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A jam submission

Marks on the skinView project page

A storygame about the life of a Warrior told through the marks on their skin.
Submitted by Nuclear Manatee (@nuclear_manatee) — 1 hour, 1 minute before the deadline

Play tabletop rpg

Marks on the skin's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How easy to understand and use the game’s rules are#83.7783.778
How elegant the game’s design is#103.2223.222
How strongly maps are integrated in the game’s design#113.6673.667
How well the game fits the theme and goal of the jam#153.4443.444
How captivating the tone, feel and style of the game are#163.2223.222

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This is a lovely design, I can imagine using it to collaboratively create the story of a great hero or villain which will feature in a game.


The thing I like best about this is defining attitude to the Authority etc before defining what they are; sounds likely to bring out more surprises in play than the other way round. Also an unusual take on what maps are. 

The legacy role of holding the other pencil is fun, too. I wondered if there could be more in the possession aspect, like you need to engage in some kind of ritual to take a pencil from the person who currently possesses it? I'm not entirely sure what I mean by that, but if these are significant marks then maybe ownership of the markers,  and transferring it, can be expanded?


Troviamo l’idea estremamente brillante: ci tenevamo a vederla come entry anche se fino all’ultimo non si sapeva se l’avresti pubblicata. Le regole sono molto semplici anche se lasciano in mano molto (forse troppo? sarebbe da provare) ai giocatori. Sicuramente in una fase successiva dello sviluppo ci sarà tempo per colmare queste lacune. Ci è piaciuto l'uso delle cicatrici e tatuaggi per disegnare la mappa e raccontare i vari momenti di vita del Guerriero.


What a fantastic idea! Unique from anything else I've seen in this game jam. 

Doesn't quite fulfill the jam's design goal, but it's still a great game. I want to play this with more of my friends, and I'd love to see more details. Maybe something like some templates for the warrior that make the game easier for those without artistic ability. 

When I played we made a warrior named Ezekiel who served as a soldier for a theocratic empire. Ezekiel made coin on the side hunting monsters, and bared several scars from those hunts as well as tattoos he got as trophies. By the end he had been tattooed by slavers and holy regiments, scared by arrows, swords, and magical fire, and in the end he received arcane tattoos that allowed him to cast spells so he could hunt the most dangerous of game.

Fantastic work, the game does a great job of giving you enough tools to make an interesting character and have a unique world grow around them. Reminds me of games like Microscope and Dungeon World.


This comment puts me in an awkward position. You play my game while I haven't done it yet! I'm genuinely flattered. 

Templates for the Warrior are something that will be on my development roadmap. They can even evolve in a "scenario thing", with the shape of the warrior alongside prompt for all the other elements of the Preparation Phase.

Thank you so much for your feedback! If you have a picture of your Warrior Shape at the end of the game I'll be glad to upload it in the game page and giving you the proper credits.


There's something about this game that feels really touching to me, it reminds me of a scene in a movie where a love interest is looking at a mighty warrior's scars. I haven't played this game, but the tone of it makes me love this warrior, the combination of tattoos and scars give them a lot of character.

The setting and genre of the game are completely open, which is both a blessing and a curse. It allows players to go hog wild when describing the warrior, but it might be a little too open ended and leave players a little stumped for what to do at the start of the game, some suggestions for potential Authority,  People, and Beliefs could be helpful .


Thank you so much for your feedback!

Suggestion for Authority, People and Beliefs are certainly in the game's development roadmap. Unfortunately the idea comes to me like 12 hours the deadline, so I preferred to skim on certain things and refine the core a little bit more.

Can you remind the title of the movie you are referring to? It could be and helpful reference.


Oh I didn't have any particular movie in mind, it just feels like something I've seen in fantasy before haha


not Lethal Weapon 3? youtube link