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A jam submission

Rogue city - Urban jungleView project page

A submission for the Friendly Music Jam
Submitted by Aurélien Castel — 6 hours, 49 minutes before the deadline
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I really like this! It reminds me quite a bit of the soundtrack for Sim City 3000, which is a favourite of mine.

I read in your comment below about your struggles with the software and controlling the dynamics but I thought for the most part it sounded pretty good in that regard! Only a couple of spots where I thought it built up to a point that felt a bit overly loud but other than that all pretty good!

All of the little motifs you've used to build the track are very good!


The orchestra style is a wonderful attempt. I can feel this music being particular about the details.


Composition sounds cool! not much to say about it lol as I don't think I have much to add there...

Regarding what you said about the mixing -
I'd try to fade the instruments where I don't want these clashes.

I saw you used MuseScore and I have no idea how it works (More of a sheet music reading rather than a DAW right?)
but I did find this comment from the forums:

"For playback of a fadeout, you can use a decrescendo. See:

If it's a musical phrase (e.g., a few bars) that repeats during the fade out, you notate all the repeated bars.
Have a listen to this example:
4 Bar Fade Out.mscz

Also, see:
to edit the velocity (volume) of a dynamic.

You can fine tune the velocity of note(s) in the Inspector:"

Hope that helps!


First, thanks for providing a description in the comment, as I forgot to provide a description field in the submission form :D

I see what you mean with the difficulty at mixing, there are some abrupt changes due to the layer-driven approach. Maybe even just having very slow volume fades between sections could be a good compromise? But apart for this very specific mixing thing, I think the result is great, I can see how the evolution of the city matches that of the track. And the song is good in general! I'm wondering if the complete lack of low end in certain parts could be an issue? You'd be playing those sections for a long time until the city evolves, so you'll be missing the bass for a long time.
Kudos for the environmental awareness focus :D


This is a soudtrack for a "rogue" city bulder game. This piece is played when you reach a certain point of development of your city, when it become both very urban and yet environmentally aware. This is my first attempt on a "minimalist/repetitive" piece. The In Game music should be layered and bound with the state of the game, the layers changing relatively to what is going on in your city.

In this music jam setup I can only give a look to what it could be. Made with Musescore4 (MuseSound instruments). PS: Getting a "decent" mix was pretty hard as samples played change drastically depending on the dynamics markings and I have no idea who to change the volume for a single section, sometime it feels like there is no in between - a ton of brass - and - no brass at all -.