This is brilliant - you are an inspiration sir.
As an entrant, I am stoked you are not eligible for prized because IMO this should take just about all of them XD.
It's got the ragdoll, got the humour, the controls are tight, the sound design is perfect. Minimal text/turorials. This is a step above all the other entries I've played so far (mine definitely included). I love the way the peeing mechanic works, it forces you to move at high speed next to dangerous obstacles. clever.
"Upgradathon" is a great mechanic to increase the replayability of a simple mechanic, I will stick it into my toolbelt next to "high scores table" :)
One minor suggestion: I would make collisions with snuffel not hurt the owner. That way the player would be more rewarded for fancy last minute tugs to make the owner e.g. avoid rocks.
thanks! Would love to hear your thoughts about my game!
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