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Massive Melt Media

A member registered Mar 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Love it

Fantastic work, happy to support and buy everything

Hell yea


Beautiful little game, really loved the art and idea, had me crying near the end with my own little baby now being an old lady nowadays lol. Really nice stuff, I’ve thought about doing a game for my dog eventually too, but thankfully I’ve got another bit left yet ;)

hell yeah nice stuff

Very nicely done love the visuals and interface along with the music. I suck at puzzles so I got stuck on the 3rd level but well done polishing it off and getting it to how it is now.

Ahhh never noticed the radio, will give the game another try some time now I know the parts I do!

Played the game for a good while and got most of the way there but had to stop after I got the first 2 numbers and the false brute force cutscene and running out of time cutscene lol. Spent a good while tryna find what was next but none of it made sense to me, wasn’t sure what the admiration metre was meant to do and one of the notes mentioned music but I couldn’t find anything music related anywhere.

Not a fan of AI Art but you’re solo and wouldn’t be able to make this game without it so it’s not too bad, pretty cool game.


Its our own created title track for the game, added to uploads if anyone wants to download it and listen!

(2 edits)

Played it for a bit and its a cool game, great visuals and all the stuff you know now with these great scores. Do understand what others said now though, had no idea how to get to an ending or what the ending would be. I was just cruising around hiding from big eyes and slashing at skeleton monsters. Maybe some form of environmental story telling (Stuff on walls) or a basic heads up at the start on what you should be tryna do would help this. Maybe a lil cutscene or whatever you think would work to get the point across.

The main thing that disoriented me was maybe the movement was a bit too jumpy, especially turning, I think you go diagonally forward each time instead of on the spot making it hard to get through some points.

Proper good game though all the best with any future updates.

Being a solo dev project is mental to be honest I would have guessed at least 4-5 people. Hats off to you completely!

hell yeah


This game was fantastic, performance was great which is impressive considering the type of game it is so clearly a very talented developer. Loved all the enemies and the gunplay was incredibly satisfying and good to use. Super polished stuff. Only bug I came across was I felt my tank fight went on a good bit longer than it should have. The weakspot was only showing up for a few seconds then dissapearing for a minute but that was about it.

Great atmosphere and level design too going through no mans land on the train felt great. My only nitpick cos I’m a big UI nerd is the text felt a too big and chunky, I think you can find a font more suiting of your game and have it be a bit thinner. Other than that I can’t say anything bad. Fantastic stuff

Ah thank you, but I already got a partner doing audio with me in all these games. He did everything in this one and devils doner. Appreciate the offer though, sure someone else out there with a similar style is dying for a talented audio maker.

Omg thank you lol

Hey, thank you! Sorry I missed this been getting alot of notis during jam week. Very busy with university right now so I haven’t planned on making another game for a while, but what kinda stuff you do?

Top vid nice stuff

I think theres no denying an absurd amount of effort went into this game, from the visuals, to the menus, the audio and story etc alot of work. It’d be interesting to know how many people worked on this because it feels like a full team which is super impressive. Think this is definitely one of the better games I have played and will absoloutely be a fantastic game down the line. All the systems are bang on especially the saving of notes and audio.

Wanna clarify rn I’m gonna mention stuff basically as a playtester from now on because in regards to one week it is hard to do much better than what you did and you get a top rating from me.

All that being said I’d say the main complaint from me as far as a game for a jam goes, would be it was too ambitious and broad for a week long project. I played the game for 35 mins in total but couldn’t finish it. I had to give up after a while once I got to the section with the key card, I just had absoloutely no idea where it was. It also took till nearly min 25 to get behind that building because I had no clue I could just walk through that crack in the wall.

Alot of it was pretty frustrating which is a shame as the game visually is dope but stuff was just not clear for me through the entire game. Opening up that website in my browser and opening a folder on my PC 3 times I thought was dodgy so I ended up closing them all straight away which as I played realised might have been a mistake so a heads up about doing that would be good.

Almost stopped playing straight away as I had no idea the bin could be moved and the code was on the wall, that took me at least 5 mins of just walking around until by chance I pushed it on accident then was able to fully glitch through another wall to reveal the full code.

Apart from that the guns felt awesome lol, melee is goofy but its oldschool its meant to be clunky. Quite a few glitched and warping textures around the place and the camera freaked out in the sewer but was fine mostly everywhere else. Game feels way over bloated with 1.2GB zipped and nearly 2GB unzipped. Probably some unneccessary UE5 components and oversized and overdetailed materials causing that.

Audio Nit Pick is all the recordings are in HD, felt out of place everytime so I would reccommend slapping a recording effect on all of them, I think the world trigger chats (That got repetitive but nothing criminal) had effects on em which made the recordings feel extra out of place.

Thats as much as I can recall off the top of my head, don’t know how much of the game was left for me to experience that I couldn’t but well done everyone involved. The AI art use is pretty goofy, I know it’s “ethical” but considering how minor it is, just doing something naturally so you can rid yourself of the disclaimer and AI Use tag might be something you could consider down the line as a luxery if you plan on pushing the game to many people once it is properly done.

Think the web build might be a bit buggy because aiming kept warping and I would randomnly die but I loved the design of this game so much. Running around finger banging people, great designs and death animations. Think my longest go was only 15 seconds but I played it a solid 10+ times. Some small post jam tweaks and fixes and this could be an awesome game

Really liked this, mega retro with lots of thought and personality put into the world design. Absoloutely loved the creepy faces in the background in between scene loads, great touch. Couldn’t find peanut myself because I’m a disgrace of a dog owner but great game here.

Hats off to you this was fantastic. It has a goofy ragdoll cartoon style but you managed to make it absoloutely terrifying. Audio is great, the monster and its effects are just crazy good.

Definitely a top jam entry for sure

thanks very much thats a badass profile picture

From a technical standpoint I think this is incredible, from a gameplay stand point I had no idea what I was doing sadly. Putting the links into the browser addresses didn’t seem to do anything. Video, music player and paint were all great lol, loved being able to go through the desktop and interacting with everything. Think with a bit more of a hint on what to do it’d be easier for people to experience the awesome game you’ve made.

Saw you had no ratings yesterday after a few days of the jam which sucks so I wanna give as much feedback as I can. Don’t mean for it to come across as harsh or anything but I know it is ass getting nothing back from people after putting in alot of work to make the game so heres everything I got. Cool game here so you could have something nice done with a lil post jam patch.

Main Issues people probably had I had aswell

  • Menu art is very harsh on the eyes I would go with some shots from the game, or some smoother colours such as dark blues and grays as the levels are nicely deisgned.
  • The looped audio ringing is really hard to listen to and drives me nuts I would have it be a one shot clip.
  • The pausing movement during in game dialogue is a bit weird I would remove that
  • The cutaways dialogues kill all the games momentum for me so I would make em faster and add skip otions as it feels like they take a minute +
  • Died putting together wires and if I didn’t wanna give a proper feedback at that point I would have just quit and put the game away cus it meant I had to sit through the 5 minutes of dialogue screens again.
  • Enter to open is a bit unnatural using E to interact with stuff is much better and the norm.
  • Game freaks out and doesn’t let me move my mouse when tabbed out I feel like you’ve system coded something you shouldn’t have there, should only lock to place while in game.
  • You’re able to move around during the opening dialogue screens
  • Cable thing killed me a couple times didn’t find the notebook till my 5th attempt so could make it a bit more clear there is something to pick up, think I just walked towards a wall and got it
  • Cable game doesn’t have a pause between damage so if you hold down the wrong key for more than a second it triggers the -5 every frame and you die immediately.
  • Wife and blood decals were elevated off of the floor.
  • No music, ambience (This ones mega important in horror) in the game, just the base SFX.
  • Ending was a bit weird and unclear
  • Very dissapointed there was no voice acting or cool audio since I saw you had a composer and the game was made by voice actors


  • Really liked the story idea
  • Cool environemt with some creeps, can go even further next time with the spooks
  • Once I found the note and wasn’t insta killed the wires were a nice touch.
  • Feelss like this was made in some old engine which I think is a cool vibe for horror.
  • Nice player controller with inventory and items
  • Load and Save system which is the only reason I could finally beat the game
  • Cutscenes have problems but having them is a cool touch
  • Game got creepier as I progressed
  • The idea of having to pass tests with little game ideas was cool

Big ol ass issue list I know but don’t be discouraged by something like this, its not as bad as it looks. As you get more experience making games this is the type of thing you’ll be playing through and making note off yourself so the game can be in as good a state as possible for release.

Understandable it is hard to say no to someone so handsome

Appreciate the free sale thank you

Thanks very much!

Don’t worry I wasn’t saying it was a bad thing or wrong I really enjoyed it

(1 edit)

Gotta hire you as a VA next time that was a quality performance boss

Very cool maze game, needs some difficulty balancing changes but great marks for horror. Nice lil entry

Cool little game, wouldn’t consider it the usual horror type as there isn’t any story or scares but it’s a nicely made halloween themed roguelite and all the mechanics work well, cool stuff.

Lets gooooo

5 Stars

This game is so good bruh

This was made in a week? Absoloutely phenomenal stuff. The visuals, the voice acting, the dialogue mechanics and just game in general, incredibly impressive. Either this game was made by 20 people or everyone involved just really knows what they are doing.

Hats off to you good sirs and ladies

(1 edit)

Really loved the camera cuts and setups here, as well as the cutscenes and animations all very well done. The switch to shooting was very awkward for me and didn’t work well as I just kept missing and dying but that being said it’s also can just be a skill issue on my end lol.

Full marks from me on the aesthetic side of things. Felt like you had a great cinema brain working on this lol.

(Only lil thing is that the UI text was really really ugly and looked like a cheap 00s microsoft poster lol, I would switch it out for something cleaner and cooler looking like what you got on that nicely designed game page.)

(1 edit)

Nice little idea, was a bit confused and I couldn’t figure out what the teddy bear and audio device did, didn’t seem to get any feedback, but I eventually got the good ending. Cool entry.

Lmao I played this game like a dumbass. Literal first thing I did wasp pickup the clown and flashlight and just walked around with him for a while before the spooky music started playing and I died. Read the note eventually but didn’t pay attention and well I ended up dying after being scared of circus music for a few minutes.

Nice little game for a week jam, the area felt a bit empty and barren, maybe some rocks on the floor, bins, trees etc to make the area feel more full and closed in would help make you feel trapped and make it scarier. Would also reccommend adding a bit more feel to the player controller for a game like this such as slowing it down a wee bit and adding some headbob. Would be a cool feel.

Anyways nice entry cool stuff.