Fixed-angle 3D Metroidvania is something I've wanted to see for ages (my game is also a version of the idea), and I think this does a good job! I love the sounds and spiky vfx, they made even small actions like jumping and landing feel punchy. And it does such a good job with the atmosphere that I didn't mind the greybox at all. The way you use light shafts to lift you while gliding is really cool, as opposed to the obvious choice of wind. I liked how the scale and spacing of the platforms made the layout clear and kept perspective issues to a minimum.
I did have some minor issues with the controls and level design:
- The way the glider combines with the variable-height jump is a bit finicky: intuitively at first I wanted to double tap the button straight away, and even after I learned to aim for the peak the timing felt pretty tight to make it across some gaps. Maybe it could be fudged in some way so that within a certain input window your travel distance ends up about the same? The glider coming out feels a bit limp too. Could possibly be improved by the glider giving a slight vertical boost at the start?
- Use of the wall climb/wallrun seems to be limited to marked walls, which kinda dampens my excitement about it. (There's not that much game afterwards to judge by, so maybe it would be fine. I just think I would be more excited to start looking for places I can use it myself.)
- The section where you run back and forth hitting switches to activate offscreen platforms was very unsatisfying.
- Minor issue, but I found it a little annoying that a chunk of the world is only traversable in one direction because of ledges you drop down. After getting the sword and returning to the starting area, I retraced my steps to check this fork in the path that I remembered and found that I had to run around the whole loop again to get back to the start.
Overall, a strong entry. And thanks for playing my game too!
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