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Sum free cartooncoffe vfx i got from a while back, i think it was for a jam its taken down now
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This is a nice game, great work.
With some polish it can became a full game for sure.
One thing is the dash + jump to do that sequence that’s a moment that I have to press A or D + shift + space, so that’s a lot of buttons on close to each other, change the order would help allowing the dash after the jump.
And nice music.
But overall, it was a great game.
I’ll post a review for this game on my YouTube channel, probably tomorrow.
there is a midair dash upgrade. But thats later on
Great game! I love the feel of the movement, and the visuals are really fun as well!! The world felt a tad confusing to me, with the abilities teleporting me to seemingly random places, which made the continuity of the world feel off. I love the speed of the game, and I appreciate how much juice you added to the charged blast, as it feels super powerful. Overall, I enjoyed this game a lot!! Great job!!
There's a lot here, but also feels like you ran out of time:
Overall it feels like there's a lot of refinement lacking, but also a lot of promise if you keep working on it :)
nah health goes down, you just have ALOT of health. You can run out though if youre bad
I mean theres a damage fx when you tame damage?, for movement yeah, can you qlso be a lil more specific, is it the airdash? Or the normaldash, or somethint else?
For movement, I think platformer polish things would help a lot, like coyote time, input buffer, etc.
it... has those
Hm... it seems like it does indeed. Sorry, I might be confusing games a bit.
From your recording, it looks like it's a lot smoother than when I played it. It might be that some stuff is a bit more framerate dependent? Or it doesn't play well in Firefox? I'm not sure, sorry.
I think this is a great entry, especially for not having a lot of time, like you said. I had a few issues along the way:
Literally everything else about this was awesome. The sprites were great, the VFX implementations were super cool, and the music and graphics came together really well to create a really immersive experience. It felt like playing a retro game in an arcade that had a futuristic/post-apocalyptic theme. Loved the in-game tutorial overlays, the rails were great, enemies were cool. I especially liked the subtle parallax and how well the background assets worked - they had just enough detail to add interest without overtaking the player's focus. Overall such a cool and cohesive game. Awesome work!
You can move extremely fast using up or down when roping
Very lovely game!
It's fast, it's ebic, it's fun! The visuals are definitelly the star of the show here, everything looks super cool and smooth, visual effects are top notch, and Satelea herself is adorable! Music is also a super awesome selection, even if it's not original. I love the sense of style tho, the "Ready set go!" on the start of each level and even the main menu are very eye candy!
Controls are also super smooth, very fun moveset to play around with. My only nitpick there is that I don't like the default placement of the sword on V for the arrows scheme, it's a little confusing to have the dash on the middle of the 2 damaging moves, but oh well, that's very irrelevant on the grand scheme of things, you just get used to it lol.
Another minor nitpick I have is how the enemies kinda do their thing almost instantly after appearing on-camera, that made me take damage right after entering a room or right after respawning on a checkpoint quite a few times. Also, with the amount of visual effects going on (That are super cool as I already said) most of the times I hit stuff with a charged shot, the enemy bullets just get hidden beneath the bang bang boom boom, so I'd advice to always put anything that hurts on top of the visuals so we don't get hit by sneaky bullets. Also, the common sense for run'n'gun games where you stick to walls is that your character should always shoot to the direction opposite of the wall when doing so, because the player is totally going to be holding the direction of the wall to stay clinging on it, but Satelea is a little too obedient and just shoots the wall instead... So give my girl some self-thinking!
Minor nitpicks aside, now a bigger nitpick: The level design is... kind of a mess, honestly... Idk how to explain, but like, it wants to be a metroidvania and a fast-reflexes platformer at the same time, and it doesn't really excels on neither. It doesn't reallly let's you explore a lot since it's impossible to back track to earlier areas as soon as you leave them, and it also doesn't really present any real super engaging platforming challenge aside from a few small places here and there, like, the last level is cool, and I loved how you implemented the dash acquiring section, with the falling platforms to get there and only being able to leave by dash jumping, now THAT was an example of good level design, and I think that's more or less the direction a game like this one should be taking more, but right now this game is still on the middle of a little identity crisis sadly.
Altought, maybe the real culprit of those mixed feelings is how the checkpoint system (doesn't) work... Firstly, checkpoints are a one time trigger, you can't pick a checkpoint that have already been picked before, and second that touching a checkpoint saves the state of EVERYTHING on the map, wich makes backtracking to explore kinda awkward since enemies won't respawn and moving platforms won't go back to their original places, and lastly a minor thing, but the checkpoints also save your camera toggle, so if you get checkpoint before camera toggling, it will untoggle your camera whenever you respawn, wich is weird. And the little hole on the very first rail tutorial is already a softlock if you fall there, wich isn't a good signal lol.
I still love this tho! I think I'm being a little harsh on it because that's exactly the kind of Metroidvania I wanna see working out! The open world Sonic-megaman-Celeste dream lives on, and I'm glad someone else also wants to see that x3
ohhhh yeah.. my exams kinda ran concurrent with this jam, they also combined the midsemester exams with the final exams and did it both at once, which uhh def killed me inside a bit, but its done now tho! btw thanks for the feedback!
I've said this on discord but I'll say it here again, I genuinely think this is a very strong contender for a placement! Everything about the game felt really fun to play and use, it felt amazingly polished for the time that you had!
Some level design issues but they were very minor, amazing work especially just by yourself!
Hey nice work for not having much time! Cool vibe and fun to control. I really like the rails and dashing was fun. I would maybe either zoom the camera out more or slow down all of the movement a bit though, sometimes it was hard to react quickly enough to things coming from off screen like the end of a rail. And the maybe was really nice and detailed, but because it shows you *everything*, I was kinda just following the map and not really exploring on my own, which takes away some of the fun of a metroidvania. Oh, and those rainbow beam enemies were rad lol, some very cool effects
Good job! I really liked the art and the character handled really well when running, jumping and dashing. I felt like I had a lot of control. I had to reset a couple times after falling in holes that I couldn't escape from, so I'm glad you put that on the R button! I liked the use of the rails, I think I'll try to use that in future games :)
That was pretty nice! I really don't know what you're on about with this being a "short" metroidvania, the map is pretty large imo :P
The game is a weird mashup of sonic, megaman and metroidvania and I'm all for that!
The visuals on this are excellent, I really don't know what kind of magic you did to get some of those vfx(The sword! The charged shot! It looks crazy!!)
It's somewhat obvious that you're using stock music, but no worries, it fits.
The game has gotten quite a bit better since I playtested it last time. There's some unfinished ends but that's just how it is with the time limit sometimes :P
Really liked it overall. Good job!
(Ii cant for the lif of me make music im sorry ok :(((((( ) but yeah thanks for the feedback X)