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A member registered Mar 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great tileset! I used it in my puzzle game:

This is probably as close as you can get to pure chaos with a game that someone could theoretically get good at. That someone however is not me.

The music is also fantastic.

I appreciate it, though I don't plan on updating this version. I have however made a slightly more expanded version (with 3 difficulty modes and some rebalancing of the elements), which is available on Google Play store. You can find a link to it on the game's page.

This is a pretty interesting concept, and mostly well polished too. The fact that the spheres that appear when you attack and deflect don't match the pixel size of the rest of the game is the only real complaint I can think of.

Really unique idea for a game. Though there were times were I lost because one enemy pushed another one at me from the other side of the map, which didn't feel fair.

Nice concept, but it really needs some more detailed explanation. Maybe a display that shows you a % of how full the slime is. Something that would allow you to actually plan what you're going to do rather than just playing blindly and hoping for the best.

Pretty fun game, though it definitely could use some smarter enemies - as it is, the combat consist of getting all of them to one side of you and spamming the attack.

Pretty good game, though it didn't feel like the wheel effects mattered all that much - except for the one that made the slimes change colors.

This game is unbelievably well-polished for a game jam game made by one person. Sure, the obstacles could perhaps use some detail on their graphics, but the lack of it doesn't detract anything from the experience.

I like the concept, but I could not see the enemies, and the amount of bullets on the screen once you start upgrading towers started lagging the game. Still, it was enjoyable.

For your first game this is really good. Though one thing that I'd recommend is adding a restart button to the game over menu.

I wasn't referring to the bullet speed. But before they start flying, they linger on the walls for the few seconds, allowing you to position yourself. That works just fine the first time you go through a certain pattern, however if you already know where to go, you end up spending few seconds just waiting for them to fire. And then you have to wait again on the next pattern. And if you get hit you have to once again wait on every single one of them.

I have nothing against resetting the entire room, my problem was that most of the time, instead of avoiding bullets, I was just sitting there, waiting. And that's just not fun.

Really fun idea. I like how having a lot of energy actually made the sword harder to control due to its speed. That being said, it was far too easy once I managed to kill the first enemy. The energy system needs some rebalancing.

Really interesting game with fantastic art. Though it could definitely use some polish - at multiple points I managed to teleport out into the void in between platforms.

I beat the game and it left me wanting more, so good job.

Playing the intended way is quite fun and very chaotic, but once the blocks started falling faster, I discovered that a much more effective strategy was to teleport the blocks that have already fallen all the way down in a way that would let ones above them fall and match.

Not a bad concept, but by itself it feels incomplete. Could definitely use either some more mechanics, or more levels.

Good point. I'm planning on putting some more work into this game and releasing it as a mobile app, so I'll definitely try to include something like this in that version.

Interesting concept, pretty much as varied as it gets for a typing game. 

This game really needs a way to make the bullets shoot early. As it is now, I got bored after having to restart halfway through a room, which really shouldn't be the case for a bullet hell game.

Other than that, the concept is interesting, and definitely has potential.

Great game. A bit too hard for my liking, but I don't have any real criticism. And the way the music and gameplay match is fantastic.

Great game. A bit too hard for my liking, but I don't have any real criticism. And the way the music and gameplay match is fantastic.

The concept is alright, and I enjoyed the variety of weapons, though the execution could use a lot of work, mostly in terms of presentation. Things like a clear indication which enemy is getting hit, or what kind of weapon you're currently using.

Really fun game with some clever design decisions - I especially like how the golden bar has 11 pieces, so you can't really build your deck around a single number and guarantee absorbing strength that way. Although the mechanic of absorbing could use a better explanation - it took me a while to understand why my cards would randomly disappear when drawing. And I didn't see any reason to have the delete option disabled, since clicking on the cards without it doesn't do anything.

I discovered a bug in this version, I'm not sure if there is a place to report those so I'll put it here:

I was on the 1st level of new game++, where I encountered the blue slimes that shoot 3 projectiles on death, and was hit by one such projectile (though it seemed like it might just barely miss me).
During this run I obtained the item that removed all hearts and used coins as health instead, and when I was hit by the blue slime projectile I had over 200 coins. Despite that, I was killed instantly, and when the window informing about the progress made in that run appeared, it did so multiple times (see screenshot below)

This was my 4th or 5th run since installing Ancient Dungeon from the Oculus App Store, but despite that the end screen listed it as 39th one - as you can also see on the screenshot.

The music is nice and I enjoyed playing this game, but I can't call it a metroidvania.

It's a solid prototype - all the base mechanics work fine and the level design seems good (though that single very precise jump on the very right of the first room caused some trouble for me).

The atmosphere is there, but the game was running painfully slowly on my laptop, so it quickly got tedious to play and the fact that you often walk through empty corridors didn't help.

This is a fantastic game, though not without its problems. There are some huge difficulty spikes (especially the area to the left of the starting point), and the character's movement speed as well as the animation of switching characters could be a bit faster, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.

Thanks for the feedback. If I had time to implement any enemies, I would certainly try to find a way to incorporate the climbing mechanic into combat.

The places where you can't climb because of a block above your head were meant to be overcome with the boots upgrade, but it ended up not working quite as intended, so due to time constraints I decided to leave it as it is. It's still possible to get past obstacles with it, but much more difficult than I wanted it to be.

Yeah, I had the idea of a game where you can climb but not jump for a while and decided to finally try it out.

If I had more time, I'd give the player an option to remap controls. But I spent the last 18 hours of the game jam frantically wrapping everything up to make it feel like a playable metroidvania.

Which is also the reason why the progress screen was there - unlike boss battles, it was a measure of progress I was able to implement in the last 2 hours.

I like the art and the music, but other than that this game still needs a lot of work. I fell into the floor and got stuck there after some time playing. Also the pause menu doesn't seem to work.

The combination of instant death pits, spikes and fire traps that can only be avoided with precise jumps with the fact that dying sends you back to the title screen AND there is an unskippable dialog at the start made this a really frustrating experience.
The mechanics for combat and platforming are pretty good, but level design could use some work. And when making a game this difficult, allowing the player to quickly retry the part they failed at should be a priority.

The attack is extremely unreliable - most of the time when I pressed the button nothing happened, which made it really annoying to use, especially since it's a short range one, meaning that you have to also be in the enemy's range to use it.

But that's something that can be fixed with an update or two. And the game definitely has potential, though it could use either more variety in how the rooms look, or a map. As it is now, it's hard to tell if you've already visited a given location, or not yet.

I didn't have time to test it properly, so it's possible that you can get locked in some places. Refreshing the page should put you back at the start without resetting the upgrades if you want to try another path.

Thanks for trying out my game. It does have a reset button, just below the board on the right. Though when playing a 4x4 level it is not visible, it's still there. 

Here's a puzzle game inspired by Whack-a-Mole:

Great gameplay mechanic. Though personally I'd prefer if the camera followed the star faster, so it's easier to see what's ahead of you.