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Space Hero 9-17 #GodotWildJam20View game page

Random modular bullet hell boss fights!
Submitted by Bobbi Burrs — 48 seconds before the deadline
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Space Hero 9-17 #GodotWildJam20's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Discord Username
Bobbi Burrs

Participation Level
First time.

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I don't play shooters so it is really hard for me! XD But it feels good to play and it is fun. I don't really see the link with the theme and I didn't hear any sound. is it normal?


Hello Miari! Thank you so much for playing! It is indeed hard and also some information is not easy to read in its current rushed state. Sadly I could not make sound because I didn't manage time well, and I forgot to remove the slider, so that's confusing.

The link with the theme is weak, everytime you die or win and therefore play again, you will face a new fleet of ships. Every game a random type of inner circle, middle circle, outer circle, cardinal points and center boss ships are selected, changing the bullet patterns you will be facing. They're not a lot different with each other, so it's probably hard to notice. Also the action is pretty hectic.

I already have an update with sound and slightly better visualization of information (e.g. a danger level bar showing you when the fight is gonna levelup), a few bugfixes and some QoL improvements here and there.

I spent the vast majority of the time tinkering with the underlying system and eye candies, then I threw out something that could look like a game with what I had in the last couple days. I don't think it's a well designed game per se, but I think I learnt a lot about time management and top-down character controllers, so it was a very good experience.


Yeah, I didn't have time to make sound effects too and a lots of things I'd like to see are not in my game. Time and ambition is always the enemy during game-jams! You did a good work :)


The game looks really nice! I think there may have been one too many mechanics for me, but I don't usually play these types of games.


You have a beautiful shooter here. I love the mechanics and the pixel art. Congratulations, Bobbi.


Super cool shooter, neat mechanics, some small issues though but nothing major.

I'd say the main issue is the speedy movement that make it hard to navigate some of the more tight bullet patterns then again i'll admit i'm no bullet hell expert :P

Other than that it's really well made, the pixel art is beautiful, mouse aiming is always a must when you have free rotation (a crosshair would have been nice though) I liked the very clean UI, the fact that you indicated the enemies hp by having them changing color, and also the fact that even if you kept the default buttons you laid out your menus very well, too bad there is no audio at all :(

Cool game anyway congrats ! :)


Hi PixelMetalWolf! Thanks so much for the kind words and the feedback. Due to the randomized nature of the game, some pattern can be very hard to navigate and that's where the shield can help clearing bullets up, but I might also take a page from Geminimax's book and add a self slow key. Crosshair cursor is definitely a great touch to add!


No problem, just sharing my thoughts hoping the feedback helps :) 


I would really love to see where this game is heading. The controls are a little hard for me to get used to but I love how simple but yet fun the game is. Retro, bullet hell and plane shooter reminds me of Striker 1945. There are small little things that you can make better (GUI and color scheme) but it's been awhile a shooter attracted my attention right off the bat. Keep up the good work Bobbi!


great style of shoot em up, too hard, enemies don't really die.

some great coding here, i wish i new more about circular movement, welldone.


Nice to see another bullet hell!

I found the game to be very confusing overall. It's hard to understand the bullet moving patterns, because some of them look the same, despite behaving differently. There's also so much stuff in the interface. I think  the weapons/shields/energy system is interesting, but there is no time to properly learn the mechanics, since the player is instantly thrown in a challenging battle.

The sprite art is pretty good, the GUI could use some work though. I noticed a sound slider in the menu, but there wasn't any sound in the game, is this a bug? 

I think the game has potential, it just needs polishing.


Hi Geminimax! First of all, thanks for taking the time to play the game and give feedback. I hope I'll soon be able to reciprocate.

The game is indeed a bit rushed, I have not been very good at managing time and I spent most of it tinkering with the engine, without a clear design direction of what I wanted the game to be until very late in the process, once urgency to complete something came in. I hope I can learn a lot from this experience.

Different looking bullets for different behaviours is definitely on my QoL improvements list, 100% agree with you. The health/stamina/mana system is loosely based on Dark Souls 3, but I agree there is no introduction to those mechanics other than a very minimal how to play screen.

GUI was put together a few hours before the deadline and is very rough, just basic Godot nodes thrown out there. I didn't even have a working gameplay loop until then. I had to cut sound design because of my bad time management, but I will update it once the voting is done. I forgot to remove the UI slider, but I should, it's confusing. Sprite art is good because that's the only thing I didn't make myself, but my brother did :) I'll tell him that.

Thanks again, looking forward to play your entry soon, it looks very charming.


I can sure understand having problems with time management, I have a little pile of half-finished jam games that couldn't make it on time. So don't be too hard on yourself, you did deliver a game in the end!

I'll be waiting for the post-jam version!