Cool game!
- Please can we shoot on holding down a button? Ideally spacebar as an option instead of mouse too.
- Also some kind of choice in our attacks and perhaps an active ability with a cooldown would make the gameplay even better :D
Possible Bug: moving diagonally e.g 2 key press at the same time looks faster (and not just because of Pythagorus) than just moving left or up for example.. Or maybe I'm crazy and it is just because of distance idk.
Boss feedback:
I think he was a tiny bit repetitive but if hes a first boss then its perfect, it was fun! killed him on my 2nd try :D
I thought boss was too good at tracking and recovering so I RQ it, it would have been cool to bait him into pillars or something a bit like Darksouls..?
Very cool, I got to his 2nd form and then died because I'm bad at this kind of game. But this level had great energy and comedy :)
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