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Nuclear Manatee

A member registered Sep 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Anche io dedicherò un paio d'ore in settimana - incasserò il favore non appena avrò qualcosa da fare leggere :)

When I set up my profile page the meta twitter:image was pulled from the Image banner of my profile page.

Now seems to randomly pull from my games.

This having a consistent sharing preview on social media quite hard.

I had the same problem of Shawn.

Please reach me for my current address when you're ready to ship.

Quello c'è sicuramente.

Anche Madama Butterfly e - incidentalmente - "Midnight Summer's Dream".

Quest'ultimo temo finirà per essere l'ispirazione principale :)

The title is quite literal, as you can see :)

The idea, in a few points:

  • The board is like an abstract map of situations
  • Every player has a token that represents their character on the board
  • Every letter/number has a prompt to play a scene with a few leading questions
  • The outcome of a scene tells you what to do on the board: move your token, move another token, switch side, etc.
  • You play coral scenes when you find together the same spot.

I haven't got anything else so far, not even the color.

I suppose I'll stick to the butterfly theme, so my inspirations so far are the butterfly effect and Madama Butterly.

Does anyone have something else butterfly-related to suggest? :)

Hi leafo,

thank you for the reply! I don't really want to email followers (they already get notification :) ), but the ones who download my games without any payment. If the platform could log them as a 0$ purchase or something like that, then I think I'll be more than fine.

(1 edit)

My profile is a place where I share my early-stage TTPRG prototypes: they aren't the well-polished products I'm feeling comfortable to set minimum payment. So they're all set for Free or Pay What You Want.

However, with this formula, all the downloads without a transaction are not reachable with the send email feature already available for buyers. Making them reachable would be very valuable.
This feature would be incredibly useful for surveying, ask for feedback, and thus iterate my game towards a product that I'm comfortable selling to a minimum price. And when that time comes, having an easy and direct way to let people know would be just awesome.

Is there any chance we'll see a similar feature soon?
Thank you for the fantastic work you did and keep doing.

(Italian version below)

Tonight Decameron Jam is officially over, and now we can comment on some numbers.

We had 16 people joined and 8 Submissions with an excellent 50% submission rate. The voting phase also collects 38 Ratings, with an average rating pro capita of 4,75.

Voting phase also generates, to date, 60 comments (posts and replies) of discussion over games that We hope can put the bases for further improvements.

Besides numbers, a more subjective retrospective is needed. Here below is ours as Jam hosts, but we invite all of you on comment with your retrospective and, of course, any suggestion that let us improve our next Jam.

What was good?

Overall participation was very unexpected. We had games and enthusiastic participation.

What was bad?

Few things were bad, but we'll stick to the main two.

First, the timeline was unnecessarily tight. Second, some indications (especially about ratings) were far from crystal clear.

Ideas - what can I do to improve?

We hope to plan our next Jam with more time ahead. For sure, we'll try to include at least two weekends to give designers more time.

We also plan to open submission to supplements from other games to make participation easier.

Action - what am I already been doing?

We already start to collect your feedback on the Jam and use them to reiterate and improve our "Jam Bylaw blueprint." 

Now, the floor is yours! What was your Jam experience? Do you have any suggestions for us?

Thank you in Advance for your participation!

Edoardo (NuclearManatee), Francesco (2HeadedBoy), Daniele (Spiritogiovane)


Ieri notte la Decameron Jam si è ufficialmente conclusa ed ora possiamo "dare i numeri".

Hanno aderito alla Jam 16 persone, di cui 8 hanno sottomesso un gioco: un conseguente tasso di sottomissione del 50%. La fase di votazione raccoglie 38 valutazioni, con una valutazione media pro capite di 4,75.

La fase di votazione ha inoltre generato, ad oggi, 60 commenti (post e risposte ai post) di discussione sui giochi che speriamo possano essere utilizzati per futuri miglioramenti al design.

Numeri a parte, è sempre necessaria una retrospettiva più soggettiva. Qui di seguito la nostra come Organizzatori, ma invitiamo tutti voi a commentare con la vostra retrospettiva e, naturalmente, con qualsiasi suggerimento che ci permetta di migliorare la nostra prossima Jam.

Che cosa è andato bene?

La partecipazione complessiva è stata inaspettata. Abbiamo avuto molti giochi sottomessi ed, in generale, una partecipazione entusiasta ed attiva. (questo è un plauso non tanto alla Jam, quanto alla bontà della Community italiana su che stiamo costruendo).

Cosa è andato male?

Alcune cose non sono state ottimali, ma ci atterremo alle due principali.

Innanzitutto, la sequenza temporale era inutilmente compressa. In secondo luogo, alcune indicazioni (in particolare sulle valutazioni) erano tutt'altro che chiare.

Idee: cosa possiamo fare per migliorare?

Speriamo di pianificare la nostra prossima Jam con più tempo in anticipo. Proveremo anche a includere almeno due fine settimana per dare più tempo ai designer.

Abbiamo anche in programma di aprire la presentazione ai supplementi di altri giochi per facilitare la partecipazione.

Azione: cosa stiamo già facendo?

Abbiamo iniziato a raccogliere i vostri commenti sulla Jam e li stiamo usando per reiterare e migliorare il nostro "template di regolamento per Jam".

Ora sta a te! Qual è stata la tua esperienza con la Decameron Jam? Hai qualche suggerimento per noi?

Grazie in anticipo per la tua partecipazione!

Edoardo (NuclearManatee), Francesco (2HeadedBoy), Daniele (Spiritogiovane)

Hi there! You can follow the instruction on this Twitter tread if you want to set up discount or community copies.

Thank you for join in!

The Jam submission phase is officially over, but some participants may have half-decent work that they didn't finish in time.

If feedback on your game is what you're looking for, please post your entry here before the voting phase finishes.

This section will be, of course, unranked for the Jam.

La fase di consegna della Jam è finita, ma è possibile che qualche partecipante abbia del lavoro a metà e non sia riuscito a consegnarlo in tempo.

Se vi interessa avere comunque un feedback al vostro lavoro, sentitevi liberi di postare la vostra entry prima della fine della fase di votazione.

Questa sezione non contribuirà, ovviamente, alla classifica dei giochi consegnati entro il limite.

A quelli che hai aggiunto aggiungo i miei due preferiti: Wordcounter e Google Documents.

Sono curioso di dove abdrai a parare :D

A soundtrack (at least a suggested one) it's far from being a bad idea!

Thank you for rating it!

That clears it out, thank you again!

The gameplay is a fine rinse and repeat, but the fact that some graphichs are identical makes the iteration a bit frustrating. 

Yet, I enojoyed the puzzles and the general atmosphere.

This is precisely the feedback I hope to get by joining the Jam, so thank you!

When you say "I'm not sure I'd want to propose it to a group, as I'd have no idea what to say or how to introduce it" you meant that you cannot pitch it effectevly to a group since you don't really get it, or you cannot picture how to play the game itself?

Thank you for your feedback!

May I ask to elaborate on the "Story" part of your evaluation?

Metadata for Game Pages works pretty smoothly, but setting up the right one for the profile page is getting difficult.

I'd be happy if my banner image would be used as preview in social post.
That works fine for Facebook after a few link scraping, but the twitter card seems stuck randomly to the preview image of my first game.
For reference, I found a similar issue here

Is a Metadata configuration page for Profile Pages in the development roadmap any time soon? :)

Technical question about Google Slides.

You can script a Slides Presentation with Google App Script, but I'm afraid that doesnt sticks if you export a .ppt file.

Any workaround here?

Un gioco con una premessa  tematica molto interessante.

Apprezzo molto come si sia scelta una meccanica molto simile a "Tabù" per la fase centrale del gioco che è non comune in un gioco di ruolo.
Ho qualche remora sulla scelta della condizione di chiusura: imbroccare le ultime Esperienze non può finire per trascinare il gioco?

Per un ulteriore sviluppo ritengo sia utile fissare tutte le parti mobili (una su tutti il numero di Doni per giocatori) in modo da rendere l'esperienza più coesa.

In ultimo: la "mappa" con le costellazioni finali è veramente necessaria alle altre meccaniche del gioco?

Ottimo lavoro!

This comment puts me in an awkward position. You play my game while I haven't done it yet! I'm genuinely flattered. 

Templates for the Warrior are something that will be on my development roadmap. They can even evolve in a "scenario thing", with the shape of the warrior alongside prompt for all the other elements of the Preparation Phase.

Thank you so much for your feedback! If you have a picture of your Warrior Shape at the end of the game I'll be glad to upload it in the game page and giving you the proper credits.

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Suggestion for Authority, People and Beliefs are certainly in the game's development roadmap. Unfortunately the idea comes to me like 12 hours the deadline, so I preferred to skim on certain things and refine the core a little bit more.

Can you remind the title of the movie you are referring to? It could be and helpful reference.

A game where where two groups of people play separate "games", yet connected and intertwined: exactly as children and parents.
In the Lay Foundation phase, the Vocation and Fascination Traits about Parents and Children respectively are unexplained. Was this intentional?
I like how the Lay Wall phase is crucial in determining the tone of the game - especially the roll of the dice.
My most significant doubt is about Parents since the Phases are counting on a tension between the two which doesn't seem to be necessarly built. If the happy couple scenario isn't expected maybe some other trouble is needed in the earliest phases.
I especially appreciate how clearly the game is written. Good job!

That'a a nice map-game that will probably live the players with a map that progresses in ages top-left to bottom-right o something like this.

I found the text a little bit cryptic and I suspect the preparation forgot to mention the game also tokens for the Elements too, since they are referred later.

The FAST RULES section comes really handy for understand the game flow and clear many of my doubts.

The Elements of each age are probably the part that seems more coesive and interesting of the game.

A pretty decent job in the complex, well done!

The 10 days timespan is great, but I really wanted two weekend into the jam instead that just one.

This actually won't really matter for this year since my idea comes to me 16hours before the deadline and I rush into the night to finish and deliver it.

It was a lot of fun :D

It's a lovely game of discovery of the past with some tragic notes. 

I like how the game length and the brightness of the scene can be tuned, but the thing that they are intertwined leaves me colder.

Although this is not explicit, I understand that the degree of success in the scenes is to be evaluated over the nature of the mission. If that is the case, this is my favorite part since the game varies widely depending on the initial choice of the mission.

I'll have to be direct in saying that the game lacks some bold element that makes me want to play it. Nonetheless, it is a very nice work.