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Treasure Hunter At HomeView game page

A Walking Simulator
Submitted by ChangLi — 7 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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I love that  instead of going with typical walking simulator style game (that people would expect to focused heavily on narrative), you chose to combine it with platforming gameplay. Although it's basically turn the game into more mainstream line, it feels fresh. And the game looks very polished. The pop-up UI when examining or opening chests and the particle effects in the platforming part are very juicy. They gave player a very satisfying feedback. The only problem is that the difficulty of the platforming kinda crash with the game's narrative. This actually probably takes root from how you combining these 2 genre from the beginning (Walking Sim and Platform). Maybe by emphasizing less on platforming part, make it less challenging and only stop at spicing things up, would be a great way to balance them. Right now it interrupts player's narrative experience too much. But overall, still a very complete works. Love it 


This game has a clear storyline and the potential to be more interesting. I like the experience of walking around a mysterious castle and looking for something.

It has a relatively relaxing start (exploring the csatle) but the ending seems to contain too much intense actions. It looks like an adventure game turn to an action game suddenly. Maybe this game should lower the difficulty of the ending part to make the start and the end more united.

This is a very completed story and game. I like the UI effect that when players come closer to the treasure, it becomes bigger and shakes. The jumping puzzle is also cool, but it may be too hard for me to finish it lol. However, it may be a little bit strange to find treasures in the home from nowhere. If this is to imply the dream, than it may need few more other effects to make this more clear. The picture hanging in the room may also be to real comparing with other 3D models, it can be changed to images that are more blur.


I can tell from playing that the designers did put a lot of efforts into the puzzles. It's just that they are sometimes not very reasonable (at least to me), and thus hard to solve. Although the jumping and running on platforms do not seem to be very relevant to the story?

I really like the music of the platform part, which is the motivation that I will continue to play even if I fall. But there is one problem I found in the scene, the height of the player seems to be as high as the dining table. Maybe you should adjust the size of the scene or the player.


I like the background story which added more depth to this walking simulator.  The homemade particle effects also look quite good. The only thing is that maybe sometimes the position of the hidden treasure is a little bit random, for example, the one hanging in the air.