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A jam submission

Endtime Year 21 - Finimondo Anno 21View project page

Sit around a map and tell the story of your characters as they look for a new home in the same City where the end began.
Submitted by NessunDove (@NessunDoveLab) — 7 hours, 57 minutes before the deadline
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Endtime Year 21 - Finimondo Anno 21's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How strongly maps are integrated in the game’s design#24.4294.429
How captivating the tone, feel and style of the game are#44.0004.000
How elegant the game’s design is#63.5713.571
How well the game fits the theme and goal of the jam#103.7143.714
How easy to understand and use the game’s rules are#113.5713.571

Ranked from 7 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Very nice production value, design, and layout.

Great use of the examples of play, in the grey boxes.  Everything is very clear and simple to understand.  I like the themes, and the use of limited choice and interpretation.


Crediamo sia uno dei migliori giochi di questo contest per quanto riguarda la semplicità, la stesura delle regole e l'aver centrato il tema. Non che sia già finito (ovviamente va playtestato) ma siete veramente vicini alla fine. È molto bello vedere l'impostazione tipica di Oscar e Maria per i larp da camera (sia nelle regole che nella forma della stesura) riportata però su un gdr da tavolo: avremmo bisogno più spesso di vedere questo tipo di contaminazione!


Grazie mille, ragazzi. Alla fine, vista la convinzione che tra stare in piedi e sedersi al tavolo non debba correre poi tutta questa differenza, la cosa più naturale è stata fare come sempre: sottolineare la collaborazione nel gruppo di gioco, andare passo passo e via discorrendo.
Siamo contenti che vi sia piaciuto e siamo sicuri che sarebbe uno spasso giocarci insieme. Magari a Freeform?


The idea is interesting and recycles a classic theme in a new way.

Although the one drawback i see is it's very low replayability, due to the fact that you have to stick to the maps provided, plus the fact that each character sheet is bound to a specific identity choice.

In my opinion it would be nice, as an extra, to have the rules to create by yourself both the map pieces and the identity choices, and maybe even the signs.


Thank you very much for your feedback. We're not so concerned about replayability: thanks to the genre, every time you can recreate a different kind of apocalypse every time you play and, speaking about characters, we believe that more open is not always better, simply because blank pages are harder to fill. Identity is a vast sea and a player is not going to create all of their character by themselves, so not only being the only teenager will be very different from being the only greybeard or the only strong adult, although the character sheet is the same, but you're going to receive the other identities from the group.
We hope in playtesting to find out about the map: in the end, we decide to not have crossroads because we wanted to rely on signs alone... And because it would have been a lot of extra work :-P We like the idea of rules about creating a map by yourselves and we worked on Google maps, choosing places not so far to our home as backgrounds, so it would be fun to ask people to do the same.


Such a cool game! The graphic design of the rules, map, and play materials are all excellent. Using photographs for locations is a great touch. I like how it reverses the usual progression of post apocalyptic stories, by being about people returning to dangerous cities from a place of safety. It actually has some very similar elements to my game, both are about exploring, traveling into increasing danger, where people in the group can die and be mourned. I can definitely see the influence of Fall of Magic!


Thank you very much for your feedback. We agree about the affinity between our games and Fall of Magic is a source of inspiration, of course.  We tried to create unexpected links between photographs and signs, instead of more punctual textual prompts, to recreate a "Dixit like" feeling: we're very glad you like it. We hope things will be even better when a player will chooses which sign bring into play for a specific stage.