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A member registered Nov 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Maybe your anti-virus deleted it? I had something like that happen to me before on my main pc. At the moment I can still download and play the exe on multiple pcs so I'll keep looking for a solution if the anti-virus isn't the case.

Thanks a lot for playing again!

Yeah, this is the next part of the story. I thought it'd be more refreshing for previous players to not play that forest area part again.

Thanks a lot for the feedback and comparison to earthworm jim! There's also controller support and not just keyboard support. The inputs will show gamepad inputs as soon as you press a gamepad button.

Thanks for reviewing it again! I only did some quality of life changes for this jam so I'm glad you liked some of it. I will make the next version more complete and in a different region for a newer gaming experience. Thanks for appreciating the custom art!

Thanks a lot for the feedback. Good to know you liked what I feel are the important aspects of the game, but yeah I have barely begun to tackle the menu and stuff so those are pretty bad. Sounds too since they're mostly reused. Thanks though!

Thanks a lot for playing and providing feedback!

That area you were in is a higher leveled area I will do something about that to make it more clear or prevented.

I'll test the game out on a weaker system and find better ways to optimize it.

Thanks again!

Thank you very much for playing and providing feedback! The lag and button mapping are in the works.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah the sense of direction and hp+damage of the enemies weren't in a favorable position to the player. I actually tweaked them yesterday so it's a shame you didn't get to play that version, but that's fine. Good feedback to reinforce the changes I should strive for.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll need to work on the platforming design since I'm throwing too much at the player. Probably make it less required until the later environment. You actually can cancel attack animations into another action, but only with certain moves so I'll have to do something about that. Would you be able to elaborate on enemy engagement switching via new input? Do you mean when you're just being pelted by them repeatedly?

Thanks a lot for playing!

Will be adding mapping for control and keys in the near future. I'll probably need to do something bad hitstun. Maybe instructions how to deal with it or just a change in the mechanics.

Well it seems like everything else makes sense!

-Exhausting Strike (a knock with Wall-Bounce) was useful too?

That's the one we used the most. Both as an srk and to start+continue combos. The other ex's I didn't use much.

A lot of stuff to look forward too and I feel the real potential will be revealed once there are multiple characters to play!

Ah thanks for the information. I do have pushback on hits but not on the lower leveled animals. People keep having difficulties with the combat in general so I've been pushing back extra things (like the aerial down-slash) further in the game until I can maybe get them used to the 4 standard slashes. 

I did try your fighter out and a lot is set up pretty well! Left my feedback on your thing.

Combat Flow: I play keyboard and stick when it comes to fighting games and I played with a friend. I like the quantity of projectiles and their movement which allows a lot of potential for safe pressure and strong advantage states. The combos can be very versatile allowing for maximum damage or reset mix-ups. The game is a lot slower than what I'm used to and I think it could benefit from being faster overall. Overall I really like how it's going so far. 

Other than the speed I think more low attacks and an option to quick get up would help a lot. I hope I didn't miss out on those if they're already in the game. There's also a pretty long delay upon an empty landing that I think should be reduced and sometimes the buffer carries an input too long (bug?).

Balance: Not much to say since there's only 1 character. As far as ex and super meter go we haven't been able to find much reason to use the super attack. The ex is very nice and serves many purposes.

Sound: I like the music! I think the voices are out of sync with the mouth sometimes though.

We had a lot of fun though. Would really like to play with the other characters when they're available!

Thank you very much for playing and leaving feedback!

Ah my goal is to have fully mappable keys and xbox controller. At the moment gamepad is useless and misleading and I'll attempt to fix all of it when I work on the Title screen and settings menu. So sorry about that.

Which attacks did you use the most? I'm undecided whether to add more to the grounded attack or change up the logic of combat. I've run into the issue you've brought up as well.

I will be testing out attack speed and hit stun length to your suggestion. Some animals are too oppressive this early in the game.

Do you think the +1 jump solves the grappling issues? I'm adding a dash skill towards the end of the demo so I'm wondering if that would help too.

Thanks for the feedback this is a big reason I enter these jams. Thanks again!

Freeze happened moving to different areas in the city twice. Couldn't bring up menu or kb mash my way out of it.

Had me laughing at the sounds and the environmental settings. Music feels suitable and the levels are diverse. I would've liked some landing animation to let me know when the crab is fully grounded and can rejump.

Had me laughing at the sounds and the environmental settings. Music feels suitable and the levels are diverse. I would've liked some landing animation to let me know when the crab is fully grounded and can rejump.

I never played this type of game with cards before. It's been fun so far and I see the potential of it if the future enemies become more complex thus making decisions more complex. The dialogue is very engaging and I do like the music. The game has froze a few times when I was navigating through the city. Great work!

Thanks a bunch for playing! When you mean powers/abilities/skills do you mean the hook attacks or maybe the stat boosting skill points?

I will have to double down on finishing the inventory and main menu because only then can I reactivate the save function! Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you very much for playing and providing feedback! Upgrade path is somewhat placeholder at the moment, but I'm glad you were able to be the first to click and use it.

I'll really have to fix the visuals and animations once I finish the options! I have a hard time seeing its flaws so thanks for mentioning it.

Glad you liked the enemy sprites!

Very fun and fluid gameplay. Easily picked up on how to maneuver around the map with the spear and dash. Bosses were sensible and challenging. Not sure if it's a bug but U removes UI even when the map is up. It looked like the game froze because I did that.

Very short and appealing!

It is pretty unengaging gameplay-wise though since there is a lack of sound on hit and enemies seem to pose very little threat.

Music bug happened at final stage. It was playing level 14 music + level 15 music at the same time.

Very challenging and very fun! It had me focused all the way until the end. Very much feels like it was playtested a lot.

-I think the collision boxes for the moving yellow platforms can be longer to match the sprite or the collision can stay the same with the sprite being shortened.

-On level 9 the red falling traps activated even though I wasn't within the vicinity.

-On the last boss the music from level 14 was playing along with the bumblee song.

That's all I got, but I had a few friends play it and they tapped out around level 3-6 due to difficulty. Maybe add 5 easier stages previous to the current first one?

I had a good time though and since difficulty was your goal it sure worked for me. Improved very quickly after a few tries.

Thank you very much! 

I'm really trying to combine fighting game hitstun mechanics and platforming together just to see how well it'll work. It's great that you were able to combo enemies and grapple often for mobility.

An art style change for the sprites and background is something that I'm strongly considering changing in the near future, so it could get less chibi. Thanks for liking the MC! Since it's mostly him the whole game I'm trying to make him likable.

Yeah the sound and music is something I gotta find someone for cause it's all stock right now.

Do you remember any of the bugs that you stumbled upon?

Thanks again for playing!

Yeah it is very hard. Every time I make changes I have to keep making things more easier and specific since people end up quitting at the first sign of trouble. My friend got confused anytime he had to backtrack and read anything lol. I helped him pass the bombable part and he just stopped. I wouldn't know how to change your game without breaking immersion. Like, you would have to have the character's inner monologue or constant ui that tells you what to do most of the time. He got lost and died in my game too, but I think he represents the normal reaction most players have to new games? He's a Dark Soul's Elden Ring player if that helps with anything. I breezed through your game so it's hard for me to see it from his point of view.  At this point, I'm willing to break game immersion and even player freedom so that my game can make more sense to people.

Maybe you do have pro-gamer mentality! One of my pals played your game and actually got confused with the backtracking and just stopped. Had to guide him through most of it so I just don't feel too qualified to give very specific feedback since lol i just don't know what will make a game better for others. Didn't do much better in my game lol. Thanks again! I await updates for bio as well!

(1 edit)

-Yeah just the keyboard right now has my attention. You can definitely use the controller but I haven't attempted any polish for it so it most likely won't make any sense. Keyboard and controller rebinding is on my to-do list!

-Ah the orange and blue 0 is the regeneration. I'll fix that bug!

-Great suggestion for camera panning! He can fall pretty fast so can avoid those issues with panning.

-This first area has pretty basic animals and high hp player recovery. I was thinking it's better to keep it really easy since this is the first region, but maybe that's not the right way to approach this? lol idk people kept dying to the giant cat and toucan.

-For the massive amount of monsters there's post-hit invincibility if you remain in hitstun for too long. For intermittent hitstun there's later skills that start at frame 1 to break out of those, but I haven't introduced those yet. I'm trying to lean away from dodgeroll mechanics but if it doesn't work out yeah I'll add dodgerolling.  Those areas with the massive amount of monsters are supposed to be avoided till a later level revisit, but I'm still figuring out how to give players the freedom to wander to high-level areas without making them think it's the correct path.

Thanks a lot though. This is very helpful and quite different than the other feedbacks that I've gotten.

I'll see Bio-Synthetica soon too! Ah my game isn't on Steam it's too early in development for me to try. Thanks though.

I think a lot of the items are a bit more costly compared to what it does in battle. It could probably be cheaper, have a stronger impact in battle, or possibly gain the crafted items in bundles. Maybe some of the visible encounters can be easier to avoid.  It seems like you're on your way to making a lot of changes though so I can give it another go when you got it to its next polish. Ooh Next Fexst, well I'm most likely gonna be there so good luck, and remember you only get 1 shot at it!

Even easier and more entrancing in the 2nd playthrough. Never got lost and it has a really good vibe in how it slowly reveals what happened. Not much else for me to say except that I want to see the complete game eventually!

Thanks a lot! Oh wow same grappling hook issues, I can fix it. Another person that liked the snail!

Thank you! That gives me al a lot of info regarding how to handle juggling and controls. Might try mouse for attack and have to make the quest simpler or even omit it.

And thanks for thinking that the animals are cute!

Thanks a lot! The snail actually scared most people so I'm glad someone liked it. Currently working on a better tutorial that actually explains the hook and items. Thanks again!

Cool boss. Was great to steer around the guillotine. Maybe lower the hp a bit since it was dying so slow I thought I had to do stuff with some of the stone things to find an alternative way to damage.

idk my game is like 7 minutes long.

Looks nice and it moves pretty well. One issue I have is falling down a high area and getting hit by a monster before the camera centers.

Thank you very much! 

Do you think custom key mapping would mitigate the odd controls or should I also adopt a more mainstream key placement?

At the moment every action can cancel the action of another. Do you believe you were overriding moves? If not I'll have to look into this delay. Thank you again!

Submitted wrong game.