You may find these useful.
I will add more as I find them. Feel free to also post replies with more resources, but if they are not public domain, please mention what license they use.
If you are using Unreal, there is also:
if you want camera shake EZ Camera Shake is the best camera shake asset for Unity I’ve found. It’s easy to use (I’m a beginner) and incredibly robust.
I haven’t found another tutorial besides Sebastian Lague (his was pretty complex though) that handles input direction instead of just random noise.
For textures and fonts: Fonts, 3D TEXTURES1, 3D TEXTURES2, 3D TEXTURES3.
Here is the Saving Asset Pack from the RPG Course. Free for all to use.
try this for generating background music for game
it is a nueral network which allows you to generate game music very easily
this is not owned by me and was made by CodeParade
youtube link :
I hope so since they are free, but would like to see an official response :) Not sure I will use the characters but the animations are nice and easily accessible :) Link for reference:
hello good morning, can I use a paid graphics engine (rpgmaker, smilegamebuilder, novel visual, etc) and everything else (assets, music, tilest, etc) free ?;
Another question, I can use assets that in non-commercial games are free, but in commercial games do you have to give a donation to their creator ?; Thank you
You may only use assets that anyone can currently acquire for free. RPGMaker-included assets are not free - you have to buy RPG Maker to get those assets. You may use assets that are free to use for non-commercial purposes as long as everyone is also able to get them for free right now without buying anything.
Can I use this ? or its against the rules ?