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GodhoodView project page

A whimsical and intense chiptune soundtrack about a teenager's journey to recover her story and liberate the worlds.
Submitted by KFComet — 3 hours, 12 minutes before the deadline
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Correlation to theme#1373.8503.850

Ranked from 40 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

cover artwork by a couple of my friends!"

Created in Beepbox!

Runtime: 35:12
(i understand its long - feel free to skip through any looped songs!)

What would you do if thrown into the world of the Gods?

The worlds have fallen into disarray. With the power of assent no longer being enforced, Gods can wreak true havoc upon their bubbles without restraint. Someone must stop them. and someone must find Her.

Godhood is a retro, electronic, and chiptune-based soundtrack for a theoretical story-based RPG. As a result, each track is set for cutscenes, levels, or bosses, and will be clarified. All of this was created in a Beepbox mod called Pandora's Box.

I really wanted to experiment with these tracks. I took some creative liberties with time signatures, EQ filter, melodies, chord progressions - the list goes on and on. The point is, I really got out of my comfort zone with this jam and I'm really thankful I did. I'm proud of the result and gained much needed experience!

(the rest is copy & pasted from project page):

Track 1 - Legend of Xara: The opening sequence. You learn of Xara, the Goddess of Assent, who brought peace and harmony to all the worlds. Her domain resembles the deep sea, with bubbles floating about housing each respective God's world. Recently, she has fled her domain and neglected her duties, allowing Gods absolutely no restriction to their worlds. The God of Direction has assumed control to ensure it stays this way.
The Hostel was where Xara imprisoned individuals who posed too much of a threat to the safety of their world. The God of Direction freed all prisoners, and recently, replaced them with innocents.

Track 2 - Title: The words "Godhood" appear on your screen upon a dark background. Bubbles float by, flashing scenes from the game at you. This is the title screen.

Track 3 - The Hostel (looped): Our protagonist, a teen version of the girl from the photo, awakens in a hotel without any memory. As she exits her room, several staff members appear to be extraordinarily shocked at the sight of her, and attack. She will have to use her "wind" powers to defend herself. She is prompted to free the innocent prisoners from the rooms.

Track 4 - The Hotelier (looped): An angry hotelier employed by the God of Direction tries to prevent you from leaving. However, he seems particularly lazy and not ecstatic about his job and is easy to defeat.

Track 5 - Inside Her World: The protagonist emerges within Xara's realm. It's dark and blue, the only light sources being bubbles - which are entrances to other worlds.

Track 6 - Boscage (looped): After noticing a forest aflame within one of the bubbles, the protagonist dives inside. She finds herself in a jungle with a sun shining so bright that it scorches all it touches. Locals see her and immediately start attacking her. She must head for the God of Radiance's resting place.

Track 7 - Charcoal: She finally arrives to the resting place, meeting a whimsical God of Radiance who isn't ready to back off so easily. Once defeated, he exclaims about "powers of assent" within the protagonist that somehow ceased his destruction. The sun is no longer scorching.

Track 8 - Reef: After seeing a stormy ocean within one of the bubbles, the next world is entered. It is a barren underwater city riddled with thieves and crooks, with a storm wreaking havoc above the ocean. Using her powers of wind, our protagonist forms an air bubble around herself as she progresses.

Track 9 - Undertow: Upon arriving at the second God's resting place, she meets the God of Climate. He is obsessed with riches and caused the storm in order to seize all citizens' belongings. When defeated, he seems to immediately recognize the protagonist.

Track 10 - Truth of Xara: Apparently, the God of Climate knows the God of Direction personally. Your powers of assent were apparently inherited by Xara, who raised you within her realm after you appeared one day. The God of Direction must have erased your memory. The God of Climate tells the protagonist where to find Xara - above Cardinal City.

Track 11 - Cardinal City: A high-tech city run by the God of Direction, draped in heavy cloud coverage. It is an economic powerhouse. However, it is heavily militarized, as you have to fight your way through multiple powerful enemies while traversing the streets towards the God of Direction's resting place, the top level of a skyscraper within the clouds.

Track 12 - Ascent: You begin making your way up the tower, littered with puzzles and whimsical rooms resided in by odd minibosses.

Track 13 - The Director: Before the fight, you notice the God of Direction has the exact same powers as you. He reveals that he is actually the protagonist's father and dumped her into Xara's realm to continue to attend to his duties without having a child to worry about. On top of that, he remarks that Cardinal City was built within Xara's original realm. With that, the protagonist and the God of Direction fight.

Track 14 - Heavens: After defeating the God of Direction, the protagonist emerges upon the clouds. The credits begin to roll as Greek structures float by on white puffs. The protagonist eventually reaches a figure, a vague outline of a woman and assumedly Xara. She taps her on the shoulder.

But the game finishes off before going any further.

Message from the artist
Whoops ... I submitted a Lot of tracks (14). my respect goes out to anyone who can sit through 35 minutes worth of my music.

That aside, this is my first composing jam and I am SO excited to be able to participate!!! I'm especially looking forward to listening to all the other submissions and seeing all the other takes on the theme. Good luck y'all, this was fun!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
When I saw the the picture and word themes together, I immediately thought of individual worlds being encased inside the bubbles floating around in the art piece. I thought that the bubble figure would oversee these worlds, in which case they were "hers." I thought the picture would take place within Her world, where the child in the photo would have landed inside of "her" world from one of the bubbles somehow. I kind of took that concept and ran, and now we have Godhood!

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission


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Off the bat - kudos on producing 14 tracks!

This has some really cool ideas in it, and I adore the choice of synth voicings present. When I started listening to Legend of Xara I had it pegged as a standard chiptune track but the way it evolves and the use of really textural and expansive pads had me locked in.

The Title Theme explores a lot of really nice bits of sound design and ambience. This one is absolutely laden in moodiness and has an ominous kind of edge to it that is solely unique to this track. Big fan of how blown out and gritty that core synth beneath is as it continually flairs to life and then dies back again. Percussion in this is also a great example of less-is-more; does just enough to keep the rhythm, blends nicely into the background and fits the overall tone of the track.

My favorite of the bit-focused arrangements is probably The Director - it's menacing but also really catchy. A huge ominous introduction before kicking into the core melody (which I imagine playing over some dialogue) before finally getting into the gameplay around the half-way mark or so. Loving the choice of chords here and the accompaniment in the background doing a great job of bolstering those melodies.

Solid work all around - there's a lot to love here! Some really cool chiptunes mixed with some more modern sounds, all arranged and produced well. Great work! :)


thank you so much for the detailed feedback!!! i'm glad you enjoyed listening, and thank you for taking apart a couple songs. i appreciate it! 


Let's gooo another beepbox enthusiast! I mentioned this before but it truly does astound me just how creative these chiptune entries can be with their sound design. Submissions like these give me the inspiration to try new things with my tracks and experiment with new sounds. There are a lot of great ideas in here and with a 35 min runtime, it's one of the most complete soundtracks I've seen in this jam. You've clearly put a lot of effort into this and it's paid off tremendously! 


thanks a lot!!! this OST is very experimental, yes, and i'm glad it paid off.  i'm super happy my tracks gave you some inspo - thanks for listening!


I will admit that I am not a fan of chiptune stuff in general because I tend to find it quite grating and irritating, haha, but that is absolutely not the case here :3 This might actually be the only OST I've ever heard with chiptune stuff on where I genuinely enjoyed listening to the tracks!! Since I lack technical knowledge, I don't know what you did to achieve the sound, but I like it :D haha.

My personal favourites were Legend of Xara, Inside Her World,  and The Director.

I also love the game idea in general, and the variation in the tracks fits the different worlds/areas perfectly, giving each a distinct flavour :3


thank you!! i kind of feel that, so with my composition style, unless i'm going for straight up chiptune i try to weave in a few less jarring textures so the music is more listenable. i'm glad you enjoyed it, even if you didn't expect to!!


the whole production side of this entry is amazing, the amount of effort you put into that side is noticeable and payed off! Also liked how much variety there is in mood between the tracks, good job 


thanks so much! i stretched myself kind of thin this jam, and i'm thankful my production was still acceptable nonetheless. i'm glad you enjoyed!!


The bassiest chiptune album ever (lots of low end, maybe too much sometimes), I still think its missing some brightness from time to time to balance everything but its the vibe you choose to go for and i'm all for it, the production is really on point, nice composition, fits perfectly your theme I can imagine everything perfectly. Good job !


thank you! i used a lot of bass because i wanted to make a darker and more mysterious vibe for this OST, but it was definitely way too muddy at times. i'm glad you enjoyed nonetheless!!!


What an amazing OST!! I love the overall mood and life you’ve given to the soundtrack, while also having each song still be its own, distinct sound. A variety of song styles are used, and you’ve flawlessly tied them all together into a cohesive OST! Plus, the amount of time it must have taken to make fourteen full tracks(wow :O) is something my 3 singular brains cells have a pretty hard time comprehending. All in all, I love the direction you took with this theme, as well as how experimental you were with your tracks. Amazing work!


thank you so much for your comment, i'm glad you enjoyed listening! it was definitely a lot of work, but i'm glad i did it and i'm glad people like the result!


Man! Easily the best chiptune entry I've heard! You are creative with the sound, and I love it!

Especially in Title you have this "broken" distorted sound to it, that just fits so well! It reminds me alot of Disasterpeace's music from Hyper Light Drifter actually! 

Great submission!!


thank you so much! this OST was very experimental and i wanted to test my limits, and i'm glad it paid off. i appreciate you for listening and giving feedback!


Never heard chiptunes so layered, interesting! Solid entry overall, very "material" sounding.


thank you!! i experimented a lot in this OST and pushed the limits of typical chiptune soundtracks and i'm glad i did it in a interesting way. thank you for listening!



I loved  the background woven in Cardinal City .

Thuth of Xara was my favorite one. Really beautiful melodic lines and the way it progresses till the end is  so smooth!!


thank you! in Truth of Xara, i really tried to mimic the structure of and call back to Legend of Xara, whilst adding more emotion to the track. i'm glad you enjoyed it!!


very based fr fr 🦕


thank you!!


I listened to the whole thing! I was reading Manga whilst listening so I wasn't actively listening but I never heard anything that sounded bad and I didn't really notice a loop anywhere which I think is a great thing for listenability!


thank you, i'm glad you enjoyed it!


I’m in love with the gritty atmosphere you’ve created in the title track!! Fantastic sound design and production throughout! So much variety in the 14 tracks (HOW!?) - Amazing work!!


it was certainly a LOT of work - but i'm thankful you enjoyed all 35 minutes!! thanks for listening!


Really cool mix of cheerful and dark and oppressive. Very unique and cool take on this retro style, I like it a lot! My one complaint is the muddy mix especially in those more dark tracks. There tends to be a lot of low instruments which causes a lot of mud especially in the stereo field, this could be solved with a mid/side EQ and a slight high pass on the sides cutting 150-200hz.

I really liked the creativity of this submission! I thought that you did a great job of balancing the tones and aesthetics of each track. Great work!


thank you! like i've said, its pretty difficult to mix on beepbox and muddiness in the low instruments is something i need to fight against in the future. thanks for the tip, i'll give it a test!


The sheer level of work you managed to get while stretching yourself over so many songs in such a short time is really impressive, and you had everything chock full of creative music ideas and executed so many of them very well, I especially liked The Hostel and Inside Her World. And while your composition aspects really shone in this, I do think a bit of the production quality suffered due to how much work you put in everything else. It doesnt detract from the experience too much, where songs like Cardinal City feel a bit muddy, probably in part due to effects and reverb applied, so if you are aware of that and spend more time refining the mix in the future you have an excellent collection of work here! I know i went in on the mixing a bit without giving the best advice and i am sorry for that, id recommend this video that the composers for SoulOS recommended to me to get started. I did really love your submission though, you should be proud!!


thank you so much for the feedback! don't be sorry, this is exactly the kind of feedback i joined this jam for. i've been told about the mixing issues, especially on the lower end. with how difficult it is to even think about mixing on Beepbox, i might switch DAWs in the near future so my works can be less muddy.

thanks so much for the resources and detailed feedback - i appreciate it a lot! i'll for certain take it into account in the future.


If you want suggestions for daws (idk if ive mentioned them in discord) i would recommend Cakewalk by Bandlab or LMMS as they are by far the most stable and most supported free daws out there, i personally prefer cakewalk but I know people who swear by LMMS's workflow so to each their own I guess. I don't know how Beepbox works, but if you want VST instruments to get you going with a similar style look into Magical 8 Bit and NES VST for base chiptune sounds and sForzando to use soundfonts which will help you navigate a lot more retro sounds in the style you want. SurgeXT also has excellent synth options which I think you will like for expanding your sound (apologies if this is information you already knew, i have genuinely never heard of Beepbox so have no idea how it works and figured this is more likely to help then hurt haha, also everything listed here is free!)


thank you! i'll check all of these out soon - i've gotten a couple recommendations on cakewalk and LMMS so i'm for sure giving those a look. i appreciate the resources!


Legend of Xara: Sets a pretty cool mood for the OST.

Title: Very cool synths. Makes me expect an otherworldy game.

The Hostel: Bop! Cool Phrygian bassline. Fits the setting described so well!

The Hotelier: Feels like a character theme for a quirky villain aligned character. And then I read your description and I wasn't far off!

Inside Her World: The otherworldly vibes arrive! Nice atmosphere.

Boscage: Love the rhythm! Nailed the jungle vibe.

Charcoal: Tough vibes! Only critique is it might have a bit much going on at times. But doesnt affect my enjoyment of it!

Reef: I like the percussion over the epic atmosphere. Love the chord progression.

Undertow: Yoo this is so cool. That acid like bass is great.

Truth Of Xara: This gives me lore dump track kind of vibes.

Cardinal City: I really like that pitch bent instrument over the top of everything.

Ascent: Final dungeon feel. Cool drums!

The Director: Final boss theme! This is really cool. I wish the percussion was a little more powerful but thats a minor issue.

Heavens: Love this as a credits track! And the cliffhanger ending in the story is cool.

Great work!


thank you for the detailed feedback, i appreciate your thoughts on each track!!! im glad you enjoyed!


That was 35 minute well invested. All the tracks are really qualitative, it's insane that you got this much done in a week. There are some outliers, but I still feel most tracks were really close to each other quality-wise, and I love the extensive lore you have for each of them. Nice job!


thank you for the feedback! i experimented quite a bit using this OST, so i totally understand the outlier issue. i'm glad you enjoyed all 35 minutes, nonetheless!


I’m sorry it’s not bad outliers, it’s good outliers!!

I meant that there are some tracks a bit ahead of the pack for my specific tastes, but even then the whole OST is super consistent. It was not an issue, you did great! I even followed on SoundCloud so I don’t miss anything you come up with next!


gotcha, thank you!! i appreciate that a lot!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very nice soundtrack with a lot of great content !
I liked a lot the blend of chiptune with ambient sounding instruments (quite noticeable on the Title theme which reminds me of the C64 Ghost'n Goblins soundtrack by Tim Follin, with chiptune instruments used in a more atmospheric way), it makes the whole soundtrack quite unique, and varied too with the diversified instrumentation.
Overall, my favourite tracks would be (they are all back to back surprisingly):
- Reef (the marimba-like instrument is very nice)
- Undertow (great energy, great album too)
- Truth Of Xara (brings a different more melancholic vibe compared to the other tracks, the flute-like instrument contributes a lot)
- Cardinal City (great energy and variations, reminds me of a Panzer Dragoon track)
To conclude, it was quite a journey listening to all of this, so congrats for your work !


thanks for all of your positive feedback!! i'll make sure to check out C64 Ghost'n Goblins, i've never heard of it before. i'm glad you enjoyed!


Ok I absolutly drove in your submission as soon as the first synth dropped, so I'm gonna try to write a good feedback : fantastic OST, loved the composition, creativity and practicality (in the sens where it really could be in a video game) of your tracks. Your low ends would really benefit from a better mix tho, but that's really the cherry on top. Overall, fantastic work, really loved it ! 


The variety on this soundtrack is nothing short of amazing, and I really like how those 8-bit instruments sound, nice job :)


Thank you!! I really tried to add a great deal of variety and personality in this soundtrack while keeping it as one unit. Thankful I was successful!


Amazing variety of tracks for such a short period! I really liked the walking bass in the "The Hotelier"!


Thanks so much!!

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