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A member registered Jan 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

You cannot save precious when there is no path (respecting the current moves) either to it or back from it. That is the only case.

Thanks for the feedback! 

Their moves are not based on priority. They choose their moves in a way to get to the goal and back as fast as possible. 

The idea is very clever! But the system becomes cursedly complex way too fast.

Also I am starting a petition to change snake head with the face in circle or the catgirl face :)

Thanks for the feedback!
Well, that is basically the point of this game. Start with an unfamiliar/unintuitive system at each level and try to make sense of it by poking it around. You can reach the goal when you become familiar enough.

The concept is interesting, but you have to be really good at sokoban to solve these. Since this is mostly sokoban, but with additional complexity.
Pretty neat game for sokoban enjoyers!

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Thanks for the feedback!

You can go back via menu. Open the menu via "cogs" icon in the upper-right corner on by pressing Esc.

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Thanks for the feedback! I am glad you liked it!

Why do you think the game should show how many steps are needed for level clear? I am not sure it improves the experience.

Indeed, replacing an obstacle with another one  is a good idea. I should be able to add that in some form.

Any graphics in particular which should be improved?

Cool! I am not sure I want to show the points needed for a carrot. It hinders exploration part of the experience.

22 for the first carrot.

Ok, thanks! This is not a bug. In order to earn each carrot, you have to finish a level with more than X steps, where X is different for each level and each carrot. So no carrots means that the dungeon is too far from optimal even for the first carrot to be earned. I just need to come up with a way to make players realize this.

"I thought the goal was to make a longest, but finishable level" - this is correct. Why do you believe the level you built is the longest or close to that? So much that you assume it is a bug that the game hasn't recognized it.

I have just found the stream :)

You actually played very well! The progression is very fast in the demo, so the difficulty rumps up a lot quickly. I got a few hints on which parts should be smoothed out. Thanks!

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Yes, the game works correctly here. The issue is in misunderstanding of the rules (which is the game's fault obviously). Could you help me understand where it comes from, please?

So are you thinking that the level is solved because the character got to the treasure? Or are there any other requirements for considering a level solved? Couldn't you lead the character to the treasure around the trap ignoring it (and the button) entirely?

Thanks for the feedback!

"My onion knight goers through the button and now closed trap, gets to the carrot and then nothing happens :(" - this is a very interesting feedback. I am almost sure this is not a technical bug. Can you describe a bit more? What do you think should have happened and why?

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree that this may be a nice system to have for the first few levels. But I don't think such a system would work for any somewhat complicated levels. Because the "optimal" dungeon is usually designed to have characters move back and forth through the same (or similar) path. Also various teleports, jumps, and other abilities, which are going to appear later in the game, would make any path representations an unreadable mess.

The narrator?

The game is decent for a mobile game. There are a few issues though:

- Waiting for 5 seconds after choosing an action before the action actually happens is not fun. As well as waiting for the fight to end after killing an enemy.

- Attacking (and chugging potions) is clearly superior in every occasion (in the demo) since you don't know what an enemy will do. Defending is never a good option, period. This makes the game boring really quickly.

- Sound effects are of bad quality.

The idea is neat, but the story is a bit too linear and simple for a story-driven game.

Also 'cd' for moving to a root folder as well as "connect [Tab]" server name autocompletion would be nice. (And explanation of [Tab] in the description).

This control scheme is not good. Maybe just make 'W' to move up, 'D' - down and so on instead of moving towards the mouse.

"Thanks! Any specific recommendations?" - I am not that big of a fan of JRPGs myself, especially older pixel-art ones. You can probably get a few good suggestions on

Good "my first game" game :)

It seems like you can win by just playing all the cards every turn (except for the mine, which generates too much pollution).

Also the game become unplayable pretty fast: you cannot enter research because the events bar overflows over it, and your hand cannot handle more than 4-5 cards and freaks out.

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"There is a skip button for all tutorials located to the right of the dialogue." - but I don't want to skip all tutorials! There may be something I don't know. I just want them to be less intrusive.

"some sequences are intended to be more dramatic compared to others" - I mean even "left click to move to the next dialog" is pronounced as if it is the final boss battle :) While enemy voice sounds more like a parody then an actual voice.

"You mention everything is way too small, but perhaps you have some more specific examples that I can focus on as a starting point?" - e.g. character upgrade menu - you can just make every icon twice the size.

"The bars are 16 pixels in width (perhaps you meant height?)." - yes, I meant height.

One more general suggestion: Your battles are very close to JRPG battles. There are a lot of pixel-art JRPGs, some with very low total screen resolution. A lot of them have incredibly well-designed interfaces that present all the info to the player, allow to decide and execute attacks quickly, and avoid being cluttered. Take a look at how they do it.

Sorry, I know I sound harsh. I can see a potentially good game here. But it is impossible to know behind all this interface.

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I mean show each enemy attack hitbox a few seconds before it happens. This way you can have many more enemies and many more attacks. This would make the game a bit like bullet hell, where slow movement is fine.

The game is actually solid! But it is very annoying to play...

- Tutorial and random voiceover pop-ups that lock me out of playing the game are really annoying.  Tutorial should not describe every little thing about the game. It should teach while playing the game.

- The voices are incredibly overdramatic.

- Everything is way too small with a lot of empty space around. All the icons can be made twice as big easily. Health and other bars are very important, but are made two pixels wide and near the edge of the screen.

- Hovering is used too much. In order to know what an attack does, I have to hover over it, wait, hover over every affect, wait. Can I just right click to open all attacks descriptions somewhere on the side of the screen?

- Why can I know exactly the chance for some insignificant (de)buff to proc, but not how much damage an attack deals? Also are any of the (de)buffs significant enough to not spam the strongest attack?

- After a puzzle level, what is the point of fighting a chest?

I mean the game is a solid foundation for a roughlite, but UX needs a lot of polish.

Good game! A few bugs / suggestions:

- An arrow showing where you dash is not aligned with the cursor for me. I assume it is a bug.

- It is very difficult to close sign windows. It seems to open the window again when I press 'E' and my movement is weird while the window is open.

- Dark red platforms look like they are in the background. It took me a minute trying to pass the level without them to understand that I can stand on them. While white background lights sometimes look like they are spikes.

- Why won't the character stick to walls as if I always hold RMB? This input doesn't seem necessary and makes movement a bit clunky.

1- I still don't see why wouldn't you invert every level to have the gravity normal.

2- I mean your vertical movement seems very much like in Flappy Bird: each button press sends you "up" by a fixed specific amount (of speed). I thought the movement is the same in horizontal, but after trying the "guides" you mention, I can see that I was wrong. There is nothing wrong with the movement.

There is a problem with the difficulty curve. Your "guides" are actually tutorials. So I would suggest to put them as ordinary levels just before  the level where the corresponding mechanics occurs for the first time. Otherwise, nobody is going to find them. Also maybe have much less difficult (or much shorter) levels at first; I think you start too hard.

It is never the player's fault :)

Tooltips actually work on everything, even on UI elements.

Thanks! Did you miss entirely that right click opens tooltips? Or haven't thought about it when you encountered the cucumber? This seems to be a big issue...

Thanks for the feedback.

Any suggestions on what should be changed in terms of graphics?

Thanks for the feedback.

I think most of the issues you mention come from not reading the bits of tutorial the game tells you (and therefore, not discovering right clicking for tooltips). I tried to minimize the required amount of reading, but the game concept (as well as what each tile or character does) is too difficult to convey without text.

Regarding 'very few animations', what you think should be animated? I am not an artist, so this is difficult for me.

Yes, that is what I mean by "not good". Also Shift+RMB is very awkward. E.g. 'Q' and 'E' or 'Z' and 'X' would be much better. Having all of those options to be open is even better.

Regarding the timer, I mean why not just have a "Send packages" button without any timer. It is a puzzle game. Nobody likes to be on a timer when solving a puzzle.

I love your sound effects :P Gameplay-wise, it is in a weird state where it is too slow to be an action game and too fast to be a tactics game. Maybe adding a movement ability (like dash) would help making it feel more dynamic. Or just speed up / slow down (or show future moves?) everything.

The game is very much not my cup of tea as I cannot progress past the first half of the first level. What feels weird to me:

1. Why gravity is upwards?

2. Why horizontal movement is in flaps? I.e. each press moves you a certain amount instead of the longer you hold the more you move. I can understand vertical movement to be in flaps because gravity and good timing can get you whereever you need to be, but for horizontal movement, it seems weird.

So I need stone to build a stone miner. But I don't have any stone, which was the reason to build a stone miner. Which I can't do because I have no stone...

Seriously though, the idea is quite neat. But you are missing a lot of quality of life improvements. Like shifting people from one place to another should be done in 1-2 clicks since you have to do it a lot. Checking what needs what to build should be easier. Tutorial is a must for such a game. Audio would be nice as well.

The game doesn't even care if failed a level... The controls are not good. As well as inability to rotate the camera freely.

Also what is the point of the timer? Currently, it feels more like the point of the game is to battle controls, not solve the puzzle itself.

Well, I am not sure what I am supposed to test. Balance is probably about right. It is quite fun for how simple it is. I miss some audio a lot though.

Also goat horns on your logo look a bit too much like legs in stockings...

Neat game! (pun intended ;) The game looks great overall, but there are a few places where graphics is less good like exits and enemies. Mechanically, I like how fluid the spear throw feels. I also wanted to stick the spear into a rotating cog (which is a background in one of early levels) to see it spin with it. That might be a really fun mechanic to add. I was missing some defensive capabilities: maybe it is intended, maybe add e.g. enemy knockback or some ability to shield yourself.