Latest Devlog posts over here: Day 31, Post Mortem
Hey all,
it's my third #devtober this time. Since I moved from GameMaker Studio 2 to Godot one month ago, I thought devtober is the perfect time to see what I've learnt so far, but also to practice it a bit more. Thus I'll start a new project here. It should be something simple this time, which can be done in one month. My goal is to get a playable demo/stable release running at the end of devtober, even though I'm a perfectionist when it comes to the development of games and I don't want to limit myself because of this special month. Thus the game will be as polished as possible and the work will continue after devtober. I also have an idea and a bit more for the game, now it just needs to be realized.
About me:
- I'm from Germany
- Studied computer science at university until I abandoned it
- started with game development in 2017, before: mapping and modding stuff for some games
- Solo dev over here doing coding, art and sound
- Took part in 1 game jam and 2 devtober so far
Please follow my twitter for latest updates:
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So now a bit about the game:
- standard Pinball game
- PixelArt, since I lack skills, it will be 1bit
Day 0:
You may ask now what I've so far:
- was already working on the first table, so I can concentrate more on the coding part
50% scaled:
Day 1 ToDo:
- finish the table in Aseprite (day 1/2)