated your game, very unique and somehow relaxing.


Wow, the quality of the game is amazing! Love the gameplay, art, sound, and the UI effects & feel. Overall feels really professional and great to interact with. I can see the concept being a real nice core game mechanic for a full  fledged game :)

You deserve more rates for this game!

Would appreciate if you take some time to check out and rate out our game: 


Thank you so much for thinking so! I greatly appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™
I automatically play  games from commenters, so will be checking out yours today. ๐Ÿ˜„


Amazing bumper cars game! This game is so satisfying ahahahah the music fit the game, the UI is well placed, the rewind mechanic is well implemented. Everything is excellently done! Loved to play it. It reminds me a little bit Crash Bash. It could be interesting an "arena" modality where you have to push other players outside the arena. Great work!


That's a nice idea! I'll be sure to try it out. Thank you for playing the game! ๐Ÿ˜„


Cool implementation ! I couldn't reverse with my game controller for some reason (all other controls worked except Reverse button). Keyboard worked but harder to control.


Thanks for trying it with a controller and reporting this bug, especially because I don't have varying controllers to test the game with.
It's strange that the right stick for reverse isn't working. You mentioned "reverse button", so I want to know if you meant the "right stick" and pulling it downwards? And what controller are you using? Your info would be greatly appreciated. ๐Ÿ™


Yup was using an Xbox 360 controller and was pulling it downward but it didn't trigger the reverse capability for me . All other stick and button functions worked fine so was navigating with controller and hitting S key on keyboard which was tricky :-)


The game was so much fun. 

My suggestions: Add a drifting feature and a race mode

Well done!


I recently added yesterday a handbrake control which made the game feels so much better to play with. But yeah, it still lacks the drifting which I really want to add in, I'll figure it out soon. ๐Ÿ˜„
For the race mode, at first, I thought it wouldn't work with this mechanic, but with the help of the energy packs, I think I can make it work. Thanks for the suggestions! ๐Ÿ‘


I like it, very polished! Looks like you're going for a full release, so I'll be glad to see something like throwable bombs/more items (maybe something like item box from Mario Kart) and more ramps to launch you towards the sky in release verion


Thank you for checking the game out and for sharing some ideas. I'm sure I'll come up with something similar.
Right now I'm already prototyping a ramp, which boosts you for more crushing power. ๐Ÿ˜„


That's a really cool and fun game, I think it has a lot of potential! The steering was a little stiff for my taste but other than that really enjoyable, well done!


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! The steering issue is now fixed with the addition of the "handbrake" control, which is currently on the build on my end. But as I mentioned with DutchDad below, the blue car "Excalibur" is normally a hard vehicle to steer as part of its concept.
In the future, the other cars will be playable, and they would have stats corresponding to their concept. Imagine "Muramasa" having the easiest handling and etc. I'm excited to implement them all in! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Thanks again for checking the game out! ๐Ÿ™


Cool, sounds awesome! Looking forward to see where you take this game


wow really well made, great idea and really fun to play! i would love to see what it would be like with a smaller map and more carnage


Hi there, thank you for playing! I think I can come up with a small map and possibly add auto-turrets for more machine mayhem! ๐Ÿค˜


Cool that you were able to put this together in the timespan of the jam. It was a bit hard for me to tell what would happen on a hit; I reversed into someone and he died without me taking damage, other frontal hits it seems liked I took way more damage. Steering was a bit hard; would be nice to be able to have a way to make sharper turns (e.g. release throttle increases steering angle, or handbreak turns). But cool game.


Thanks! I noticed that as well and have fixed it in the current version on my end. The game also now has a handbrake control and it solves the steering problem. Though, the main concept of the Excalibur (blue) vehicle is that it is normally hard to steer. Other vehicles will have some modified stats as well. ๐Ÿ˜„


Thanks for the update :)

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