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How Hard Can it Be to Deliver Pizza Now that the World Has EndedView game page

Deliver pizza as a drone in the midst of an environmental apocalypse
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Game Title
How Hard Can It Be To Deliver Pizza Now That The World Has Ended

Developer Name

Short Promo Blurb
This game's objective is to tell a story of hope and revival even after the climate apocalypse through the eyes of a pizza delivery drone who manages to form bonds with others in this world. The drone will gradually piece together information about the state of the world and learn how to help improve it while delivering pizza.

Full Description
This is a digital game in the Unity engine. It is an adventure/exploration game with puzzle elements for an audience of people who know about climate issues, but may have a pessimistic outlook (particularly Generation Z and Generation Alpha).

This game's objective is to tell a story of hope and revival even after the climate apocalypse through the eyes of a pizza delivery drone who manages to form bonds with others in this world. The drone will gradually piece together information about the state of the world and learn how to help improve it while delivering pizza.

Be sure to play through until the ending for a surprise twist!馃き

Promo Image(s)

Promo Video

Artistic Statement / Use of Theme(s)
In this post-apocalyptic world, conditions may cause people to people still live with hope as they try to do what they can to improve the conditions of the world and build personal connections.

Development Summary
What major changes happened between the original idea and the final product?
We cut down/out our plans, foraging mechanics, and adjusted the scope of our adventure game. We were originally going to include two different drones (a player and friend), several areas to explore and different items to find to help make pizza. We ended up reducing our levels from 4 to just 2 and incorporated some elements of the first three levels into the first level. We didn't have time for the foraging mechanic so we just did an item search mechanic, and yet we still tried to stick to our core concept.

What surprises did you find?
We had to keep our drone grounded and have our item of important carry moved to another side. Also people enjoyed knocking over the boxes,

What pitfalls did you navigate?
We managed a working title screen, and a full drone model with models for our other robots for content promotion.

What were the hardest things to cut from your concept?
The final level that depicted healing and restoration had to be reduced significantly.

How many people were involved?

Release Plan
We would want to add some more puzzles and fun gameplay mechanics. Additionally, we would want to flesh out the experience of the final level to show the themes of hope.

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The game is really good! With the amount of time we had it's very polished. I also like the music choice here, it goes well with the drone's personality. One thing that would be a good addition is if the player could move while looking at the map. Overall, really great!


The game is really good! With the amount of time we had it's very polished. I also like the music choice here, it goes well with the drone's personality. One thing that would be a good addition is if the player could move while looking at the map. Overall, really great!


The amount of polished work you guys were able to fit in this timeframe is impressive! I love the art style and aesthetic of this game. I do think the map is a bit spacious and could use more objects/items. This is something that could be addressed if you plan on working on this game more after the jam!


This game is really cool and I love the drone's pessimistic personality. I noticed that I was able to leave the building while still being in the tutorial and got a little confused. Also, it would be cool to some enemies before the drone heads out of the building.


Nice game about retrieving items place around the map . I wish there was puzzle mechainc around the idea of moving the boxes around . I noticed the energy level stays to be 100  when roaming around. I don't understand what that is for though


Wow the game is very cool! I like the concept, it's really creative, and the title is brilliant. I'm also impressed by how complete the game is, you guys surely put in lots of work, respect! However, I've noticed some problem:

  • The player can leave the building before the tutorial is done, in my play through I wandered off of the tutorial area and got many items before the quest even began.
  • The box interactions are cool, wish there's more use of this mechanic.
  • More sound effects would be better.
  •  The items are generic shapes, making them not very interesting visually.

Other than that, I like it! Good job on your hard work!


I'm super impressed with the playability of this game given the short time frame of the Jam! Even though the full vision couldn't be realized for this submission, the game already feels super good at this stage. My feedback mostly bounces off what others have said: the music is a bit repetitive and dull, some areas feel too empty, and I wish there were more interactions with puzzles and enemies. Despite those things, I still had a great time playing through the game! I found the narrative compelling, the box physics were fun to play with, and I was very satisfied at how clear it was to know what to do. Please continue your guys' work on this game, I am super eager to see more from this world!


Hello! Congrats on making a fully playable game! I played through your production demo and I definitely see some improvement here. Here's my thoughts on the game:


  • The map is a great quality of life addition. One of my biggest complaints about the production build was that I often felt lost, so it's really nice to see that problem addressed. (Quick note: bringing up the map on controller didn't work for me; it simply flashed on the screen for a split second and then disappeared every time I pressed the button.)
  • Near-complete controller support is very much appreciated.
  • Having a checklist of things to do is also a great QoL addition, and helps to feel like I always have an objective, instead of feeling like I'm aimlessly wandering around.
  • I appreciate the walls becoming transparent when I'm near them so I can see myself. I do wish the buildings also did this, however.
  • I like the post-bridge scene and the effort put into making the ending satisfying.
  • The game's visual aesthetic is cohesive and interesting.


  • The game's writing still repeats a lot of information that can be easily visually discerned. When I pick up an item and the game displays a sprite of a newspaper article with a photograph, I don't need a whole sentence of the description to describe the contents of the photograph; I can already tell that from the sprite. I would have liked to have read more about things I can't visually discern, such as what's written in fine print on the poster, or how it feels or smells, or details too small for the sprite to display.
  • The game's world still feels very large and empty. While I'm no longer getting lost the way that I used to, there's still not much to interact with in the world. Some puzzles or some more in-depth interactions with the security drones would have been nice.
  • The game's sound and music still feel pretty undercooked. The music feels very empty and repetitive, and there's no sound for a lot of things I expected sound for, such as getting hit by a security drone or opening a door.
  • A minor thing: there's no way to exit to the main menu or desktop once you beat the game.

Overall this team did a solid job. Good luck with your post-release development!


This i feel is the most ready game to go into more serious production, everything about it to me tells me that it may be the next viral hit game, and thats a good thing. I wish you all the best of luck if you decide to take that route. I would reconsider one aspect however, perhaps move the camera to a more traditional 3rd person perspective for the player character, as opposed to the top down perspective you decided on.


Love the title and the overall theme that you guys were going for! I think the only big issue is that a lot of the spaces felt large but empty. Since the game has a top-down view, there were also a couple of times where everything was occluded by a large building.  I think this game definitely had a lot of charm to it, and the box physics were really fun.