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A member registered May 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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The atmosphere is chilling, with great complimentary sounds. The controls are also simple and familiar.

An issue I have is that the interact button can be held down for continuous interaction inputs, which can be helpful for rapidly turning mirrors, but inconvenient if the mirror angle is overshot or when accidentally switching on/off a nearby light. 

A second interaction key for turning mirrors in the opposite direction would be great for speeding up puzzle-solving too.

Also, it's sometimes unclear which symbol pillar the player should light up when there are multiple of the same symbols on different pillars. For example, I'm unsure why this configuration opens the door:

But this one doesn't:

Despite them being the same symbol.

Overall though, impressive project. Excited to see more from the team in the future.

Thanks for the feedback BigScrumbo, and I'm glad the gameplay was enticing enough that you wanted more (usually I'm worried about the opposite).

Hi Binary Clone, thanks for the feedback. All of the missing issues are on me running out of time for implementation, and I apologize for the inaccurate description (I went to the page to make it more accurate). I'm happy that you enjoyed the speed feature, and I'll try implementing that in either a future game or an updated version of this game.

It engaged me so much that I went to grab my old Xbox controller to get a better score without the dreaded keyboard (I'm usually too lazy to do that), so nice work. Of course, more music/sfx would be great. I also think the score becoming a platform minimizes the impact that getting a better score has, since subsequent runs will usually be easier because of more available platforms.

Awesome game, nice work. My main issue is the rollover with my keyboard preventing input for multiple specific keys in some instances, but I get that this is not easy to have working 100% for all setups.

(1 edit)

Sorry, I should have added more instruction to the start of level 2. I guess it wouldn't be fair to share more specific instructions after the game jam deadline has passed, although I'll edit the controls section of my game jam page to at least make the controls clearer.

Was the music made for this game, specifically?

Hello, is the theme just "Summer", or will it be announced at the start of the Jam?