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Are you kitten me!?View game page

A boundary pushing adventure of self-discovery.
Submitted by vandiedakaf β€” 2 hours, 25 minutes before the deadline
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Super interesting, I feel like the ball should be harder to control though, maybe more slide-y?


What ball? I see only a kitten?

In the first few versions of this there was absolutely zero slide but I added a little bit later on just make it smidgen more difficult manipulate the glasses. There's definitely a scenario for decreasing the drag, i.e. like if I made a stage where you had to race against time then that slide would add a lot of tension to it.

Thanks for trying the game out!


Very addictive! Love the look of the game and the sound effects.


Thanks for the kind words Rona!

I'm happy you enjoyed it 😸😸


That was so satisfying, and the hacky sack cat is super cute


Thanks for playing Dax!

It makes me happy that you found it sattisfying :D


Very cute, loved the little laser pointer party. Very cute cat, very mischevious. A+


Thanks for the kind words!

Making that silly level was probably my favourite part of making the game.

Really good game all round. Level design,  art, sound are all really good. I love the minimalistic style to it. Great job.


Thanks both for playing and your feedback!


Great presentation, love the minimalist nature of it and that i could figure this out without any text.
Cute game, one of my favourites so far :)


Thanks Japes!

Figuring out how a game works has always been part of the fun for me so I tried my hand at that (The Witness is probably my favourite example of that). Glad you liked it :D


Sound design and level design in this are perfect! Great job. Would be awesome if you added some more different shape glasses :)


Thanks for the kind words!

I actually have "figure out how to better control audio levels" on my list of things to improve (it just did not make the cut of things to work on during this jam).

Other glass shapes are definitely a good idea (they'll role differently which will add a level of difficulty to getting them off the table). 

Unfortuneatly a basic glass and a ball was as far as my blender skills allowed me to get during this jam (I literally installed Blender for the first time last week). I probably spent more time trying to figure out how to get the blender objects into Unity without it rotating or scaling or losing textures than I did making the models πŸ™ˆ


This is such a cute idea lol


Thanks for playing and the kind words πŸ™

very cool  ,i guess, was expecting a jumpscare or something


Thanks! Some people got a fright from the sound that plays when you drop the wrong type of glass. That was not my intention though so it's a lesson learned for me πŸ˜‚


Neat well done - my cat max is like this 



Sounds like you could do with some plastic glassware then :D


An amusing concept! Took me some trial and error to figure out what I was trying to do, but the level design was pretty good, so it was quick to figure out.

The disco level seemed to have a switch in controls, which was a bit confusing, though I liked the new challenge of it.

Overall, I had a nice time playing!


Thanks for playing and giving feedback Jaco.

I took a risk with the disco level (I knew people would get stumped and likely think that the game bugged out). My hopes are/were that they'll move the cursor accross the screen before quiting which should result in an AHA! moment (my daugther just got stuck because she was playing on the controller and is not mouse-savvy).


Cool concept, nice execution. 

I was having a good time and would have enjoyed playing even more levels as you kept exploring the mechanics.


Thanks for playing Ash!

It seems like more levels is the way to go :D


Really cool game. Figuring out how to beat the Avoidance level was tricky, but it felt rewarding. I really liked the sound affects as well. I had to laugh when I heard the Dj Airhorn  sound after completing the final level. The death sound effect added an extra sense of dread for me. Great job overall!


Thanks for the feedback!

The Airhorn is what my brain get's up to when I'm being 'creative' at 2 in the morning (there's very little impulse control left at that point).

My daughter does not like the 'horror' sound (which was an addition right at the end). I agree with her on that, it does not quite fit the theme (that'll teach me to not test it with here first). I was looking for a sad cat meow but had to settle for that instead (there are some really unsettling bone-chilling horror sounds out there).


Love your concept, had fun playing as a cat for once, got a huge fright when I first accidentally pushed off a fear glass haha. Well done. Would love to see more mechanics  instead of just pushing things off, maybe a full course as a cat whilst pushing things off? But overall like the game!


Thanks for playing Razer!

Snap! Just this morning I was thinking about a 'track' on the table that the cat must navigate without knocking over any glasses (i.e. a bull in a china shop).

Submitted (1 edit)

Well done, really cool game, and very satisfying to see the glasses smash, good luck with the jam :) In terms of feedback for the prize, I'd say your game now is in a really good state to build on, it be really cool if there were a few more challenges.


Thanks for playing and giving feedback Lizzard!

I'm happy that you found breaking the glasses satisfying (over the last week I've become guilty of glass genocide). I wanted the breaking of the glasses to have the same effect as popping bubble wrap - so it's less so a game than it a stress releaser :D

I definitely need to make more levels - I've found that level design is definitely not my forte 😬


Ja making it the same feeling as popping bubble wrap was definitely achieved :)