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Looking for a team thread Sticky

A topic by Kenney created Jun 25, 2024 Views: 3,024 Replies: 94
Viewing posts 1 to 48
Host (3 edits)

It's generally recommended to join this game jam solo but you're allowed to join or work as a team. If you don't have any team members yet, feel free to ask or reply to the users in this thread!

⚠ Make sure your post at the very least includes;

  • What your skills have
  • What skills you expect from your team member(s)
  • What previous game(s) or game jam(s) you've participated in
  • What game engine or language you prefer using

Otherwise your reply might get removed!

Hey! I am a professional French composer who is looking for a team to have fun during this Game Jam, are you interested? So come and discuss in PM! 😄

🪧Outside the Game Jam, feel free to use these songs on your games. Just adding my name on the credits and share them with me, thanks (! 💫


Hey Talek! I'm Hernan, game developer and designer from Argentina, currently is just myself but would you like to team up for this? @hernanpj is my discord user. Feel free to add or dm me.

What's up, I'm a beginner composer, I'm looking for someone who needs some music, as I said, I'm not a professional and I do this because I need to improve my skills.

I think we can work together

discord : rahoom233

(1 edit)

Hi, I am a Floridian beginner game designer who is looking to get his start by joining a game jam and joining a team, I look forward to working with you all.

  • What skills do you have

A great imagination and limited idea of how to work a platform.

  • What skills do you expect from your team member(s)

I am looking for someone who knows much more than I do to help me and teach me via experience

  • What previous game(s) or game jam(s) you've participated in


  • What game engine or language you prefer using

Construct 3, if that counts.

Let me know if this fits

Deleted 229 days ago
Deleted 227 days ago

Let's Team Up Then Meow Meow & Kira

I'm A Back end Unity Developer I Can Also Help In Designing 

I've 2 Years Of Experience In Unity

Discord: @piyubhoir01

Deleted 240 days ago

Hey guys, I'm Pol, a beginner game designer / programmer. I studied computer science, so I'm a good software engineer but a novice game dev. I am comfortable with Unity and I know Unreal Engine a bit as well. I really like to design and program game mechanics and I have good gameplay ideas.

This is my first game jam, and I am looking for a more experienced person / team to go through this together.

I am very communicative and understanding as I'm used to work on software in a team, and I'm very excited to join you guys for my first jam experience !

Can't wait to hear from you, XOXO

Discord : djingle_

(1 edit)

Let's Team Up Poloui

I'm A Back end Unity Developer I Can Also Help In Designing 

I've 2 Years Of Experience In Unity

Message Me When You're Ready To Team Up

Discord: @piyubhoir01

meow if you want to jambmaybe meet before make a plan :) meow 

(3 edits)

hi everyone my name is Rahoom I was working with scratch for over 1.5 years and I reacently switched to Godot 4 

  • What your skills have
  • well I am a game deveolper and have a great imagination skill
  • What skills you expect from your team member(s)
  • well I need a game developer and a music artist
  • What previous game(s) or game jam(s) you've participated in
  • none
  • What game engine or language you prefer using
  • Godot 4 or scratch (But Godot will be better)

discord : rahoom233

(1 edit)

Hey bro, I am a godot dev. I am not 100 percent sure I will be able to do this jam but I am looking for other godot devs to make games with so I sent a added you on Discord. My discord is ComradeBoogey

Deleted 233 days ago

I sent a request and I already sent rahoom a friend request and just for him to recognize my username I didn't write my full username

Hey guys I’m a Godot dev too. I would appreciate if you would add me too.

my discord nthina_

(1 edit)

yes bro i saw you please meet me on discord

(all of you rohit,nthina and comerede

Your dm’s on discord are not open it would appear.

Hi there , I am Siddhi . I've also recently started with godot. So , if you are interested we can be a team. I have some experience in godot, along with designing.

Discord - siddhiii_0504

HI Rahoom i am MACK a Game Designer also new to game jam and i have participated on one of the previous game jam months before.
i love to join your team in this game jam and make a awesome game. this is my email :

Deleted 233 days ago
(2 edits)

(Godot too) i am more of programmer but i can also do art my discord nthina_ i have send you a request

meow meow game.jam with out lil team meow want too??

Hi there , I am Siddhi . I've also recently started with godot. So , if you are interested we can be a team. I have some experience in godot, along with designing.

Discord - siddhiii_0504

meow we have a small team starting ...Meow if your serious and want to meow start planning first proposed meow planning pregame meeting set for tommorow reply if you would like meow invite ... Meow we are mostly Unity fr3aks looking to meow Godot more and local to SF ..Sierrafoothills meow if anyone wants to check out SF ae development group it's a great community


Hey, I didn't see your message 10 days ago, are you guys still looking for people ?

Hello everyone, I'm brand new to game development. This is my first time participating, so I have no previous experience. I'm currently learning Godot, so that's the engine I will be using for this game jam.  My Discord username is nuarthur.

Sure I think you can join our team what is your speciality are you a programmer or designer

More of a programmer, but I only have like watched some tutorials and never made one singular game that was outside of how the tutorials are teaching me.

No problem so are you joining us

(1 edit)

Sure, i already accept your friend request

Do you guys need one more member? 

Sorry we are full but I hope you will find a good team

(1 edit)

Bonjour, j’hésite beaucoup à participer à la game jam (c’est ma première game jam) j’apprends les bases de la programmation (j’utilise le moteur de jeu Godot 4). Je n’ai encore terminé aucun projet mais je maîtrise déjà bien le logiciel.

Je parle français et je ne parle pas anglais. J’ai donc dû utiliser Google Translate pour vous écrire le message.

Bonne chance pour cette game jam et j’espère qu’il y a encore une petite place pour un débutant dans votre groupe.

Hey, long time Godot dev here looking to form a team.

  • What your skills have
  • What skills you expect from your team member(s)
    • Looking for other programmers, soud designers, composers, and game designer. I’m from the Easter US (UTC-4), so it’s best if your from this +/- 4 hours as it’s just easier to communicate. But if you are from much further away and join my team, I will make a concerted effort to keep you in the loop and feeling like your are a part of the team.
  • What previous game(s) or game jam(s) you’ve participated in
    • I’ve participated in many ludum dares, and other jams. Too many to remember right now, so check out my itch page as most of those are from jams -
  • What game engine or language you prefer using
    • Godot 4. I won’t use anything else.

I'll ping you on discord, I'm also looking to develop in Godot, I've used it for 2 years and have 8y dev experience.

Deleted 236 days ago

Hey! Wanna team up? I'm developing with Godot as well and our time zones are pretty close I'm on UTC -3. My discord user is @hernanpj feel free to add me or DM me there.

Deleted 239 days ago
Host (1 edit)

Do note that during Kenney Jam custom assets are not allowed, you'll have to use pre-made ones.

(1 edit)

Hello everyone. I am Siddhi. Actually this is my first time participating in any game jam or making any game. I am currently learning godot engine by watching tutorials and trying them on.

What your skills have-

I can come up with ideas as well as code a little bit and use godot engine.

What skills you expect from your team member(s)-

A music composer and also a developer.

What previous game(s) or game jam(s) you've participated in -


What game engine or language you prefer using

Godot / gdscript

Discord- siddhiii_0504

Deleted 237 days ago

Hi Siddhi! Wanna team up? I'm developing with Godot and this is my first game jam as well. I'm from Argentina and have a bit of experience developing with Godot. My discord user is @hernanpj feel free to add me or DM me there.

Hello, I am searching for people to work with,  I am working with FMOD/Wwise - Unity

It would be cool to do some implementation  but if you want I can create music and sounds  and just send it to you :D

you can check my last game jam game on my profile .

discord: tranquil_panda_83957

Submitted (2 edits)

Hey, want to team up? I compose and create sound effects. I also sent a friend request on discord (JaiKenCe).

If you want to see my works here is some OST's I made:

Here is me working on Game Jam's:

To see the completed Game Jam's I participated in, you could check out my profile.

(1 edit)


🙌  Our team of 2 would like to collab with someone.

🧑‍💻🧑‍💻 We work on GDevelop. Based Vancouver, Canada.

🏅🏅 Ranked in GDevelop Game Jam.

😁😁 Nothing specific. Just wanna have fun!

👉 Profile shows my deck


Are you looking for programmers? I have 8 years of experience in software, just need a team to work with. Ping me on discord @djeezy


Hey guys, are you still looking for someone ? I'm a game designer / programmer and I can work with Unreal and Unity,  this is my first game ja

Hi all! Im an experienced music producer/ sfx artist but this will be my first game jam. Looking for a team to gain some experience with and have some fun along the way. hmu for some examples of my work!

Hi do you wanna join our team ?

sure! my discord is  @ tapalaga

Hi all! I am searching for people to work,  I am working with Unity3D , Godot Engine

It my first gamejam, but i have experience development game and have 1 relesed game in yandex game

I’m from the Russia(GMT +3)

Deleted 235 days ago
Submitted (3 edits)

I compose and create sound effects. My name on discord is JaiKenCe.

I'm looking for 2D/3D artist.

If you want to see my works here is some OST's I made:

Here is me working on Game Jam's:

To see the completed Game Jam's I participated in, you could check out my profile:


Hey, can I join you as a programmer? What game engine are you using? If you want to look for me in Discord, my username is osamahussein0420


I don't program, the DAW I mostly use is FL Studio. I added you on discord (JaiKenCe).


Hey) Nice work, can I join you or your team as a game designer? Discord name: yiva2


Yeah sure I'm going to add you (JaiKenCe) on discord.

(2 edits)

Hey everyone. My name is Grayson and I am a game composer and sound designer. I love hopping into these jams and meeting talented people. If you are looking for captivating music and sound design, I'd be happy to help. Here is my portfolio -

DISCORD - goodworkson

Hey just wanted to say I really like your work! And if you want to work together on this jam I'd be down

Yeah absolutely! Add me on discord whenever you get a chance.



Hello, beautiful compositions! May I join you or your team in this jam as a game designer? My nickname in Discord: yiva2

Hello, my name is Anton. I am C# programmer in Unity. I'm looking for a team.

(2 edits)

Hello everyone! I'm a self-taught Unity Game Developer, currently based around Cebu, Philippines. I have 4-5 years of experience and I am looking for a team to work with for this Game Jam. It's been a while since I've joined a game jam and I am trying to shed off some rust. I'll list my skills down below! But I preferably would work with Unity! Feel free to check my portfolio

If I pique your interest, feel free to add and/or message me!  

Discord: the.wandering_star


  • C#
  • C/C++
  • Lua


  • Unity Engine
  • Unreal Engine
  • Love2D


  • Photoshop
  • Krita
  • Clip Studio Paint
  • Blender
  • Aseprite
  • Git


  • Gameplay Programmer
  • Technical Artist
  • 2D Environment Artist
  • VFX Artist

Hey, I added you on discord (JaiKenCe), we could team up.

Can you make a game with C++?


Hey, I added you on discord, if you're still looking for someone i'd be down to work with you guys 

did you say to me?

Hey, I'm a hobbyist dev of about 4 years. Mostly looking to do these to meet cool people and slowly work on a portfolio of some kind lol. I know C# and Unity and am mostly interested in gameplay design and programming so hmu if you want to make a team

Deleted 234 days ago
Submitted (1 edit)

Hey, are you and Grayson still looking for someone? This is my first game jam and I'm looking to join a team that works with unity

(2 edits)

Hola a todos me llamo Dilan, llevo usando Gdevelop por mas de 2 años por lo cual es el motor con el cual busco trabajar,  la mayoría de mis juegos terminan solo en prototipos y me encantaría formar un equipo en esta Jam para crear un juego que sea un poco mas pulido ,  tengo conocimientos básicos en game design lo cual incluye planeamiento y gestión de proyecto, creación de mecánicas, Historia, Etc.   

Mis prototipos

si te interesa puedes mandarme un MD por discord  .bobdilan

(1 edit)

Hello everyone,

I'm Ars, a newcomer to the world of game development. 

I'm about three months into learning Unity and absolutely enjoying every moment of it!

I'm embarking on my first game jam adventure and hoping to connect with others who share a passion for game development. 

This will be my debut in the game jam scene, so I'm eager to learn and contribute.

If you're interested in teaming up or have any advice to share, I'd love to hear from you!

Looking forward to crafting something amazing together.


HI there. Are you still looking for a team? Maybe I can join you:)

My discord: @marcustor.


Hello! Professional audio guy here. over 15 years of Music Composition and Recording, and about 2 years of custom sound fx experience for game jams.

My itch page is here for the game jams / projects I've done audio work for. My homepage is here for the more music-focused project (e.g. my band), and my YouTube is here if that's a preferred medium for consuming audio work, and that YT has a lot of the other weird stuff I do.

I have experience with Unity and Godot, and am willing to fill that audio spot you may need! I've done a ton of game jams of various lengths so I'm ready for anything. Feel free to dm me on discord (savestatecorrupted) or Twitter (@savestate_crptd) or reply here!


(1 edit)

Hi! I live in Massachusetts and work full-time from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM. In the evenings, I learn game development. I'm looking to participate in my first game jam to overcome my nerves. I love connecting and networking with people and hope to learn more about game development through the experience while making new friends.


I have over 20 years of Photoshop experience and some skills in UI/UX design and 2D art. I have two degrees in Graphic Design and some minor experience with UE5. Right now, I'm learning Unity.

Skills Expected from Team Members

I'm looking for team members with experience who are willing to teach, as I want to learn and help others in the future. Beginners like myself are also welcome!

Previous Games or Game Jams Participated In

I haven't participated in any game jams yet. I'm currently working on my own game projects, but nothing is finished yet.

Preferred Game Engine or Language

I prefer using Unity for game development.

Deleted 231 days ago

Im a godot programmer with around a year of experience. i took a longer break and im looking to get back into it

do you already have a team?


Hi! I'm also do game development on Godot, would you like to team up with me? @hernanpj in discord.

Hi, I'm UbO, I'm dealing with Game programming in C++, I'm looking for someone to be a team

Hey guys, I'm Red and I'm a game writer/narrative director who'd be honored to join your team.


Heya I'm Damy!
I'm a 21 year old game programming student, I've got experience in Unreal Engine and have been working with it for a bit over a year now.
I've also written custom game engines but I don't plan on using that for this game jam.
Apart from being a programmer I also love game design, specifically system design.

I'm looking for a team because I prefer working in teams rather than solo.
Programmers, Game Designers, or any other people who would like to help work on a game together.

For my University I've worked on a couple of games one of them is listed on

I've also attended 2 jams 1 organized within my university for students and 1 was the Global Game Jam 2024 which was also organized at my university.
- WolFish:
- Cataboom (Global Game Jam 2024):

I'm most experienced with Unreal Engine so I'd like to work with this as well.
So if there are other enthusiasts out there willing to work together for this gamejam do reach out to me on here, Discord or Twitter.
Discord: "datalioness"

(1 edit)

Hi everyone, I'm Miles, and I'm looking to join a game jam team. I have some really basic knowledge in relevant areas, e.g., game design, coding], but I'm mainly seeking to learn. I'm definitely not a strong programmer yet, but I'm excited to contribute and grow.


Regarding Games I did some small and unfinished projects in Unity a long time ago, but im focussing on learning Godot game dev.

Skills Expected from Team Members

I'm on the lookout for knowledgeable teammates who can provide guidance, as I'm eager to learn and eventually pass on that knowledge. Newcomers like me are also encouraged to join!

Previous Games or Game Jams Participated In

None, this one will be my first and im very excited for it.

Preferred Game Engine or Language

I prefer using Godot (GDscrpit) for game development.

Discord: miles0376

Submitted (1 edit)
Hi everyone! I'm Hernán from Argentina (-3 utc). I'm a software engineer and project manager and for a year I've been looking at game design and development.

I work on Godot Engine with GDScript and have a fair understanding of the game production and development workflow. I'm not looking for anyone with a particular skillset, rather someone that can commit, wants and is able to work on a game for this jam.

This is my first jam and all the games I've done are small test projects that I've used for learning (top-down shooters and platformers mainly)

Feel free to send a DM on discord @hernanpj

Submitted (4 edits)

Hello everyone, I'm Marcus. I'm a beginner programmer. I've been programming in Unity for about 2.5 years. I want a couple of developers and one sound designer to join the team. I welcome everyone to the team, no matter you are start developer or advanced developer. I participated in Biga Game Jam and RosebudAI Game Jam. Feel free do DM me

My some games:

Discord: marcustor.


Hey, I sent you a DM on Discord, if you're still looking for some programmers I'd be happy to join you

Submitted (5 edits)

You're welcome, but I don't see your DM

Try: @marcustor.

P.S. I sent you a friend request on Discord 

I don’t have a frog on my avatar, I was just figuring out why I didn’t receive a message from you and found a person who has the same nickname but frog on the avatar, if it’s not me, I have a default red avatar

Hi! My name is Rodrigo, and I'm a first year student of Computer Engineering, from Portugal and studying at Instituto Superior Técnico. I'm looking for a team to work with on this game jam. I have some experience with Unity and Unreal, but I've never published a game. This is my first game jam.

I have experience with various programming languages such as C, C++, C#, python, ...

In my spare time I like to learn and do small projects in blender.

You can contact me on Discord for more information. 

Discord: vintem_

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey, all) Looking for a team for this jam.

What your skills have: I'm a game designer with experience in Unity engine and C# coding.

What skills you expect from your team member(s): I want to join an existing team or create a new one, ideal team for me would be: a developer, designer, and sound designer.

What previous game(s) or game jam(s) you've participated in: I've attended GDTV Game Jam 2024, the game can be found in my profile.

What game engine or language you prefer using: Unity, C#

I'm from European time zone, if you want to create some interesting project, ping me in Discord: @yiva2

Good luck all!

Update: The team consists of: 
1 Game Designer
2 Unity 3d developers
1 Sound designer

Deleted 75 days ago
(1 edit)

Hello friends 👋

I'm a game developer on Unity, and I'm looking for a team. I participated in the famous Game Jam Fishfest, and won 143rd place 🙂. I want a sound designer and a professional 2D game developer to help me. If you are a 2D game developer or sound designer, contact me on Discord or write a reply. The team consists of only 3 members. And thank you ❤️‍🩹

Discord : adamgamedeveloper

This is my game at Game Jam Fishfest :

Hi! I have send you a request in discord. I am Middle Unity Developer with 2 years of experience 

(1 edit)

Hi!I am a Middle Unity developer, looking for a team. Have 2 years of experience in Unity 
Discord: JellyMain


I'll work alone cause if Imma get in a team I'll be the artist and sadly I need to use an asset by kenny and I'm a bit too lazy to draw in less than a day, other than I've NEVER drew an asset 

wanna join for gmtk jam next month?


# hey i used to develop unity games long ago and im coming back now

- i can code and have decent game design knowledge

- if you are an artist in any way or a second developer feel free to DM me @abdo7098 is my discord i live in morocco GMT +1

(1 edit)

which engine and language?


unity c#

Hi, ik its pretty late but if any late ones still out there without any team feel free to dm me on - .hakashikatake
i use unity and i'm a programmer

Hi everyone, :)

I'm excited to participate in an upcoming game jam and I'm looking for fellow hobbyist Pygame developers to join me in creating an awesome game together! , I'd love to collaborate and bring our ideas to life.

*About Me:*

- Passionate about game development with decent experience in Pygame. (almost 2 years)

- Eager to work with others and learn together.

- Ready to brainstorm, code, and have fun throughout the jam!

*What I'm Looking For:*

- Developers familiar with Pygame.

If you're interested in joining, please reply to this thread or reach out to me on Discord: @menoscared

Let's make something great together!

alright boys I need some people to help me , if you're skilled in Godot or a designer in sound , hop in!

lets make the best  most fun and enjoyable game  , people!!

(1 edit)

I am looking for a team now. I have Unity 3d skills.

Hello everyone! I make music since 2018. Most of my music is ambient, IDM and other experimental things. If anyone needs me for this Jam please let me know!

I also can make SFX

Here is some examples:

Discord is "_x_anlaki_x_"