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PyrionsView game page

Submitted by AntonisDevStuff (@antonisdevstuff) — 15 minutes, 58 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of the Limitation#652.9002.900

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Software used and pygame library

Use of the limitation
Using the health and special attack on the same button

Cookies eaten

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I really loved playing this game! After a few attempts I ended up going infinite and playing up to room 100 with over 30k heat before calling it quits.

I felt like it wasn’t ever really worth it to use Spell 1 or the right click attack; Spell 2 feels like it accomplishes what Spell 1 would but in a better way, and the right click attack just costs too much compared to the normal left click when your heat gets high enough. Maybe if it had an aoe component it would be more useful?

I also ended up being tempted to use an autoclicker; I definitely feel like the game incentivizes perma-mashing left click which is just not good for my wrists! Maybe an autofire would help?

This is definitely one of the most fun entries to this jam I’ve played so far, strafing off the walls and getting my heat as high as I could was surprisingly satisfying. Great work!!


Thanks for playing, damm not even me have reached room 100 yet. About right click i will make it aoe as you said and nerf left click. You're right about spell 1 being a worst version of spell 2 but is also half of the cost. A spell about autofire for x seconds and a cps limit for left click is a very good idea. I'm happy that you had fun playing my game.


Cool game! I'm not familiar with Pygame but I enjoyed how different this felt, the audio especially tied the aethetic together pretty well even if it was fairly simple visually. I'm wasn't great at it, the enemies being right on you every room is pretty tough, but I enjoyed having a bunch of rounds! At first I felt the fireball was way too slow but then I started leading enemies into it and that worked pretty well. Really nice job!

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for playing, pygame is a python library that helps you write python code to draw images into the screen, handle events etc. The visual area is not my best part but i'm happy that everything fits together. The idea was to crete a game with high player input that's why the room is small so you have to always moving making it more demanding.  Also you're the first one that wrote about the trick with the fireball, I i thought i was the only one who knew about it .


The speed being tied to health as well caught me off guard, ended up practically bouncing off the walls! Really good base for potential further development - perhaps more variety in attacks, upgrades and enemies could add further depth and replay value?

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for giving it a try, I connected heat to speed,health and attacks with the logic of heat is a form of energy.
I'm planning to add more enemies-attack etc after the jam but didn't thought about replay value,i will try to implement it.


Just reached room 32 - I wanted to check if it would force me to use spells at some point! Really fun and nice start! Impressive considering you only used pygame!!

Of course not many assets and it’s too bad it would be very cool. However sound was great. Big number goes brrrr

Even if there is not a lot of content I really liked my time playing and trying to push the scaling a bit! Hence, few tiny improvements I have in mind:

  • I did not get the use for spell 1, but spell 2 became useful very late when the enemies are enough and fast enough to block you completely. I believe different kind of enemies (think recolor + diff speed, not much) would be very cool, and having them not collide with each others as well. You need to force the player to use a TP it’s cool!

  • I never had the use for fireball, the second attack, because the first one can be spammed and is strong enough. However I have a strong feeling it would be AWESOME if it was an AoE (or just was moving through enemies) instead of stopping on the first enemy it hits. I would clearly consider using it even if it costs heat!

  • I love the scaling, however as it is right now I think it should scale a tad faster. From room 5 to 20 it was quite easy, especially once reaching 2000+ heat because you spam heal ^.^

I would LOVE to see a new version in a few with improvements, because really it was fun <3 Thanks for making it!


First of all, I want to thank you for playing and spending time on my game. It really motivates me for my future projects.

This was my first game that I took seriously and decided to work on after a long time, close to 2 years, due to many personal reasons. I had to code for multiple hours each day, so I had fun.

You're right about the assets. I'm really bad at making pixel art, and it's something I need to work on in the future. So instead, I tried to implement the assets to fit the concept of the game and focus more on the gameplay functionality.

Making my game without an engine in 3 days was a marathon. I hit close to 1k lines of code implementing basic things. It could have been done in less code, but I decided to build it with less stress of debugging and to see how well I could organize big projects.

About spells and the scale system:

The scaling was done in the last hours of the game (a "you learn from your mistakes" moment) and was rushed. My idea was to have an easy static start and later scaling with the player's heat (health). After playing my game, I came to the same realization that it needs to be a maximum of 10 rooms for the "intro".

The spells were almost not in the game due to time , but I managed to include them.

Spell 1: The maximum enemy count is 20. After playing 2-3 times, I lost due to being stuck within the enemy hitbox, so the idea was to make a noclip clutch button to save you from death. Technically, it is a bad spell because you still take melee damage from enemies, but it can be really useful after 20 rounds. That's its main purpose.

Spell 2: This is a better version of Spell 1 because you teleport to the opposite side of the map, which will be clear. However, if you spam it, you still get hit by moving attacks, so you can die.

Both spells were made for clutch moments and to remove the limitation of the map size. I didn't make the map infinite because I wanted a fast-paced game—not hard, not easy, but one where if you make a mistake, you lose. Also, Spell 2 can't be spammed due to cost scaling with the room.

Now about the fireball: The fireball concept is a second attack that is much stronger (strength^2) than the basic one, but it's slow, more heat expensive (you lose 10% of your heat), and you can't be moving while using it. It can be really good if I add more enemies to the game, as you said, so you need the extra damage or make it AoE or moving through enemies.

I will probably make a new version with a more finished game when the jam ends. Once again, thanks for playing <3


hey, the upadte is out


Fun game I loved the art


Thank you,I'm not good in making assets so i tried to connect the assets with the concept of the game.