Love it, peed my pant without hesitation. The tone of the story is broadly fun and playful and it gives Lupin the characteristic everyone is expecting. There are more than enough fun little details throughout Lupin's escape, and I love them.
I got pretty short endings for the first two times, and I think balancing the amount of content between each different branches would be nice. I see choice based games as text mazes sometimes, and I feel like sometimes having dead ends reveal themselves much later in the story might frustrate players a little bit, but definitely keep them immersed and interactive, rather than having dead ends exposed right away.
Overall, so much fun reading through it!
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Arsene Lupin's Bombastic Breakout's pageComments
Yes! Piss pants is the way to escape! I appreciate that you gave some thoughts to the consequence of peeing lupin's pants: leaving a trail of pee is a really good detail! Despite some branches unfinished, it just felt so imaginative and hilarious to play. If there ever will be an Arsene Lupin game(with graphics) I wish it has this kind of plot!
I have no idea who Arsene Lupin is! But I will find out shortly!
I found out shortly and I love him!
The amount of branching paths and options and the sheer cartooniness of the character all add into a very satisfying, joyful jaunt out of prison. I'm impressed you managed to keep such a consistent, bubbly tone through the whole thing! Its branches are wonderfully fractal, giving a very "point-and-click adventure" sort of feeling to it, with the classic "failure doesn't matter because fun is better than faillure :)" twist.
"Bombastic Breakout" is a great name for this adventure. Can't wait to see what it balloons into!
This was so much fun to play. I loved how wild the choices were, and yes I HAVE to mention the pee your pants option again because it made me lose it. I love that part. I didn't really know who Arsene Lupin was before but now I am a big fan of him because of your game, so I think it was very successful. I also liked how the try again option let you go back to your previous choice, so you don't have to play through everything again to get to that point.
Also, this game has insane replayability because of how genuinely interesting every choice is. Awesome job, I really enjoyed this!
I love how drastically choices branch the story in this game, I think that was definitely a good call for this story. Definitely the kind of thing that you wanna play over and over to see how many endings you can find! The way the characters talk to each other is great too - for me I think this is what goes the furthest in establishing the weird, jokey tone you've got going on. Really enjoyed playing this and excited to see what it's like when all the routes are finished up!
hey isiah
This was super fun, super absurd! I felt that you improved on some of the dead ends from you last prototype, giving the player a bit more absurdity to appreciate despite their choice leading to failure — this helped make dead ends more enjoyable to experience, not just disappointing. Something I found interesting was that you occasionally hint to the player ("maybe if you tried xyz..." or "there must be a way to ...") that another option could lead to success. This is a very puzzle-y sort of signaling, which would have gone much farther if the player had more options (say, 5 or more) in each scenario. As it is currently, this signaling is a bit redundant because there are only a couple of options in each scenario, so the player doesn't have to think too hard about their next attempt! Something to consider if you plan to revisit this twine again. Great job on the satirical and humorous tone; I think your classmates will have a lot of fun with this!
This really felt like I'm the Lupin lol. I finished this game kind of quick but I had to try again several times in some passages. It kinda felt like I had to choose the options most disgusting or dirty where the guards won't look, or do stuff that is really out of ordinary to progress which all felt fun! The dribbling part and peeing my pants part cracked me lol.
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