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A jam submission

Riff RebelView project page

Submitted by Aceington — 1 day, 12 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4153.2503.250

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

chiptune, orchestra, metal, experimental. The soundtrack is made for a retro-style fast-paced platformer game. I created all of the songs in FL Studio Mobile with various soundfonts.

Message from the artist
Thank you for taking a listen.
-Much love, Aceington


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
The story takes place in a dream that represents Peggy's entire mind. Peggy is a lesser-known musician who isn't mentally stable. She keeps herself sane with music, so she must keep the flow going.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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really nice concept and nicely executed! your instrumentation choices are very smart. "You're Not Gonna Eat Me" is my favorite and has a nice melody! 

good work, great chiptune OST! keep it up!


Great job! I love how you handled the drums and melodies. I heard a consistent melodic through line with your motifs and each element was handled with care and thought. The track "You're Not Gonna Eat Me" really stood out to me and was definitely my favorite! Thanks for sharing this!



Your experimental approach is excellent, as well as the way you combined different genres. This is one of my favorites works so far!!


i love the harshness! not a single song feels out of place and they are all sooo good. the story and correlation to the theme is also something i love too :>


im not taking my sneakers off

i am sneakers o'toole

Stream Sneakers O' Toole (Family Guy) - Trap Remix Spoon Dice Remix by  tyshadow111 | Listen online for free on SoundCloud


I definitely felt different emotions while listening to this soundtrack.

He was melodic, sweet, funny, driving and clownish (AAA CLOWNS).

And me... I liked your vision, the variety of instruments and the overall circus atmosphere of this soundtrack... Thanks!



Really nice work here! Everything belongs together, and while I do echo the sentiment that Kit the Clown was a tad bit long without too much variety as it developed, I think you really nailed the style throughout this submission.

Good job!


Some interesting ideas in here, and a nice blend of core styles. Love the chiptune elements throughout with some more choice and modern instrumentation dipped in to keep things feeling fresh.

Really liked the vibes in both Opening Cutscene and Subcon World Map - these feel like arrangements out of a 16-bit game to me personally, and would work really well in an RPG I think. I love the percussion in the latter track specifically - how it builds and becomes more complex toward the end. Almost bleeds into a PSX-era kind of track at that point.

The lead melody in You're Not Gonna Eat Me is really catchy and I found myself humming along to it after only a single pass. Leaning a little heavier back into the 16-bit era with this one but that is by no means a complaint as the music of that time was amazing. Could see this track functioning in a variety of games outside of the RPG genre, truth be told. Love the choice of instruments in this one.

Kit the Clown takes us back even further to a more dedicated chiptune soundscape. I like the choice of waves in this and the fact there are a lot of melodies and business in the background layers instead of just playing along with root notes and basic chords. The guitar coming in approximately half way through was a cool way of enhancing the rhythm and driving the track forward. It does go on a little long admittedly, but I did enjoy it all the same.

This is an Ending abandons the 8-bit formula of the previous tracks and leans back into that 16/32 bit hybrid. Good choice of instruments in here and really nice job arranging them - a lot happening in this. The strings were well done - I would have liked to hear a little more of that orchestration as a theme throughout the soundtrack but it is welcome here all the same.

Solid entry, exploring a couple of different eras with this one but it is all congruent and befitting of being in the one soundtrack. Enjoyed it, good job!


These were fun and fresh! I think Kit the Clown went on for a bit too long but it was also my favorite one.


Very fun, wacky, and catchy melodies.  Really like how you experimented with various noises, instruments, and distortion!