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A jam submission

CavemanView game page

Submitted by Thinking Frog Studios — 6 hours, 32 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Game Description
Play as a hungry caveman, collect berries to keep health up and use the campfire to restore full health, explore, have fun. Move with arrows, space to interact.

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Participation Level
Getting better

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I really like the minimap, it's a nice touch when there's a big map like this. Would have liked if the title music kept playing during the game play.


I suppose you ran out of time for what you wanted so I understand the problem.

In fact not having clear goals is OK for me if just walking is already fun, but with no animation and an area with not a lot of different assets.

Also the character passes over the trees when it should be the opposite.

You did a solid job with the minimap! I also like that the game restarts instantly when you died! And I liked the day/night cycle with the color-changing and the light effect on the firecamp! I think your next game can be really beautiful and fun :)


It's a nice concept, i imagine you had more plan but what's there's good, it just needs more content and goals.

But i like the idea of the survival mechanics you made where you can have campfires as full restore points, it's nice that you made a minimap to get a good idea of your surroundings, and the day/night cycle is also pretty cool as well.

Some potential there, like i said just needs more content, which i think you just couldn't add here due to time and that's totally understandable, good job :)


thanks man, yeah more time and I would have added some baddies, next jam I'm creating the baddies first...


no problem, baddies sure do take time to make XD


I liked the game. Although it's low on content right now, I think the concept  is pretty good and opens up a lot of design space for cool ideas if you decide to keep working on it. Nice little touches with the minimap and the day/night.

Well done!


thanks bobbi, I don't suppose you'd supply me with the code for the circular movement in your game would you?


Movement in my game is simply topdown based on this tutorial:

On top of that I also use KinematicBody2D look_at to always look at mouse position. I can send you the code if you prefer, but it's basically this plus some more uncommented mess bound to the other game controls.

I explored the land, feeding from both berries and flames! I was the king.

But then, heading on the barren North before the break of dawn, the mighty Gallus Gallus Domesticus screeched in anguish and all the fires died out. Next to an empty campfire my corpse now remains, the only companion of my adventures, on the map I conquered my face fades away.

(How did you code the map? Any tips please? Great fun playing this! Thanks!)


easy, just using a tilemap and having the player as a KinematicBody2D

thanks bud, off to play yours now.


sorry, just had a thought, did you mean the minimap?

Just an sprite of the map and another sprite for the player face, put the face at map centre + player position/100.

Rough but worked.


yep, that's what I meant! 

Great job, you made it sound so simple, I want to go try it :D thanks for the information!

I like the labels that pop up and scroll up when you pick a berry. Would be nice to have the berries go away over time so you can't just mine one bush indefinitely. The graphics were good, audio was decent too. I would like to see a cave where you can go and explore with a bush outside it to pick, the idea being you can find shortcuts in the cave that let you go deeper and deeper so you only have to come back so often for berries.


thanks backat50feet, great ideas, thanks for playing.


Roaming around with the risk of dying  was an interesting and enticing feeling, tho the lack of rewards made it feel dull pretty quickly. Could be fun with some secrets, combat and loot!


Thanks poudo, I wanted to do more, sadly time goes by quickly, cuts have to happen.

Thanks for playing though.